Normal lines[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Title | ブルー…アーカイブ… |
Blue...Archive... | |
Gachaget | 夢かと思った、今この瞬間…。 |
I never thought this moment would happen. I'll be working with you from now on, Sensei. | |
Cafe_monolog_1 | なんだか眠たくなるような |
This place is so comfy that I could see myself taking a nap here. | |
Cafe_monolog_2 | 夢を見てる気分なの。 |
It feels like I'm dreaming. I wonder why... | |
Cafe_Act_1 | あはは! |
Ahahaha! Ah, whew... All that laughing wore me out. | |
Cafe_Act_2 | わ~ここなら |
Wow! I think I can get a good rest here. | |
Cafe_Act_3 | うふふふっ。 |
Heeheehee. A new pillow should be arriving soon. I can't wait. | |
Cafe_Act_4 | あはは!さ、さっき…! |
Ahahaha! In the dream I just had, Sensei was... Oh my goodness, it was too funny! Ahaha! | |
Cafe_Act_5 | あはは!あ~よく寝た! |
Ahahaha! I slept great. Hmm? You've never seen me like this before? | |
LogIn_1 | ふぁ~。 え?朝じゃない? 別にいいでしょ~ |
*yawn* G'morning, Sensei. Huh? It's not morning? Who cares...? | |
LogIn_2 | ふあ。先生…ごめん… 先生も…ここに横になる? |
Zzz. Sorry, Sensei... I think I need some more sleep. Do you wanna lie down too...Sensei? | |
Lobby_1 | ふあー…あれ? |
*yawn* Huh? When did you get here, Sensei? | |
Lobby_2 | 昼寝にちょうど 一旦寝て起きたら、もっと |
Now's the perfect time for a nap... I think we'd both be more productive...after a good nap. | |
Lobby_3 | 夜に何をしてたら ふふっ。先生になら |
What am I never able to get a good night's rest? Heh heh. Should I tell you, Sensei? | |
Lobby_4 | ふぁ…ん…。 起きてから一番 …いいね。 |
Well... It's hard to sleep when I know that I get to see you when I wake up. I'm so happy. | |
Lobby_5 | (このまま時間が止まって |
(I wish this moment could last forever. I feel so comfy.) | |
Season_Birthday_Player | お誕生日おめでとう先生。 私が膝枕してあげるから |
Happy birthday, Sensei. Care to take a celebratory birthday nap? *yawn* You can use my lap as a pillow. | |
Season_Birthday | 今日が… 記念にもっと寝ないと… |
Today is...my birthday? What better way to celebrate than by sleeping in more? | |
Season_NewYear | 明けましておめでとう。 |
Happy New Year. My resolution is to wake up earlier this year. | |
Season_Xmas | クリスマスは好き…。 百鬼夜行では少し たくさんの人が |
I love Christmas... It's not a typical holiday in Hyakkiyako... ...but it's still a holy night that many people find joy during. | |
Season_Halloween | 今日は、眠るには 街に出ようよ、先生。 きっと起きてても、 |
It'd be a waste to sleep today. Let's go outside, Sensei. It's going to feel like a dreamscape, even when we're awake. | |
ExWeapon_Get | この武器は……夢なのかな…… |
This weapon is... Is this a dream? It must be! |
Memorial lobby[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
MemorialLobby_1 | 先生… |
Sensei. You're here... | |
MemorialLobby_2 | うん、今は修行中…。 |
Yup. It's training. I was meditating... | |
MemorialLobby_3 | 居眠りしてたんじゃないの、 違うよ…。 |
You think I was just dozing off...? Not at all. This is all part of my training... | |
MemorialLobby_4 | 近場にこんな、 幸せ。まるで、 この幸せも、全部、 |
I didn't expect to find such a good training spot nearby. I'm so happy. It feels like a dream... Am I this happy thanks to you, Sensei? | |
MemorialLobby_5 | ん…ほら、 私と一緒に…。 …寝よ? |
Mmm! Don't just stand there, Sensei. Let's lie down and... ...nap together. |
Tactics and growth[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Formation_In_1 | 分かった……今起きるから。 |
Alright, I'll get up already. | |
Formation_In_2 | ふぁ~、それじゃまた帰ってきてから寝るね。 |
Fuwah...alright, I'll sleep once we get back. | |
Formation_Select | ふむ。 |
Hmm, this is surprisingly cozy? | |
Tactic_Defeat_1 | ご…ごめん、ちょっと居眠りしてた。 |
S...sorry, I dozed off. | |
Tactic_Defeat_2 | 眠ってたつもりだったけど、気絶してたんだね。 |
I thought I was falling asleep, but I was passing out. | |
Tactic_In_1 | ふぁ~…… |
Fuwah...I wonder if they just don't get enough sleep? | |
Tactic_In_2 | んー、しゅっぱーつ……頑張って…… |
Alright, off you go. Do your best~...eh? I'm going too? | |
Tactic_Victory_1 | お疲れ様、先生。 |
Good work, Sensei. Can I go to sleep now? | |
Tactic_Victory_2 | ふぁ~……終わった。終わったよ~ |
Ah, it's done, it's over~. Good night~. | |
Battle_Buffed_1 | 私の出番だね。 |
Looks like I'm up. | |
Battle_BuffSelf_1 | うわぁ、力を感じる。 |
Uwah, I feel powerful. | |
Battle_Damage_1 | |||
Battle_Damage_2 | 痛い。 |
Ouch. | |
Battle_Damage_3 | いたっ。 |
Ow. | |
Battle_Defense_1 | ……邪魔だなあ。 |
What a nuisance. | |
Battle_In_1 | 私の後に付いてきて。 |
Follow behind me. | |
Battle_In_2 | 私が前に立つね。 |
I'll stand up front. | |
Battle_Move_1 | ここはもう安全。 |
It's safe here now. | |
Battle_Move_2 | 早く終わらせて寝たい~ |
I wanna finish this up and sleep. | |
Battle_Recovery_1 | あ~り~が~と~~ |
Thank you~. | |
Battle_Retire | 眠い。 |
I'm sleepy. | |
Battle_Shout_1 | |||
Battle_Shout_2 | 進め。 |
Advance. | |
Battle_Shout_3 | |||
Battle_TacticalAction_1 | ちょっと位置変わるね。 |
Changing up my position. | |
Battle_Victory_1 | ふぅ……はぁ~~ |
Phew...I'm glad I could be helpful. | |
Battle_Victory_2 | ふぅ……はぁ~~ |
Phew...now I can sleep in peace. | |
CommonSkill | 傷?寝て起きたら治るよ。 |
My wounds? They'll be fine once I sleep them off. | |
ExSkill_1 | よっと……じゃあ行こっか~。 |
Hup, now let's get going. | |
ExSkill_2 | 守らなきゃいけないものがあるの! |
I have something I need to protect. | |
ExSkill_3 | さあ~、修行の成果を見せるよ! |
Now, let me show you the results of my training. | |
ExSkill_Level_1 | 誰も私の昼寝は…… |
I won't let you get in the way of my afternoon nap...I mean, in Sensei's way. | |
ExSkill_Level_2 | 私が先頭に立つよ。 |
I'll take the lead. Let's go. | |
ExSkill_Level_3 | 痛くな~い |
It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt. | |
Growup_1 | うん?よく眠れたからか、 |
Hmm? Maybe it's because I sleep so well, but I feel like I've gotten stronger. | |
Growup_2 | やっぱり……先生といる時は…… |
I always feel energized with you around, Sensei. | |
Growup_3 | 今なら……冬眠もできそう。 |
Now, I feel like I could even hibernate. | |
Growup_4 | 夢を見るのもいいけど…… |
Dreams are good and all, but I want to make those dreams with you come true, Sensei. | |
Relationship_Up_1 | 暖かい日差し、フカフカの枕、柔らかい布団。 |
Warm sunshine, fluffy pillows, a soft futon, and Sensei. Nice. | |
Relationship_Up_2 | 世界で一番嫌いなもの?目覚まし時計。 |
The thing I hate most in the world is the alarm clock...but I wouldn't hate your voice, Sensei. | |
Relationship_Up_3 | わ、私だって一応本気を出す時はあるよ……。 |
Even I have times where I go all out, like when I'm fighting or when I'm with you, Sensei. | |
Relationship_Up_4 | 幸せだけど怖い。 |
I'm happy, but I'm scared that this moment is just a dream that I'm gonna wake up from. |