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| SkillDescriptionLv9 = Increase Critical Damage by {{SkillValue|23.8%}}.
| SkillDescriptionLv10 = Increase Critical Damage by {{SkillValue|26.6%}}.
| CharacterID = 10014
| NameEN = Izuna-Style Super Ninja Tools
| NameJP = イズナ流スーパー忍具
| DescriptionEN = A submachine gun used by Izuna. It is the most advanced ninja tool in the world, and when used in conjunction with Izuna's ninja methods, it can be used to launch a smoke screen projectile, or even massage the Master's shoulders.
| DescriptionJP = 百鬼夜行連合学院所属、忍術研究部の少女。<br>明るくて活気溢れる性格の女の子だが、他の人にはあまり理解されない夢を追求してきた結果、これまでずっと独りぼっちで生きてきた。<br>その夢とは「キヴォトス最高の忍者になること」。<br>立派な忍者になるため、今日も先生を「主殿!」と呼びながら護衛(単に追いかけ回すとも言う)をし、様々な活動に明け暮れている。
| Rarity1 =
| Rarity2 = Passive Skill changes to "Izuna-Style, Surprise Attack Jutsu +"
| Rarity3 = {{Icon|Urban|size=20}} Urban area affinity {{Affinity|SS}} SS
| Rarity4 =
| Rarity5 =
| StatBonusAtk = 81
| StatBonusAtk100 = 811
| StatBonusHP = 999
| StatBonusHP100 = 9986
| StatBonusHealing = 0
| StatBonusHealing100 = 0