Chise/audio: Difference between revisions

5 bytes added ,  2 months ago
(Generated character audio page)
(2 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 11:
| Title
| [[File:Chise_Title.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ブルーアーカイブ</p>
| <p>Blue Archive</p>
| Gachaget
| [[File:Chise_Gachaget.ogg]]<br>
| <p>えーっと…<br>それで、今から何をすればいいの?</p>
| <p>Um... So, what should we do now?</p>
| Cafe_monolog_1
| [[File:Chise_Cafe_monolog_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>さっきのあれ…夢、<br>だったのかな?</p>
| <p>Was that...a dream?</p>
| Cafe_monolog_2
| [[File:Chise_Cafe_monolog_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>だるい…。</p>
| <p>I'm so tired...</p>
| Cafe_monolog_3
| [[File:Chise_Cafe_monolog_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>象さんをカフェで飼うためには…。</p>
| <p>Gotta get the elephant into the cafe...</p>
| Cafe_Act_1
| [[File:Chise_Cafe_Act_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ん、んん?</p>
| <p>Um...</p>
| Cafe_Act_2
| [[File:Chise_Cafe_Act_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ふぁーあ…。</p>
| <p>*yawn*</p>
| LogIn_1
| [[File:Chise_LogIn_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>先生、来たんだ?<br>うん…てきとうに座って。</p>
| <p>Sensei, you're here. Mm... Sit anywhere you like.</p>
| LogIn_2
| [[File:Chise_LogIn_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>…私のことは<br>気にしないで、<br>仕事してて。</p>
| <p>Don't worry about me. Just do your thing.</p>
| Lobby_1
| [[File:Chise_Lobby_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>…空が青いね。</p>
| <p>The sky is so blue.</p>
| Lobby_2
| [[File:Chise_Lobby_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>悪霊退散、悪霊退散。</p>
| <p>Evil spirits, begone, evil spirits, begone...</p>
| Lobby_3
| [[File:Chise_Lobby_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>先生は…<br>家に帰らないの?</p>
| <p>Sensei...aren't you going home?</p>
| Lobby_4
| [[File:Chise_Lobby_4.ogg]]<br>
| <p>先生、私、俳句を<br>詠んでみたんだけど<br>…聞く?</p>
| <p>Sensei, I tried writing a haiku. Would you care to hear it?</p>
| Lobby_5
| [[File:Chise_Lobby_5.ogg]]<br>
| <p>お昼には<br>とり天食べた<br>名古屋めし</p>
| <p>For my lunch today<br>I ate some good fried chicken<br>made in Nagoya.</p>
| Season_Birthday_Player
| [[File:Chise_Season_Birthday_Player.ogg]]<br>
| <p>お誕生日<br>おめでとう、先生。</p><p>今日が誕生日って<br>いうことは…</p><p>先生が生まれた日は、<br>今日ってこと?</p>
| <p>Happy birthday, Sensei.</p><p>If today's your birthday...</p><p>Does that mean you're a year older now?</p>
| Season_Birthday
| [[File:Chise_Season_Birthday.ogg]]<br>
| <p>今日が私の誕生日…?<br>本当に…?</p>
| <p>Today is my birthday? Really...?</p>
| Season_NewYear
| [[File:Chise_Season_NewYear.ogg]]<br>
| <p>初夢にトマトが<br>出て来たけど…</p><p>これは、縁起良いのかな?</p>
| <p>I saw a tomato in my first dream of the new year...</p><p>Could that mean some luck is coming my way soon?</p>
| Season_Xmas
| [[File:Chise_Season_Xmas.ogg]]<br>
| <p>サンタクロースは、<br>誰が悪い子なのか<br>知ってるの?</p><p>それ…<br>なまはげじゃない?</p>
| <p>How does Santa Claus know which kids have been bad?</p><p>Is that...a namahage?</p>
| Season_Halloween
| [[File:Chise_Season_Halloween.ogg]]<br>
| <p>カボチャスープ<br>飲みたいな…。</p>
| <p>I wanna eat some pumpkin soup...</p>
| ExWeapon_Get
| [[File:Chise_ExWeapon_Get.ogg]]<br>
| <p>これ……私の?</p>
| <p>This is...mine?</p>
Line 121:
| MemorialLobby_1
| [[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_1_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_1_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ようこそ、先生。<br>ここは静かだから…<br>俳句を作るのに<br>ちょうど良くて。</p>
| <p>Welcome, Sensei.<br> It's quiet here...<br> Perfect for writing a haiku.</p>
| MemorialLobby_2
| [[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_2_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_2_2.ogg]]<br>[[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_2_3.ogg]]<br>[[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_2_4.ogg]]<br>
| <p>今日は先生と一緒で…<br>すごく楽しかった。</p><p>それで私、<br>気づいたの。</p><p>私が作りたかった俳句、<br>それは…。</p><p>今日ずっと感じていた<br>この気持ちを、<br>込めたものだったんだって。</p>
| <p>Sensei, spending time with you was a lot of fun.</p><p>And that made me realize something.</p><p>The haiku I wanted to write...</p><p>It'll be about what I felt today.</p>
| MemorialLobby_3
| [[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_3_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_3_2.ogg]]<br>[[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_3_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>日は暮れど</p><p>今なお続く</p><p>音ふたつ</p>
| <p>As the sun goes down,</p><p>the quiet footsteps of two</p><p>continue to move</p>
| MemorialLobby_4
| [[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_4_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_4_2.ogg]]<br>[[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_4_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>…先生と一緒なら、<br>まだまだいくつでも、</p><p>詠めそうな気がする。</p><p>次もまた、<br>付き合ってくれる?</p>
| <p>I think I can keep writing meaningful haiku like this</p><p>as long as I'm with you, Sensei.</p><p>Let's hang out again, okay?</p>
| MemorialLobby_5
| [[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_5_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_5_2.ogg]]<br>[[File:Chise_MemorialLobby_5_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>あ…先生、見て。</p><p>月、綺麗だね。</p><p>本当に、綺麗…。</p>
| <p>Oh... Sensei, look over there.</p><p>Isn't the moon beautiful?</p><p>It really is beautiful...</p>
Line 157:
| Formation_In_1
| [[File:Chise_Formation_In_1.ogg]]
| <p>!蝶々だ。</p>
| <p>Oh! A butterfly.</p>
Line 172:
| Tactic_Defeat_1
| [[File:Chise_Tactic_Defeat_1.ogg]]
| <p>もう少しちゃんとしてれば…。</p>
| <p>If only I had done better.</p>
Line 182:
| Tactic_In_1
| [[File:Chise_Tactic_In_1.ogg]]
| <p>遠足に行くの~?…違う?</p>
| <p>We're going on a trip? No?</p>
Line 222:
| Battle_Damage_2
| [[File:Chise_Battle_Damage_2.ogg]]
| イタ…。
Line 232:
| Battle_Defense_1
| [[File:Chise_Battle_Defense_1.ogg]]
| <p>何か当たった?</p>
| <p>Something hit me?</p>
Line 247:
| Battle_Move_1
| [[File:Chise_Battle_Move_1.ogg]]
| <p>行こうか</p>
| <p>Let's go.</p>
Line 257:
| Battle_Recovery_1
| [[File:Chise_Battle_Recovery_1.ogg]]
| <p>ああ!ありがとう。</p>
| <p>Ah! Thank you.</p>
Line 277:
| Battle_Shout_3
| [[File:Chise_Battle_Shout_3.ogg]]
| <p>よいしょ!</p>
| <p>Huff!</p>
| Battle_TacticalAction_1
| [[File:Chise_Battle_TacticalAction_1.ogg]]
| <p>動くね。</p>
| <p>Moving ahead.</p>
| Battle_Victory_1
| [[File:Chise_Battle_Victory_1.ogg]]
| <p>なんか…、いつのまにか終わったね。</p>
| <p>At some point it was over, I think.</p>
| Battle_Victory_2
| [[File:Chise_Battle_Victory_2.ogg]]
| <p>今倒したの敵だった?</p>
| <p>Was that the enemy we defeated just now?</p>
| CommonSkill
| [[File:Chise_CommonSkill.ogg]]
| <p>一発必中~。</p>
| <p>One shot is all it takes.</p>
| ExSkill_1
| [[File:Chise_ExSkill_1.ogg]]
| <p>ん~、よし。</p>
| <p>All right.</p>
| ExSkill_2
| [[File:Chise_ExSkill_2.ogg]]
| <p>おー、なるほど。</p>
| <p>I see.</p>
| ExSkill_3
| [[File:Chise_ExSkill_3.ogg]]
| <p>おー、分かった。</p>
| <p>I get it now!</p>
| ExSkill_Level_1
| [[File:Chise_ExSkill_Level_1.ogg]]
| <p>とりあえず燃やそか。</p>
| <p>So I should just burn them?</p>
Line 327:
| ExSkill_Level_3
| [[File:Chise_ExSkill_Level_3.ogg]]
| <p>く。</p>
| <p>Take this!</p>
| Growup_1
| [[File:Chise_Growup_1.ogg]]
| <p>これ食べられるの</p>
| <p>Can you eat this?</p>
| Growup_2
| [[File:Chise_Growup_2.ogg]]
| <p>、体中に何か神秘的な力が</p>
| <p>Oh, some mysterious power is going through my body.</p>
| Growup_3
| [[File:Chise_Growup_3.ogg]]
| <p>強くなった、…のかな</p>
| <p>I got stronger?</p>
| Growup_4
| [[File:Chise_Growup_4.ogg]]
| <p>できれば戦車みたいに強くなりたい。</p>
| <p>If possible, I want to become as strong as a tank.</p>
Line 353:
| [[File:Chise_Relationship_Up_1.ogg]]
| <p>先生と一緒に過ごす時間は何だか、夢を見てるみたい。</p>
| <p>The time I spend with my teacherSensei feels like I'm dreaming.</p>
| Relationship_Up_2
| [[File:Chise_Relationship_Up_2.ogg]]
| <p>先生のためなら悪い子になってもいい。</p>
| <p>I can become a bad girl for you, Sensei.</p>
| Relationship_Up_3
| [[File:Chise_Relationship_Up_3.ogg]]
| <p>これが幸せの味…、なのかな。</p>
| <p>Is this the taste of happiness?</p>