
Revision as of 07:34, 25 April 2024 by Nes370 (talk | contribs)
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Mission Objectives Reward
⭐ Mission Complete
⭐ Acquire S rank 6 times
⭐ Clear Stage within 7 turns
Challenge Reward
✔ Clear stage within 5 turns 5Novice Activity ReportNovice Activity Report
Team Setup Attack Type Enemy Type Start Point
Team A Explosive Light Top
Team B Piercing Heavy Left
Team C Mystic Special Bottom
Team D Sonic Elastic Right
Turn Phase Actions
Turn 1 Player
  • Move Team A to the top right.
  • Attack enemy to the left of Team B .
  • Swap Team C with Team B .
  • Move Team C to the bottom left.
  • Attack enemy above Team D .
  • Team A will be attacked by enemy to the top left.
  • Team D will be teleported to start.
  • Team C will be attacked by Boss .