Hasumi (Sportswear)/audio: Difference between revisions

Generated character audio page
(Added battle voices and translations using MTL(automated)(v5 override punctuation))
(Generated character audio page)
Line 13:
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Title.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ブルーアーカイブ</p>
| <p>Blue archiveArchive.</p>
| Gachaget
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Gachaget.ogg]]<br>
| <p>あら、先生。こちらでもお会いしましたね。<br>トリニティ総合学園、正義実現委員会の羽川ハスミ。<br>この度はトリニティを代表して実行委員を務めることになりました。<br>何卒よろしくお願いいたします。</p>
| <p>Ah, Sensei. I didn't expect to see you here. Hanekawa Hasumi of the Trinity General School's Justice Task Force, reporting for duty. As of now, I'm representing Trinity on the Executive Committee. I look forward to working with you.</p>
| <p>Oh, teacher.I met here too.Trinity Gakuen, Hanagawa Hanakawa Hanagawa of the justice realization committee.This time, I will be the executive committee member on behalf of Trinity.Thank you for your cooperation.</p>
| Cafe_monolog_1
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Cafe_monolog_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>…よく片付いた<br>場所ですね。</p>
| <p>...It's ’s acertainly well -cleaned placeorganized.</p>
| Cafe_monolog_2
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Cafe_monolog_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>競技場でもないのに<br>こんな格好でいるのは<br>変でしょうか…?</p>
| <p>It's not a stadium, but <br> is...Is it strangeweird to be likewearing this ...outfit outside the stadium?</p>
| Cafe_monolog_3
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Cafe_monolog_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>あ…あれは…?</p>
| <p>AhHuh? ...Is that ...??</p>
| Cafe_monolog_4
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Cafe_monolog_4.ogg]]<br>
| <p>いつもと違って、<br>ちょっと走りたく<br>なりますね。</p>
| <p>UnlikeI don't usually feel this usualway, but I wanthave the urge to rungo on a littlerun all of a <br>sudden.</p>
| Cafe_monolog_5
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Cafe_monolog_5.ogg]]<br>
| <p>(ううっ…<br>ダイエットの<br>大敵が…)</p>
| <p>(Uh Ugh... <br> Dieting <br>A greatdiet's enemiesworst enemy...)</p>
| LogIn_1
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_LogIn_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>お待ちしておりました、先生。<br>本日の試合日程はこちらです。</p>
| <p>I've wasbeen waiting for you, the teacherSensei.<br> ClickLet's take a herelook forat today's matchevent schedule.</p>
| LogIn_2
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_LogIn_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>お疲れ様です、先生。<br>今日はどんな日でしたか?</p>
| <p>CongratulationsWelcome, teacherSensei.<br> WhatHow kindhas ofyour day was it todaybeen?</p>
| Lobby_1
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Lobby_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>この格好だと、<br>普段より動きやすいからか</p><p>少しだけ浮かれて<br>しまっているような気がします。</p>
| <p>Maybe it's just because this outfit is so much more comfortable to move around in compared to what I usually wear...</p><p>But I'm always in a good mood when I'm wearing this.</p>
| <p>With this style, I feel like I'm <br> floating a little because it's easier to move than usual.</p>
| Lobby_2
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Lobby_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>浮かれすぎるのは<br>良くないですが…<br>少しだけなら…。</p>
| <p>ItI shouldn'st notlet goodmyself to floatget too much,excited... butWhich ifmeans it'sletting myself get a little excited should be okay...</p>
| Lobby_3
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Lobby_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>結構運動したからか、<br>少しお腹が空いてきたような…</p>
| <p>Because I exercised quite'm a bit, <br>hungry... Hopefully it's just because I've wasbeen amoving littlearound hungryso much today...</p>
| Lobby_4
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Lobby_4.ogg]]<br>
| <p>運動はいつやっても<br>良いものです。健康な体には、<br>健康な精神が宿るのですから。</p>
| <p>Exercise is always good.A healthyfor more than just your body. hasYou can't have a healthysound spiritmind without a sound body.</p>
| Lobby_5
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Lobby_5.ogg]]<br>
| <p>先生、もしよろしければ…<br>レモンの蜂蜜漬けなど、<br>いかがでしょう?</p>
| <p>Teacher, ifIf you like want... <br>Would like to try some of Howthe abouthoneyed lemonlemons honeyI picklesmade?</p>
| Season_Birthday_Player
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Season_Birthday_Player.ogg]]<br>
| <p>お誕生日<br>おめでとうございます、先生。</p><p>今日という日を<br>先生と迎えられてとても<br>嬉しく思います。</p><p>…何か欲しいものでも<br>ありますか?</p>
| <p>BirthdayHappy <br> Congratulationsbirthday, teacherSensei.<br/p><p> I'm verypositively happyelated to be greetedspending bya theday teachersuch today.…as Isthis there anythingwith you, want Sensei.<br/p><p>...Are you looking for something?</p>
| Season_Birthday
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Season_Birthday.ogg]]<br>
| <p>…私の誕生日ですか?</p><p>業務に追われすぎて、<br>完全に頭から抜けておりました。</p><p>覚えていてくださって<br>ありがとうございます、先生。</p>
| <p>… Is it my...My birthday? </p><p>I've wasbeen tooso busybogged withdown myby work, andthat I wasit completely out ofslipped my headmind.</p><p>Thank you for remembering, teacherSensei.</p>
| Season_NewYear
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Season_NewYear.ogg]]<br>
| <p>明けまして<br>おめでとうございます、先生。</p><p>今年も運動を重ねて<br>身体を鍛え、健康な一年を<br>過ごせるよう努力いたします。</p>
| <p>CongratulationsHappy New Year, the teacherSensei.This</p><p>My year,resolution wethis willyear continueis to exercisecontinue <br>focusing to trainon ourmy body and spend a healthy yearhealth.</p>
| Season_Xmas
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Season_Xmas.ogg]]<br>
| <p>メリークリスマスです、先生。<br>もしよろしければ、一緒に<br>お出かけでもいかがでしょう?</p>
| <p>MerryA very merry Christmas to you, teacherSensei.<br> If you likewere free, howI aboutwas goingthinking outwe could go somewhere together tomorrow?</p>
| Season_Halloween
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_Season_Halloween.ogg]]<br>
| <p>この格好もハロウィンの仮装…<br>に見えるでしょうか。</p><p>先生がそう思うのでしたら、<br>私からは何も…ええ。</p>
| <p>Does this outfit look like Halloween costume ...too Halloween?<br/p><p>?If thethat's teacherhow thinksyou sofeel, <br>Sensei, fromthen meI suppose... yeah.</p>
| ExWeapon_Get
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_ExWeapon_Get.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ありがとうございます、先生。<br>まるで優勝旗をいただいたような気分です。<br>先生が一緒にいてくださる以上、<br>今後も負けることはありません。<br>ですので、これからも<br>よろしくお願いいたしますね。</p>
| <p>thankThank you, teacherSensei.<br> I feel like I've gotjust received a championship flagbanner.<br> As long as the teacher isyou're with me, I will notcan't lose. inI thehope future.<br>I So,can thankcontinue youto incount theon your support, futureSensei.</p>
=Memorial lobby=
Line 123:
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ううん…うぅっ…<br>くっ…ふっ…!</p>
| <p>Um... Ugh... Argh... Ugh!</p>
| MemorialLobby_2
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_2_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_2_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>分かってはいましたが…<br>やはり難しいようですね。</p><p>先生、すみません…<br>ご覧の通り、このような<br>状況となってしまいまして…</p>
| <p>As I suspected... It's simply more than I can handle.</p><p>I apologize, Sensei. As you can see...the situation is quite...</p>
| MemorialLobby_3
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_3_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_3_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>そうでなくても<br>お忙しいのに…</p><p>余計にお手間を<br>おかけしてしまって、<br>申し訳ございません。</p>
| <p>I'm sure you already have a lot on your plate...</p><p>And now I feel that I've inadvertently put you in an awkward position. I'm terribly sorry.</p>
| MemorialLobby_4
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_4_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_4_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>去年まではよく<br>着ていた服のはずなのに…</p><p>どうして…<br>一年の間にこのような…。</p>
| <p>I used to wear this all the time... Up until last year.</p><p>How could so much have changed in such a short time?</p>
| MemorialLobby_5
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_5_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_5_2.ogg]]<br>[[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_5_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>い、いえ、<br>あまり大きな違いは…。</p><p>その…あまり、<br>体重は変わってないはず…<br>なのですが</p><p>た、たぶん…。</p>
| <p>Oh, uh, I mean... It's not that much of a difference...</p><p>It's just... I refuse to believe that my weight changed that much....</p><p>Absolutely no way... Right?</p>
=Event lines=
Line 158:
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventLogin_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>お待ちしておりました、<br>先生。準備は<br>よろしいですか?</p>
| <p>IYou're was waiting for youhere, <br>Sensei. teacher.Are you ready?</p>
| EventLogin_2
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventLogin_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ちょうど試合が<br>始まるところです。<br>一緒に参りましょうか。</p>
| <p>It'sThe justgames whereare theabout gameto beginsbegin.<br> ShallLet's weget comegoing, togethershall we?</p>
| EventLogin_Season_1
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventLogin_Season_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>結構盛り上がって<br>いますね。</p><p>これなら、<br>「晄輪大祭」は成功……<br>と考えてもいいですね。</p>
| <p>It'sEverything quiteis exciting.Inin this case,full swing.<br/p><p>I thethink "Karinaiit's Festival"safe isto call this Kivotos Halo Festival a success ... <BR>.Don't you agree?</p>
| EventLogin_Season_2
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventLogin_Season_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>「晄輪大祭」も大詰めを<br>迎えていますね。</p><p>最後まで<br>頑張りましょう。</p>
| <p>TheWe're "Rinwareentering Festival"the isfinal alsostretch crowdedof the Kivotos Halo Festival.<br/p>.<brp> Let's domake our bestsure to thefinish endstrong.</p>
| EventLogin_Season_End
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventLogin_Season_End.ogg]]<br>
| <p>先生のおかげで、<br>「晄輪大祭」は大成功を<br>収めることができました。</p><p>本当に<br>お疲れ様でした。</p>
| <p>ThanksThe toKivotos theHalo teacher,Festival <br>was thea "Rinwaremassive Festival"success wasthanks veryto successfulyou, Sensei.</p><p>Thank you veryfor muchall <br>your hard work.</p>
| EventLobby_1
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventLobby_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>せ、先生……?</p>
| <p>See, teacher ...Sensei?</p>
| EventLobby_2
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventLobby_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>そ、そんなに<br>見つめられても……。</p>
| <p>Well, even ifIf you arekeep staring soat me muchlike that...</p>
| EventLobby_3
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventLobby_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>そろそろ出発の<br>お時間ですよ……。</p>
| <p>It's about time towe started leaveheading <br>out...</p>
| EventLobby_4
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventLobby_4.ogg]]<br>
| <p>何か必要なものでも<br>ありますか?</p>
| <p>Is there anythingsomething you need?</p>
| EventMission_Login_1
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventMission_Login_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>試合の記録を確認しますか?</p>
| <p>WouldYou you likewant to checktake thea recordlook ofat the match records?</p>
| EventMission_Login_2
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventMission_Login_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>進行状況を整理しました。<br> 確認しますか?</p>
| <p>TheI progresshave hasa beensummary organizedright here.<br> DoWould you wantlike to checktake a look?</p>
| EventMission_1
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventMission_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>えっと……現在お見せ<br>できるのはこれで全てです。</p>
| <p>WellFor ...now, this is everythingall I canhave to show <br> nowyou...</p>
| EventMission_2
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventMission_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>他に確認したいことでも<br>ありますか……?</p>
| <p>DoIs you have anythere otheranything thingselse you'd wantlike to checksee?</p>
| EventMission_Get_1
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventMission_Get_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>確認しました。<br>素晴らしい記録ですね。</p>
| <p>confirmedGot it.<br> It'sWhat aan greatexcellent record.</p>
| EventMission_Get_2
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventMission_Get_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>これは……<br>新記録かもしれません。</p>
| <p>This... mayThis might be a new record.</p>
| EventMission_Day_End
| [[File:Hasumi_(Sportswear)_EventMission_Day_End.ogg]]<br>
| <p>本日の記録は以上です。</p>
| <p>ThatToday's itrecords forlook today'sgood to recordme.</p>
=Tactics and growth=