Hifumi/Relationship Story/A Casual Outing

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Hifumi and Sensei find they both have some overlapping free time. Hifumi suggests they take a walk, and the two enjoy the sights around Trinity together.


HifumiMake-Up Work Club
I was really looking forward to today...
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
If only the others all didn't have something come up at the last minute...
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
What am I supposed to do after school now?
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Is that you, Sensei? What brings you to Trinity?
"I had some business to take care of, but I'm going on a walk now that I'm free."
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Oh, okay. This is a happy coincidence!
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
My friends and I were going to meet up here today so we could hang out...
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
...but they all had to cancel because something important came up. Now it's just me. Heehee.
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
I've been at a loss on how to spend my day now...
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
So what do you say, Sensei? If you're not busy, would you want to hang out?
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
I'd be fine with just joining you on your walk... Please?
"You're on."
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Wow! Thank you, Sensei!
BGM stops
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Then, let's be off! I'll lead the way!
― Where should we go now? Over there?
― Oh, what about that spot?
― Sure, I'll go anywhere as long as I'm with you!
― Sensei, look over there! And there, there too!
― I've been down this street so many times before. Why does everything look different now?
― Hmm? How long are you just gonna sit there?
― All right! Let's go walk around some more!
― Huh? Do you not like how the scenery looks?
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Whew. I had so much fun!
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
I didn't have any hopes for today after the others canceled on me...
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Spending time with you made today better than it ever could have been!
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
N-Not that I'm happy my friends canceled or anything.
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Hey, Sensei? Can we go somewhere new next time?
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Don't be silly. Of course I'm not nervous about going somewhere new.
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
I'll have a good time anywhere as long as I'm with you!
BGM stops