Fuuka (New Year)/audio: Difference between revisions

(Generated character audio page)
Line 292:
| ExSkill_Level_1
| [[File:Fuuka_(New_Year)_ExSkill_Level_1.ogg]]
| <p>給食部の特おせちです。</p>
|This is a special osechi from the school lunch club.
| <p>Here's the School Lunch Club's special osechi.</p>
| ExSkill_Level_2
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| Growup_2
| [[File:Fuuka_(New_Year)_Growup_2.ogg]]
| <p>これを私に…。頂いても良いのでしょうか?</p>
|Are you going to give me this...? <p>Can I really have thisit?</p>
| Growup_3
| [[File:Fuuka_(New_Year)_Growup_3.ogg]]
| <p>どうしましょう、お返しできるものが何も…え?すでにもらっている?</p>
| <p>What should I do? I have nothing to give back... eh? I already have?</p>
Line 327:
| Relationship_Up_1
| [[File:Fuuka_(New_Year)_Relationship_Up_1.ogg]]
| <p>何かあったらいつでも声をかけてくださいね。いつでもですよ。</p>
|Please feel free to call me if you need anything. ...Anytime.
| <p>If anything happens, please call me at any time. Any time is fine.</p>
| Relationship_Up_2
| [[File:Fuuka_(New_Year)_Relationship_Up_2.ogg]]
| <p>先生と一緒に過ごす日々は私にとってかけがえのない時間なんです。</p>
| <p>The days me and Sensei spend together are irreplaceable to me.</p>
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| Relationship_Up_4
| [[File:Fuuka_(New_Year)_Relationship_Up_4.ogg]]
| <p>先生に伝えたい言葉があるんです。いつか伝えるので待っていてくれますか?</p>
| <p>Sensei, there's one thing I have to say to you. I'll say it someday so, until then will you wait for me?</p>