Haruka: Difference between revisions

18 bytes added ,  1 year ago
Updated Background section
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| ENText = <p>Rank-and-file member of Gehenna Academy's HandymanProblem Solver 68.</p><p>Due to her gloomy personality, she has always been teased, but was able to escape that fate thanks to Aru. Afterwards she has operated in HandymanProblem Solver 68 as a role akin to the youngest child in a family.<br>Despite her shyness and little self-esteem, it wouldn't be incorrect in saying she's the scariest among the erratic HandymanProblem Solver 68.</p>
| JPText = <p>ゲヘナ学園所属、便利屋68の平社員。</p><p>暗くて陰気な性格のため、幼い頃からずっといじめられてきたが、アルのおかげでいじめから逃れられるようになった少女。その後、末っ子的な立ち位置で便利屋68にて活動中。<br>内気で自尊心が低いが、その突飛な発想は便利屋の中で一番恐ろしいと言っても過言ではない。</p>