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=Event test=
=Collectible item=
| Id = 180002
| Category = Collectible
| Rarity = 3
| NameEN = Chocolate Value Pack
| NameJP = お徳用チョコレートパック
| DescriptionEN = Mini-chocolate value pack that is available at the Federal Student Council. Rin sometimes eats them during work.
| DescriptionJP = 連邦生徒会に置かれているお徳用のミニチョコレート。リンも仕事中にたまに食べるらしい。
| Icon = Event_Vallentine_Chocolate_Rin.png
| SplashIcon = Event01_Rin.png
| Character = Rin
| Id = 180009
| Category = Collectible
| Rarity = 3
| NameEN = Chocolate Dango
| NameJP = チョコ団子
| DescriptionEN = Chocolate flavored dango sold at Japanese sweets shop. An unexpected combination, but it was delicious enough to satisfy Junko's taste buds.
| DescriptionJP = 和菓子屋で売られていたチョコレート味のお団子。意外な取り合わせだが、ジュンコの舌にかなう美味しさ。
| Icon = Event_Vallentine_Chocolate_Zunko.png
| SplashIcon = Event01_Zunko.png
| Character = Junko
| Id = 180029
| Category = Collectible
| Rarity = 3
| NameEN = Chocolate handcuffs
| NameJP = チョコレート手錠
| DescriptionEN = Chocolate in the shape of handcuffs. Kirino's idea of actually using them as handcuffs was unexpected even for the manufacturer.
| DescriptionJP = 手錠の形をしたチョコレート。実際に手錠として使おうとしたキリノの発想は、メーカーとしても予想外だった。
| Icon = Event_Vallentine_Chocolate_Kirino.png
| SplashIcon = Event01_Kirino.png
| Character = Kirino
=Cargo query test=
Line 50 ⟶ 7:
| order by = Start_date DESC
| format = template
| template = FrontpageBanner
| named args = yes
tables = events
| fields = Image, NameEN, date_format(Start_date, '%m/%d')=sdate, date_format(End_date, '%m/%d')=edate
| where = End_date > NOW() AND Start_date < DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 DAY) AND Server="JP"
| order by = Start_date ASC
| format = ul
| template = FrontpageBanner
| named args = yes