Nodoka (Hot Spring): Difference between revisions

(Cafe interaction info)
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| ENText = Nodoka is a student of Red Winter Federal Academy that was suspended from school and confined to Class No. 227 in the old school building, but somehow became the proprietress of "No. 227 Hot Spring Resort".<br>Newfound hot spring at the old school building has brought in unexpected wealth, however, her troubles seem to have only just begun as other students start to frequent the place, or interfere with business for various reasons.
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| JPText = レッドウィンター連邦学園所属、停学処分を受けて旧校舎227号特別クラスで謹慎中だったのだが、ひょんなことから「227号温泉郷」の女将となった生徒。<br>突如として旧校舎に湧いた温泉、それによって彼女は一気にお金持ちになることに。しかしその温泉にはレッドウィンターを始めとして個性的な生徒たちが次々と訪れ、あるいは様々な理由で営業妨害をしてくるために、相変わらず彼女の気苦労は絶えない様子。