Normal lines[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Title | ブルーアーカイブ! |
Blue Archive! | |
Gachaget | 訓育支援部「梅花園」のココナです! |
I'm Kokona of the Disciplinary Support Department's Plum Blossom Garden! N-No! I'm a full-fledged instructor! | |
Cafe_monolog_1 | これは、 |
What...is this? | |
Cafe_monolog_2 | 何だか変なものが |
There sure are a lot of weird items. | |
Cafe_monolog_3 | これ、梅花園にも |
I want to put this in the Plum Blossom Garden, too. | |
Cafe_monolog_4 | シュン姉さん、 |
Where did Shun go...? | |
Cafe_monolog_5 | これは教育に |
It'll be good for educating kids. | |
LogIn_1 | おかえりなさい、先生! その、まあ少しは。 |
Welcome, Sensei! N-No, I wasn't really waiting... Well, I guess a little... | |
LogIn_2 | 一人前のレディーを |
How can you make a lady wait? You've lost points! | |
Lobby_1 | それでは、 |
Yes, I'm looking forward to working with you today. | |
Lobby_2 | 私だって、いつもちゃんと |
I know how to teach a class. Do you wanna take my class? | |
Lobby_3 | こ、ココナちゃんって |
P-Please don't call me Kokona-chan! I'm not just some little kid, you know?! | |
Lobby_4 | どうかしましたか? ……え、呼んだだけ? |
What's going on? You called me just because? What the... | |
Lobby_5 | ああもう、突っつか |
Ack! D-Don't poke me! Hmph! I'm not a little kid. | |
Season_Birthday_Player | お誕生日おめでとうございます、 ……私の誕生日も、覚えてますか? |
Happy birthday, Sensei! Aren't you proud? I remembered! ...Do you know my birthday, Sensei? | |
Season_Birthday | あ、私の誕生日…… えへへ、ありがとうございます! |
My birthday... You remembered. Heeheehee. Thank you. | |
Season_NewYear | あけましておめでとう 私は今年も教官として 今年もよろしく |
Happy New Year, Sensei! I'll be working hard as an instructor this year, too. I could really use your support. I'll be counting on you this year again! | |
Season_Xmas | クリスマス… あ、いえ!私は教官なので、楽しみにしてるとかそういうのではなく……! |
Christmas... Will Santa Claus come again this year? N-No! I'm an instructor. So it's not like I'm looking forward to it or anything...! | |
Season_Halloween | ハロウィーンの飴、ですか? わ、私はもちろん ですがその、一応飴は |
Halloween sweets? I-I'm the one who'll be giving them out because I'm an instructor! But it's not like I don't like sweets... | |
ExWeapon_Get | 時には厳しく、時には優しく…… |
Sometimes strict, sometimes kind. |
Memorial lobby[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
MemorialLobby_1 | その……別に、ニンジンを |
But...Just so you know... I still hate carrots. | |
MemorialLobby_2 | せっかく先生と一緒に来た 分かりましたか? |
I'm just eating them for you...and because I'm an instructor. It's not because I want to. Do you understand, Sensei? It's not my fault you're so stubborn! | |
MemorialLobby_3 | もしどうしてもニンジンを |
I guess... If I absolutely have to eat them—carrots, I mean... I'll come here. | |
MemorialLobby_4 | 先生と一緒に来たお店、 良いですか? |
This is the first place I ever visited with you. So it's special now. Know what I mean? It's not the carrots. It's the company. Okay? | |
MemorialLobby_5 | ただまあ…… |
Anyway... I guess... Carrots aren't as bad as I thought. |
Tactics and growth[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Formation_In_1 | 悪くない選択ですね! |
Not a bad choice. | |
Formation_In_2 | ココナにお任せください! |
Leave it to Kokona. | |
Formation_Select | ……?どうかしましたか? |
Is something wrong? | |
Tactic_Defeat_1 | うわーん、次こそは。 |
Wah, next time for sure. | |
Tactic_Defeat_2 | うわーん、シュン姉さんに言いつけてやる! |
Wah, I'm gonna tell Shun about it! | |
Tactic_In_1 | さあ、授業の時間です! |
Now it's class time. | |
Tactic_In_2 | 教官としての真髄、お見せしましょう! |
Let me show you the essence of being a teacher. | |
Tactic_Victory_1 | ふふん、これくらい楽勝です。 |
Hehe, it's a piece of cake. | |
Tactic_Victory_2 | なんたって、もう一人前ですから! |
After all, I'm already an adult. | |
Battle_Buffed_1 | ありがとうございます! |
Thank you. | |
Battle_BuffSelf_1 | ココナの本気、見せてあげます。 |
I'll show you what Kokona is truly capable of. | |
Battle_Covered_1 | 隠れます! |
Hiding. | |
Battle_Damage_1 | 痛っ。 |
Ouch! | |
Battle_Damage_2 | あーん。 |
Battle_Damage_3 | 痛いです。 |
That hurts. | |
Battle_Defense_1 | それで全力ですか?未熟ですね! |
Is that your best? You're still immature. | |
Battle_In_1 | 張り切って行きましょう! |
Let's keep working hard. | |
Battle_In_2 | 私についてきてください! |
Come with me please. | |
Battle_Move_1 | 次の場所へ行きましょう! |
Let's go to the next place. | |
Battle_Move_2 | この先には、何があるのでしょう? |
What lies ahead? | |
Battle_Recovery_1 | ありがとうございます! |
Thank you. | |
Battle_Retire | ま、まだ大丈夫です。 |
I'm, I'm still okay. | |
Battle_Shout_1 | えいっ。 |
Battle_Shout_2 | いきます。 |
Here I go! | |
Battle_Shout_3 | 逃がしません。 |
I won't let you escape. | |
Battle_TacticalAction_1 | 移動しましょう! |
Let's move. | |
Battle_Victory_1 | 良い感じですね、次もよろしくお願いします! |
It feels good. I look forward to seeing you next time. | |
Battle_Victory_2 | ふふん、当然です!これでも一人前の教官ですから! |
Hehe, of course. After all, I'm an adult teacher. | |
CommonSkill | 飴ならたくさんありますよ? |
I have lots of candy. | |
ExSkill_1 | さて、採点しますよ~! |
Okay, I'll give you a score. | |
ExSkill_2 | 今日の点数は~? |
Today's score is... | |
ExSkill_3 | テストを返しますよ~! |
I will return the test. | |
ExSkill_Level_1 | よくできました! |
Good job. | |
ExSkill_Level_2 | 100点満点、花丸です! |
It's a perfect score of 100. Here's a hanamaru for you. | |
ExSkill_Level_3 | 次もこの調子で! |
Keep this up next time. | |
Growup_1 | 私はもう一人前ですが、同時にまだまだ成長期です |
I'm already an adult, but at the same time, I'm still growing. | |
Growup_2 | 少しは、シュン姉さんみたいになれたでしょうか……? |
Have I become a little more like sis Shun? | |
Growup_3 | えっと、その……ありがとうございます。 |
Um, thank you. | |
Growup_4 | 人生は、学びの連続……と聞いたことがあります! |
I have heard that life is a continuous learning process. | |
Relationship_Up_1 | わ、私は子どもじゃありません!何度も言ってるじゃないですか…… |
I'm not a child. I've said it many times. | |
Relationship_Up_2 | 私もいつか、先生みたいに……い、いえ!何でもないです! |
Someday I will be like Sensei. Never mind. | |
Relationship_Up_3 | 不思議です。先生と一緒にいると、何だか胸がポカポカして…… |
It's strange. My heart feels warm when I'm with Sensei | |
Relationship_Up_4 | 私は教官ですが……教官にも先生は必要なんです。 |
I am a teacher, but a teacher needs Sensei too. |