Mika/Relationship Story/Volunteer Activities

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Mika is weeding a field as part of her community service. Sensei visits and offers to help. Despite her embarrassment, Mika finds herself enjoying spending time with Sensei.


MikaTea Party
I guess I'm here now...
"What's going on, Mika?"
MikaTea Party
Uh, nothing really...
MikaTea Party
As you can see, I'm just volunteering.
"Volunteering for what?"
MikaTea Party
Oh, well, part of my punishment was 300 hours of community service work.
MikaTea Party
So I'm here on my day off weeding this field.
"You're doing it by yourself?"
MikaTea Party
MikaTea Party
I can't believe they expect me to get the whole thing done today... Don't you think that's too much?
MikaTea Party
It's hot. I'm all by myself. The work is really hard and boring. And even the slightest mistake gets my nice clothes dirty.
MikaTea Party
My back hurts. My hands are getting rough... And I can't afford lotion right now, let alone sunscreen!
"Sounds tough."
MikaTea Party
Oh, uh... It's not that bad, really...
"I'll help you."
MikaTea Party
N-No! You don't have to do that, Sensei! I'm just not used to it is all!
"I'm helping. Now the first thing you need to do is change into your gym clothes, Mika. That outfit is terrible for this kind of work."
MikaTea Party
My gym clothes? Really?
"Yes. And bring a towel, water to drink, and a trowel too."
MikaTea Party
B-But you bought me that gym uniform. I was saving it for a special day.
"That's silly. You need to use it."
MikaTea Party
I guess you're right...technically.
MikaTea Party
All right.
BGM stops
MikaTea Party
Okay, I changed and brought everything you told me to, Sensei.
MikaTea Party
I'm a little embarrassed to be seen in this uniform. It's not exactly cute...
MikaTea Party
I don't know. What do you think?
"It's perfect. Now let's get started."
MikaTea Party
MikaTea Party
This is hard... My back hurts... There's dirt everywhere...
"But look! We're basically done."
MikaTea Party
Yeah, it looks like it...
MikaTea Party
This was supposed to be my volunteer work. I hope getting help from Sensei doesn't cause any trouble... Well, even if it does, I don't care. ☆
MikaTea Party
MikaTea Party
Hey, Sensei...
"Wow, look at the time! I need to head back now, Mika."
MikaTea Party
Huh? O-Okay...
BGM stops