Hoshino (Swimsuit) Festival Banner FAQs

S. Hoshino Festival Banner

What and when is the festival banner? There's 100 free pulls?

The festival banner doubles the pull rate for 3* units (6%) and features Hoshino (Swimsuit). She's a limited must pull support. Wakamo can also drop (limited), but you can only spark S. Hoshino. The rates are 0.7% for S. Hoshino and 0.3% for Wakamo.
The banner starts after maintenance on 1/31 (Tue) and lasts about 5 days until 2/5 (Sun) 1:59 AM (UTC). You need to do 200 pulls to guarantee her (24k pyroxene worth). Any unused pull points will convert to minor crafting materials once the banner rotates.
The 100 free pulls start after S. Hoshino leaves, and S. Izuna & S. Chise swap in. The free pulls accumulate, but they will expire. Both students are limited. Go for S. Izuna for meta.

Who do I reroll for? How do I reroll?

Reroll Guide. Add SHoshino to must pull if rerolling during the festival banner

A good enough account is S. Hoshino + Iori or Hibiki + some essential 2*s (Iori is farmable). Or S. Hoshino, no Iori/Hibiki, but a bunch of good 3*s (see the reroll point guide). You can always aim for more, but keep in mind the festival banner only lasts about 5 days. There's also fifty five 3*s in the festival banner, so your chances at specific units are very slim. Try to do 10 pulls at a time to guarantee a 2* unit, and use all your free pulls after the tutorial.
How to reroll: Settings at the top right -> Account -> Reset Account.

Reroll Point guide to help choose between multiple accounts

Graplo's note on the Reroll Point guide: After rerolling, and settling with your ideal account, it is advised to not begin saving immediately, and spend more of the pyroxene you gain over the next few days on more rolls, in order to gain key 2 star characters that will greatly help with progressing. These are: Tsubaki, Mutsuki, Akari, Chise, Junko, Momoi, Serika. 2*s are not worth restarting accounts for, you'll get them all eventually.

Should I spark S. Hoshino more than once?

The general advice is 1 spark on S. Hoshino, and save for others you need. Score chasers want UE30+, while 3* is good enough for everyone else, even for insane. More stars is comfier. If she can’t tank, you bring a dedicated tank with her. If you grab S. Hoshino early, you can consider saving to spark others below.

Who’s meta and worth sparking?

Must pulls: Hoshino (Swimsuit), Ako and Himari. You can see how prominent they are in JP's top 10.
Highly recommended: S. Izuna, O. Nodoka, Koharu, B. Karin, Aris, Shun (pvp), Mika, etc.

Why these units? When will they come?

See Midokuni’s guide & the Raid Tier list for why, and Midokuni's and JP’s banners for when (can also use the pyro planner).

Can I pull my favorites instead?

Absolutely. Club & friend borrows make raiding even easier, but spark S. Hoshino, Ako, and Himari too for an easier gaming life. Find good clubs & friends in the recruitment channels on discord.

How can I plan my sparks?

Use the pyro planner. (Make a copy). You can get 12k pyro a month for F2P on average, or one spark every 2 months. New players get loads of one-time pyro rewards. You can earn a spark within 2 weeks or less.

What about the paid 3* selector ticket? Is it worth it?

Here are the details on the 3* selector ticket. It's about $25-$30, and they may sell it on S. Hoshino. The number one choice is Ako if you're missing her.

3* Selector Ticket info (farmables crossed out)

Dupes give a rate-up (100 elephs instead of 30), but I wouldn’t unless you’re a score chaser with a plan in mind. Avoid picking a farmable unit. Make sure you use it before it expires! "Is it worth it" is subjective. If you can only spend money once, it’s quite good. Otherwise, wait for Ako’s rerun.

I'm done rerolling, now what?

Check out Life's beginner guide and Midokuni’s "general" team building guide (several tabs in). Bump Serina to 2* and start the story.