
Revision as of 16:56, 15 May 2024 by NatCracken (talk | contribs) (Clean up clear route instructions)
Cost20 AP
Rec. Level55




First Clear     
Main Drops  40.0% 100.0% 20.0% 90.0% 90.0%
Other Drops  400~1600 20.0% 40.0% 15.0% 30.0% 15.0% 30.0%


Mission Objectives Reward
Mission Complete
Acquire S rank 4 times
Clear stage within 5 turns
30 Pyroxene
Challenge Reward
✔ Clear stage within 4 turns 5000 Credits
30 Pyroxene


There is no clear route that perfectly matches team synergies, gets 3 stars, and the gift. The below is a clear route that gets 3 stars and the gift, with one synergy mismatch. After that is a clear route that matches synergies, but can only get either the gift or 3 stars on each attempt.

  • Greedy Clear (Get everything in 1 clear, 1 synergy mismatch)
    • Setup
      • Sweep Team left. (2 battle; Mystic and Explosive)
      • Boss Team right. (2 battles; Explosive)
    • Turn 1
      • Attack enemy below Sweep Team.
      • Move Boss Team down-left.
    • Turn 2
      • Attack enemy below Boss Team.
      • Move Sweep Team down-left.
    • Turn 3
      • Move Sweep Team up-right.
      • Move Boss Team right.
    • Turn 4
      • Move Sweep Team up-right.
      • Collect the gift with the Boss Team.
    • Turn 4
      • Attack enemy right of Sweep Team.
      • Defeat the boss with Boss Team for a 3-turn clear.
  • Safe Clear (miss 3 star or gift, all syngergies match)
    • Setup
      • Sweep Team left. (1 battle; Mystic)
      • Boss Team right. (3 battles; Explosive)
    • Turn 1
      • Attack enemy below Sweep Team.
      • Attack enemy left of Boss Team.
    • Turn 2
      • Move Sweep Team down-left, Sweep team is ignored from here on
      • Move Boss Team down-right.
    • Turn 3
      • Attack enemy below Boss Team.
    • Turn 4
      • Move Boss Team right.
    • Turn 5 and 6
      • Defeat the boss with Boss Team for a 5-turn clear.
      • Or
      • Collect the gift with the Boss Team, then defeat the boss with Boss Team for a 6-turn clear.