Shiroko (Riding): Difference between revisions

Updated Background section
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| ENText = <p>The field captain of Abydos High School's Countermeasures Committee, who has changed into full riding gear. <br>Having changed out of her usual school uniform into a cycling jersey, Shiroko somehow has a brighter look on her face than usual. Her goal of riding the entire length of Kivotos is certainly an absurd one, yet Shiroko doesn't appear anxious about it - perhaps due to the presence of a partner she can rely on.</p>
| JPText = <p>アビドス高等学校所属、ライディング用の本格的な格好に着替えた、アビドス対策委員会の切り込み隊長。<br/p><p>いつもの制服を脱ぎ、気合を入れてサイクルジャージへと着替えた彼女は、心なしか普段より晴れやかな顔をしている。「キヴォトス縦断」というとんでもない目標を口にした彼女だったが、頼れるパートナーがいるからか、どうやら本人には不安も心配も無い様子。</p>