Hina (Swimsuit)/audio: Difference between revisions

Added battle voices and translations using MTL(automated)
(Added battle voices and translations using MTL)
(Added battle voices and translations using MTL(automated))
Line 162:
| Formation_In_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Formation_In_1.ogg]]
| 先頭<p>戦闘 了解</p>
| <p>battle</p>
| I understand
| Formation_In_2
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Formation_In_2.ogg]]
| <p>準備なら もうできてる</p>
| <p>I'm ready</p>
| Formation_Select
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Formation_Select.ogg]]
| <p> どうすればいい</p>
| <p>what should i do</p>
| Tactic_Defeat_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Tactic_Defeat_1.ogg]]
| <p>油断した 戻ったら反省会 ね先生</p>
| You<p>If I let yourmy guard down and retreated, thereI'll will behave a reflection meeting, senseiwhen I return</p>
| Tactic_Defeat_2
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Tactic_Defeat_2.ogg]]
| <p>しくじった 次は必ず</p>
| This time, <p>I've definitely screwed up next time</p>
| Tactic_In_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Tactic_In_1.ogg]]
| <p>面倒だけど これも トレーニングの一環</p>
| <p>It's troublesome, but this is also part of themy training</p>
| Tactic_In_2
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Tactic_In_2.ogg]]
| <p>先生 指示をお願い</p>
| Ask<p>teacher senseiplease forgive me instructions</p>
| Tactic_Victory_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Tactic_Victory_1.ogg]]
| <p>先生の指示もあったんだからこれくらいの勝利は当然</p>
| <p>Because of the teacher's instructions, it's only natural to win because of the teacher's instructions,this much</p>
| Tactic_Victory_2
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Tactic_Victory_2.ogg]]
| <p>作戦成功でも少し簡単すぎ トレーニングにしては物足りない</p>
| <p>Even thoughif the strategyoperation was successfulsucceeds, it was's a little too easy, and insufficientit's not enough for training</p>
| Battle_Buffed_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_Buffed_1.ogg]]
| <p>ありがとう</p>
| <p>thank you</p>
| Battle_BuffSelf_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_BuffSelf_1.ogg]]
| <p>準備完了</p>
| <p>Ready</p>
| Battle_Covered_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_Covered_1.ogg]]
| <p>遮蔽物を確保</p>
| <p>secure cover</p>
| Battle_Damage_1
Line 227:
| Battle_Damage_2
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_Damage_2.ogg]]
| <p>まった</p>
| <p>Jeez</p>
| Sheesh
| Battle_Damage_3
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_Damage_3.ogg]]
| <p>これぐらい</p>
| <p>about this</p>
| That's...
| Battle_Defense_1
Line 242:
| Battle_In_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_In_1.ogg]]
| <p>これより 夏合宿のトレーニングを始める</p>
| Training<p>Start starts foryour summer camp training now</p>
| Battle_In_2
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_In_2.ogg]]
| <p>総員 遅れないように行こう</p>
| <p>General, let's go so as not to be late</p>
| Battle_Move_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_Move_1.ogg]]
| <p>暑い めんどくさい</p>
| <p>hot and annoyingtroublesome</p>
| Battle_Move_2
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_Move_2.ogg]]
| <p>あーまだいるの</p>
| <p>ah are you still there</p>
| Battle_Recovery_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_Recovery_1.ogg]]
| <p>ありがとう</p>
| Thank<p>thank you</p>
| Battle_Retire
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_Retire.ogg]]
| <p>熱中症 ごめん 先生</p>
| I'm sorry for being <p>heat stroke, Senseisorry teacher</p>
| Battle_Shout_1
Line 277:
| Battle_Shout_2
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_Shout_2.ogg]]
| <p>さない</p>
| <p>don't let it escapemiss</p>
| Battle_Shout_3
Line 287:
| Battle_TacticalAction_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_TacticalAction_1.ogg]]
| <p>移動する</p>
| <p>Moving out</p>
| Battle_Victory_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_Victory_1.ogg]]
| <p>作戦成功 その あんまりじっと見ないでほしい</p>
| <p>Operation success</p>
| Mission successful
| Battle_Victory_2
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Battle_Victory_2.ogg]]
| <p>これくらい 大したことじゃないだからそんなに こっち見ないで</p>
| <p>It's not that big of a deal, so don't look at me like that</p>
| CommonSkill
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_CommonSkill.ogg]]
| <p>そこ</p>
| <p>There</p>
| ExSkill_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_ExSkill_1.ogg]]
| <p>この海の風紀私が守らないと</p>
| <p>I have tomust protect the traditionscustoms of this beachsea</p>
| ExSkill_2
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_ExSkill_2.ogg]]
| <p>仕方ない実力行使で</p>
| Force<p>With mustthe beuse of used,force that can't be helped</p>
| ExSkill_3
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_ExSkill_3.ogg]]
| <p>私がやらないとか</p>
| I<p>that doni won't wantdo toit</p>
| ExSkill_Level_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_ExSkill_Level_1.ogg]]
| <p>そろそろ諦めたら</p>
| <p>If you give up soon</p>
| ExSkill_Level_2
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_ExSkill_Level_2.ogg]]
| <p>さない</p>
| <p>don't let it escapemiss</p>
| ExSkill_Level_3
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_ExSkill_Level_3.ogg]]
| <p>トレーニングとはいえ 容赦はしない</p>
| No<p>Even mercythough init's training, I'll show no mercy</p>
| Growup_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Growup_1.ogg]]
| <p>ちゃんと合宿の効果があったみたい</p>
| <p>It seems that the training camp was effective</p>
| Growup_2
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Growup_2.ogg]]
| <p>こんな格好だけど私の助けが必要ならいつでも言って</p>
| I'm<p>You dressedlook like this, but if you need my help, tell me anytime</p>
| Growup_3
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Growup_3.ogg]]
| <p>私はまだまだ強くなれる先生のために強くなりたい</p>
| <p>I want to bebecome strongstronger for the sake of my senseiteacher who can still be strong</p>
| Growup_4
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Growup_4.ogg]]
| <p>いつもありがとう こんな私だけどもう少し頼ってくれると嬉しい</p>
| <p>Thank you as always</p>
| Relationship_Up_1
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Relationship_Up_1.ogg]]
| <p>今年の夏も 先生と一緒にいられるんだね</p>
| This summer I<p>You can also be with myyour teacher this summer senseitoo</p>
| Relationship_Up_2
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Relationship_Up_2.ogg]]
| <p>せっかくの 夏なのに私みたいな つまらないこと一緒でいいの私と一緒いい嘘</p>
| <p>Even though it's a long summer, it's okay to be with me on trivial things like me</p>
| Relationship_Up_3
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Relationship_Up_3.ogg]]
| <p>あんまり くっつかないで いくら渡してもそのこの格好だとさすがに 恥ずかしい</p>
| <p>Don't get too close to me, no matter how much I give you</p>
| Relationship_Up_4
| [[File:Hina_(Swimsuit)_Relationship_Up_4.ogg]]
| <p>先生のひんやりしてて気持ちいい はこんなに日がってるし その もう少し</p>
| It<p>Sensei's nicehands whenare it'sso sensei andcool it feels good when itIt's so sunny outside and it's just a little longer</p>
