Recruitment (Gacha)

Revision as of 00:20, 21 February 2021 by Shore (talk | contribs) (Initial creation.)
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The Recruit menu is where players can use Pyroxene, the game's premium currency, to roll for new characters.


Each single roll uses 120 Pyroxene that rolls at standard rates and gives 1 Call Point. A 10 roll uses 1200 Pyroxene with at least one roll being 2★ or better and gives 10 Call Points. Rates for 3★ characters are not boosted for rolling 10 at a time.


  • 1★ - 79%
  • 2★ - 18.5%
  • 3★ - 2.5%

Call Points

Call Points are given for each roll in both the standard and rate-up banner. Accumulating 300 of them allows the player to choose one character featured in the rate-up banner for direct recruitment. It is not mandatory to use them immediately once 300 have been obtained.

Picking a character that has already been recruited will instead give x50 God's Name Fragments(?). Once a rate-up period ends, all call points that are unredeemed are converted to Keystone Fragments for use in the Crafting Chamber.

Rate-Up Banner

This banner is opened by default in the Recruit menu and features at least 1 character that has an increased rate of recruitment from the pool.

A single character will have a boosted rate of 0.7%.

Standard Banner

This banner contains all non-limited characters including any characters featured on the rate-up banner provided they aren't limited with no increased rates applied for any.