Yuuka (Sportswear)/audio: Difference between revisions

Generated character audio page
(Added battle voices and translations using MTL(automated)(v3 auto translate JP only text))
(Generated character audio page)
Line 13:
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Title.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ブルーアーカイブ!</p>
| <p>Blue archiveArchive!</p>
| Gachaget
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Gachaget.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ふふっ……準備万端です。<br>今日の私の計算に、ミスはありませんよ!</p>
| <p>Fufu Haha... I'mAll readypreparations complete.<br> There iswon't be a nosingle mistakeerror in my calculationcalculations today!</p>
| Cafe_monolog_1
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Cafe_monolog_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ちょっと疲れた……<br>ここで休めるかな。</p>
| <p>I'm feeling a little tired drained... <br> I wonder if Inow's cana restgood time for a herebreak.</p>
| Cafe_monolog_2
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Cafe_monolog_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>普段から体調管理に<br>気をつけないと……。</p>
| <p>IIf haveyou todon't bestart carefultaking aboutcare physicalof conditionyour managementphysical fitness...</p>
| Cafe_monolog_3
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Cafe_monolog_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>このカフェ、面白い。<br>ちょっと計算外かも。</p>
| <p>This cafe is an interesting cafe.<br> It may be a little outAlso, ofvery calculationunexpected.</p>
| Cafe_monolog_4
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Cafe_monolog_4.ogg]]<br>
| <p>分かってはいたけど<br>運動って簡単じゃ<br>ないわね。</p>
| <p>I already knew <br>this, but wow... Exercise is not easy...</p>
| Cafe_monolog_5
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Cafe_monolog_5.ogg]]<br>
| <p>破産しないと<br>いいんだけど……。</p>
| <p>IAs long as we don't have to go completely bankrupt, we'll be fine. I hope.</p>
| LogIn_1
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_LogIn_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>おかえりなさい、先生。<br>お待ちしておりました。</p><p>……さあ、積もりに積もった<br>仕事が山ほどありますよ!</p>
| <p>Welcome back, teacherSensei.<br> WeI've arebeen waiting for you.......</p><p>Come Well, therenow! areThere's a lotmountain of work that has been piled up in theneeds accumulationdoing!</p>
| LogIn_2_1
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_LogIn_2_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>遅いですよ!</p>
| <p>ItYou'sre late!</p>
| LogIn_2_2
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_LogIn_2_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>……</p>
| <p>...</p>
| LogIn_2_3
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_LogIn_2_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>今回だけ、大目に見てあげます。</p><p>次からは、<br>早めに来てくださいね?</p>
| <p>OnlyI'll thislet time,you Ioff willthe tolerate ithook...From theBut nextonly this once!</p><p>You have to arrive on time, pleasefrom comenow earlyon, rightgot it?</p>
| Lobby_1
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Lobby_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>着替えるだけで、気分転換に<br>なるとよく言いますよね。</p><p>私は、<br>あまり分かりませんけど……</p><p>……ところで、<br>この格好、どうでしょう?</p>
| <p>You oftenI've sayheard that justsometimes changingall clothesit willtakes maketo youchange feelyour likemood is a changedifferent outfit.<br/p><p> I don'tm knownot muchactually sure of that, but...</p><p>...While I have it on... ByWhat thedo way,you howthink about this dressoutfit?</p>
| Lobby_2
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Lobby_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>会計として、選手として。</p><p>どちらに対しても<br>最善を尽くすだけです。</p>
| <p>As ana accountingtreasurer, and as aan playerathlete...Only <br/p><p>...all doI yourcan bestdo foris eithermy best.</p>
| Lobby_3
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Lobby_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>この格好、<br>新鮮……ですか?</p><p>きゅ、急に何を!?</p><p>うう……その……<br>ありがとうございます……。</p>
| <p>This look, <br> fresh outfit...?Whatis doa yourefreshing do suddenly!look?Uh</p><p>Wh-Where ...did that come from?!</p><p>Well, um... <br> Thank you, Sensei...</p>
| Lobby_4
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Lobby_4.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ポニーテールが<br>似合ってる、ですか?</p><p>せ、先生はいつも<br>心にもないお世辞を……!</p><p>……それが嫌、という<br>わけではないですけど……。</p>
| <p>IsYou thelike my ponytail look good?The teacher</p><p>Y-You're always hasjust...saying athings flatteringlike that is not in my heart ...!</p><p>......Doesn't mean I don't likeappreciate hearing it, though...</p>
| Lobby_5
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Lobby_5.ogg]]<br>
| <p>見落としがちですが、</p><p>運動も科学的に計算できる<br>理系科目の一つなんですよ?</p><p>……走ってる最中は、<br>そう思えませんが。</p>
| <p>It'sWhen easyyou toreally overlook,think butabout exerciseit...</p><p>Physical education is onejust ofanother theSTEM science subjectssubject that can be calculated scientifically?…… Ianalyzed.</p><p>Maybe don'tnot thinkin sothe middle of a run... Or while runninglifting weights... But outside of that, exercise is nothing but science.</p>
| Season_Birthday_Player
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Season_Birthday_Player.ogg]]<br>
| <p>お誕生日<br>おめでとうございます、先生。</p><p>生まれた日からの<br>日数計算は……</p><p>ふふっ、<br>やめておきますね。</p>
| <p>BirthdaySensei. Happy birthday.<br/p><p>If Congratulations,we teacher.Thetake numberyour date of daysbirth calculationand fromjust thedo daya oflittle birth ismath, you're... Fufu, <br/p><p>Haha. IDon't willworry, I'll stop there.</p>
| Season_Birthday
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Season_Birthday.ogg]]<br>
| <p>先生……<br>その、覚えていますか?</p><p>今日は私の誕生日なんです。</p><p>この日のために<br>予定を空けておきました。</p><p>先生は……<br>お時間どうでしょうか?</p>
| <p>Teacher Sensei... <br> Do you remember that?</p><p>Today is my birthday.<br/p><p> I haveleft amy schedule forempty thisfor daytoday.The</p><p>What teacherabout ...you, <br>Sensei? HowWhat aboutdoes your schedule look like timetoday?</p>
| Season_NewYear
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Season_NewYear.ogg]]<br>
| <p>あけまして<br>おめでとうございます、先生。</p><p>今年もよろしく<br>お願いいたしますね。</p><p>もしよろしければ<br>初走り、一緒にどうですか?</p>
| <p>Happy New Year, Sensei!</p><brp>Here's Congratulations,to teacher.Thankanother yougreat againyear thistogether.</p><p>I yearwas wondering.If.. Do you likewant <br>to Howstart aboutoff runningthe foryear thewith firsta timerun?</p>
| Season_Xmas
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Season_Xmas.ogg]]<br>
| <p>クリスマスを特異点に<br>したがる人たちの気持ちは<br>よく分かりませんけど……</p><p>先生と一緒なら<br>と考えると……</p><p>少し分かる気もします。</p>
| <p><br> I don't really understand thewhy feelingssome ofpeople thoseget whoso wantexcited to usefor Christmas...</p><p>But asthinking of a singularityChristmas point, but ifwith you think of it with your teacher, youSensei...</p><p>It canstarts understandto it amake littlesense.</p>
| Season_Halloween
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Season_Halloween.ogg]]<br>
| <p>仮装、いたずら、<br>お菓子、そして……</p><p>カロリーの日!</p><p>た、体操着を着ているからと<br>言って油断しませんからね!</p>
| <p>Masquerade,A mischief,day <br>of sweetscostumes, andtricks, treats... calorieWait, treats?</p><p>It's just a day of calories, then!</p><p>I-I'm not carefulgoing to let myself slide just because I'm wearing gymnasticsworkout clothes!</p>
| ExWeapon_Get
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_ExWeapon_Get.ogg]]<br>
| <p>合理的で……<br>とても運動に適した装備ですね。<br>ありがとうございます、先生。</p>
| <p>It'sThis reasonableis surprisingly...suitable <br>and It's a very suitable equipmentreasonable for exercise.<br> Thank you, teacherSensei.</p>
=Memorial lobby=
Line 133:
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_1_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_1_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>はぁ、はぁ……</p><p>まさかたった数か月の間に<br>ここまで体力が<br>落ちていたなんて……</p><p>「晄輪大祭」で無様な姿を<br>みせないためにも……</p><p>もっと体力づくりを<br>頑張らないと。</p>
| <p>*pant* *pant*</p><p>I can't believe I've become so unfit after just a few months...</p><p>To ensure that I don't embarrass myself at the Kivotos Halo Festival...</p><p>I'm going to have to double down on my training.</p>
| MemorialLobby_2
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>あ、先生もお水、<br>要りますか?</p>
| <p>Oh, doSensei. youYou needwant water too?</p>
| MemorialLobby_3
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_3_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_3_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>はい、どうぞ……</p><p>ま、待ってください、先生!<br>や、やっぱ今はダメです!</p>
| <p>Sure, here...</p><p>S-Stop right there, Sensei! I-I mean, um, maybe now isn't...a good time to drink water?</p>
| MemorialLobby_4
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_4_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_4_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>(今ここで私が<br>口をつけたペットボトルから<br>先生が水を飲んだら…………)</p><p>(事実上の間接キ……)</p><p>(いやいや、<br>いくらそういう状況だからって)</p><p>(そんな破廉恥なことが<br>許されるわけ……!)</p>
| <p>(If Sensei drinks from the bottle I've been drinking from...)</p><p>(I-It'd be an indirect kiss!)</p><p>(No, no! It doesn't matter what the circumstances are...)</p><p>(Such shamelessness can never, absolutely never be tolerated!)</p>
| MemorialLobby_5
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_5_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_MemorialLobby_5_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>(でも……先生なら……)</p><p>一口……<br>だけですよ……?</p>
| <p>(That being said, if it's Sensei...)</p><p>...One sip... You can have just one sip, okay?</p>
=Event lines=
Line 167:
| EventLogin_1
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_EventLogin_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>「晄輪大祭」へようこそ!<br>今日のために、頑張って<br>準備しましたよ!</p>
| <p>Welcome to the "RinwareKivotos Halo Festival"!For today,Tremendous work Ihas didgone myinto bestpreparing <br>for Ithis preparedday!</p>
| EventLogin_2_1
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_EventLogin_2_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>実行委員ではありますが、<br>いくつかの種目に<br>出場する予定です。</p>
| <p>AlthoughThough heI'm ispart anof executivethe committeeExecutive Committee, heI'm willalso participateplanning on participating in somea few eventsmatches.</p>
| EventLogin_2_2
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_EventLogin_2_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>先生、私の活躍、<br>ちゃんと見てて<br>くださいね?</p>
| <p>Teacher,You'll pleasebe lookrooting atfor myme successout there, <br> please look at itright properlySensei?</p>
| EventLogin_Season_1_1
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_EventLogin_Season_1_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>大運動会が<br>始まってから気づいた<br>ことですが……</p>
| <p><br> I noticed <br> since theonly bigrealized athleticthis meetafter startedfield <br>day began...</p>
| EventLogin_Season_1_2
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_EventLogin_Season_1_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>……思ったより<br>ずっと忙しいですね。<br>色んな意味で……</p>
| <p>......But I'm so much more busybusier than I thought I would be...<br> In so many waysdifferent ways...</p>
| EventLogin_Season_2
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_EventLogin_Season_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>晄輪大祭も、もう終盤……<br>最後まで気を<br>緩めないでくださいね!</p>
| <p>TheWe're Garunaiin Festivalthe issecond already latehalf now... <br>Keep Pleaseyour doguard not relaxup until the very end!</p>
| EventLogin_Season_End_1
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_EventLogin_Season_End_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>晄輪大祭も<br>これで終わりですね。<br>先生、お疲れ様でした。</p>
| <p>ThisI isguess that marks the end of the 晄。Kivotos festivalHalo Festival...<br> Thank you, Sensei, for your hard work.</p>
| EventLogin_Season_End_2
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_EventLogin_Season_End_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>その、<br>もしよかったら……</p><p>後夜祭の<br>キャンプファイヤー、<br>一緒に行きませんか?</p>
| <p>IfOh, youif like,it's okay with you... <BR/p><p>Would Campfireyou oflike theto latego nightto the after-festival, why don't you gobonfire together?</p>
| EventLobby_1
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_EventLobby_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>コンディション<br>チェックよし、<br>装備よし。</p><p>「晄輪大祭」の計画は……<br>完璧!</p>
| <p>ConditionPhysical <br>condition? Check,. Equipment? Check.<br/p><p>My goodplans equipment.The plan offor the "RingKivotos WowaHalo Festival" is ...are <br> Perfectairtight!</p>
| EventLobby_2
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_EventLobby_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>今なんだか、<br>物騒な生徒の<br>集団が…</p>
| <p>Now, the <br>That group of <br>students noisyseems studentsa little shady...</p>
| EventLobby_3_1
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_EventLobby_3_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>あ、ほっぺたの<br>星マークのことですか?</p>
| <p>Oh,Hm? isThe itstar theon my cheek <br> Star mark?</p>
| EventLobby_3_2
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_EventLobby_3_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>さっきマキに描いて<br>もらったんです。</p><p>せっかくのお祭りです<br>から、フェイスペイントを<br>してあげる、と。</p>
| <p>I justMaki drew it on Maki.Itfor isme!</p><p>It's a special festival <br>, soafter Iall. So she offered willto do a little face paint <br>painting.</p>
| EventLobby_3_3
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_EventLobby_3_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>やっぱり、ちょっと……<br> 浮かれているように<br>見えます……?</p>
| <p>After all, a little Hmm... <br> It looks likeIs it's floatingtoo much...?</p>
=Tactics and growth=
Line 302:
| Battle_Damage_1
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Battle_Damage_1.ogg]]
| <p>うっ!</p>
Line 424:
| <p>そんなに見つめられると困るというか でも 先生ならいいですけど</p>
| <p>It would be troublesome if you stared at me like that, but it would be nice if it was a teacher</p>
| Growup_3
Line 440 ⟶ 439:
| <p>無理は禁物ですよ。先生も気をつけてくださいね。私も無理 しがちだってそうですけど。</p>
| <p>Do not overdo it. Please be careful too. It seems that I tend to push myself too hard.</p>
| Relationship_Up_2
Line 451 ⟶ 449:
| <p>体操着を着るとやる気がどんどん湧いてきます これは 服装のせいでしょうか それとも先生がそばにいるから</p>
| <p>When I put on gym clothes, I feel more and more motivated. Is it because of the way I'm dressed, or is it because my teacher is by my side?</p>
| Relationship_Up_4
| [[File:Yuuka_(Sportswear)_Relationship_Up_4.ogg]]
| <p>先生と一緒にいると 私 の 計算能力が鈍ってしまう時があります 誤解しないでくださいね その頭がちょっとぼーっとする って意味です</p>
| <p>Sometimes when I'm with my teacher, my math skills get dull.Don't get me wrong, I mean my head feels a little dizzy.</p><p>頭が、ちょっと……ぼーっとするって意味です!</p>