A-H.A Conquest

Revision as of 14:18, 18 February 2023 by Shimapan (talk | contribs) (some basic info and external link)
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Full Name: A-H.A占領戦

English Name: A-H.A Occupation Battle

Event Summary



Japanese Version


Additional new separate content/updates alongside the Event:

  • Raid ranking spot has been increased.
    • Platinum: No. 1 ~ 15000 (+5000)
    • Gold: No. 15001 ~ 80000 (+15000)
    • Silver: No. 80001 ~ 180000 (+40000)
    • Bronze: No. 180001 onward.
  • Drop rate of T2-T4 equipment blueprints will be increased in some Normal mission stages.
  • New furniture interaction for Toki, Nagisa, and Koyuki.

Future system in development:

  • Extra Stage in some Normal Mission stages where players can farm certain OOParts.
  • Area 22 in Mission stage.
  • New Schedule Location D.U.
  • Change Terrain and Reset Ranking Bracket in Arena (PVP).


External Link

Twitter News/Updates
Increase in Raid Ranking
Increase Equipment BP Drop Rate
New Furniture Interaction
Koyuki Banner Details
Toki and Nagisa Banner Details
System in Development