Archive of Youth

Revision as of 01:16, 10 April 2024 by PetraMagna (talk | contribs) (new page; I think I created some unintentional rhymes and slant rhyme)
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Archive of Youth

Archive of Youth (Japanese: 青春のアーカイブ) is the opening song of Blue Archive the Animation.


  The following translation may contain inaccuracies and needs to be checked and corrected.

The copyright of the lyrics displayed here belongs to its copyright holders.

The sky blue archive
The sky blue archive
新しい景色が見たくて 自転車を漕いだ
To see new landscapes, I ride on my bike
ただ同じ場所で止まっている 日々から抜け出して
Just to break free from the days of staying in the same place
屋上サボって寝転んで 青空を見下ろした
Skipping school and lying down on the roof, we watch the blue sky
クジラみたいな雲が 形を変えていく
Clouds shaped like whales are constantly changing shape
返せないほどの 過去を抱えたまま
Carrying a past that we cannot return to
砂だらけの世界で 分け合うジュースの味
Sharing the taste of juice in a world full of sand
If I'm all by myself
If everyone is not with me
笑うことも 泣くこともできない
I would not be able to laugh or cry
We share a common destiny
世界中の 記憶がいつか
Even if one day the world's memories
砂のように 消えてしまっても
disappear like sand
空と海と 風と君がそこにあれば
As long as the sky, the sea, the wind, and you are here
Our youth will not end
守るべき理由は いつも単純明快
The reason to protect is always simple and clear
この場所が 私たちの
Because this place is our
たった1つの 居場所だから
only home