Hifumi/Relationship Story/A Consultation

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Concerned about her mild and vanilla personality, Hifumi seeks Sensei's advice.


HifumiMake-Up Work Club
"What's going on?"
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Oh! S-Sensei! When did you get here?
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Were you worried after my last text?
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Sorry. I didn't mean to concern you...
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Actually, it's not me I'm worried about. It's one of my friends...
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
The thing is, my friends often come to me for advice. Maybe it's because I look so calm.
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
One of them came to talk to me today, but there was nothing I could do for them...
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
All I could do was repeat what they were saying. I added nothing...
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Maybe if I weren't so ordinary and had real talent, I could have helped them... I'd be so happy if I could just be there for them.
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
It's been weighing on me a lot today.
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Heehee. I'm pretty pathetic, aren't I?
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
It's not like anything is going to change by venting to you, Sensei...
"I think you're doing great, Hifumi."
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Huh? What do you mean I'm doing great?
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
All I did was listen to my friend...
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Not to say I'm doing nothing, but I feel like it's not enough...
"You're giving them your support."
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Giving them my support...
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
In other words, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I should be grateful that my friend is depending on me...
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
I have to stay positive so that I can cheer them up, don't I?
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Thank you. I feel a lot better now.
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
You're right. Sometimes all people need is someone to talk to.
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
So, Sensei, I'd like it if...you were that person for me.
HifumiMake-Up Work Club
Because I depend on you too, Sensei!
BGM stops