Normal lines[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Title | ブルー、アーカイブ。 |
Blue, Archive. | |
Gachaget | 土木、建設、撤去…… |
Civil engineering, construction, demolition... Contact us if you need workers. We'll even agitate for you! | |
Cafe_monolog_1 | 現場の最重要項目は、 |
The most important thing in the field is safety, above all else. | |
Cafe_monolog_2 | ここの建築様式は…… |
The architecture here... I'll just say it's not bad. | |
Cafe_monolog_3 | あたしたち工務部の |
Leave it to our workers. This is nothing... | |
Cafe_monolog_4 | 週3日労働…… |
A 3-day work week... What a lovely phrase... | |
Cafe_monolog_5 | ここのプリンは…… |
The pudding here seems...different from the pudding supplied by the secretariat. | |
LogIn_1 | さあ、今日も安全第一! シャーレ無事故 |
Stay safe today! Let's aim for a new "No Accident" record in Schale! | |
LogIn_2_1 | ……遅刻ではないか。 |
You're late. This isn't sabotage, is it? | |
LogIn_2_2 | シャーレの先生が 一体なんの証明になるのか、 |
Sensei, I don't know what you're trying to prove with this sabotage, but... | |
Lobby_1 | 安全、よし!確認、よし! |
Safety, check! Verification, check! Accident-free, check! [note 1] | |
Lobby_2_1 | プリンなら何を混ぜても好きだ。 カスタードクリームでも、 |
When it comes to pudding, I love all flavors. Custard cream, chocolate, even fruit... | |
Lobby_2_2 | ……水を混ぜた |
...just not water pudding. | |
Lobby_3 | (次回のクーデターの名目は、 |
(I wonder what should I name our next coup d'etat?) [note 2] | |
Lobby_4 | 先生、夜勤の 時間外手当は |
Sensei, aren't you pulling too many night shifts? Are you even receiving overtime pay? | |
Lobby_5 | 先輩は今頃 元気にしているといいのだが。 |
I wonder what our upperclassman is doing right now... I hope they're doing well. | |
Season_Birthday_Player | おめでとう、先生。 今日は、あなたと言う |
Happy Birthday, Sensei. Today we shall celebrate the birth of a true comrade! [note 3] | |
Season_Birthday_1 | ふふ……先生、 |
Fufu... Sensei, do you know what day it is today? | |
Season_Birthday_2 | そうだとも。市民が自由を求めて 勇敢に立ち上がった |
Yes! That's right. It's the great anniversary of heroism, | |
Season_Birthday_3 | ん…… ……あ、忘れてた。 |
Huh...? It's my birthday...? ...I totally forgot. | |
Season_NewYear | 今年こそ 労働者にとっての地上の楽園が |
This is the year we claim the Red Winter Academy Secretariat for the party. We'll create a paradise for workers...! | |
Season_Xmas | 良い子にしかプレゼントを サンタクロースめ、やつは |
Only distributing gifts to good kids... That Santa Claus, he's no different from scheming bourgeoisie! [note 4] | |
Season_Halloween_1 | 過去に、ハロウィン限定の |
I once tasted a limited time Halloween pumpkin pudding... | |
Season_Halloween_2 | 微かな甘みに これがおやつに |
It had a subtle sweetness that was oh, so luxurious... I'd even work weekends for another taste of such a snack... | |
Season_Halloween_3 | うひゃっ!?あ、あたしは、 |
Eek! Wh-What am I saying...? | |
ExWeapon_Get | 丈夫で信頼できる装備こそ、 |
Strong and reliable equipment is one's best friend on site. In that sense, this guy has never once disappointed me. |
Memorial lobby[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
MemorialLobby_1 | ふふ、今日は寒いから、 ほら、先生も |
Hahaha... On a cold, brisk day like this, I can see forever. Sensei, don't just stand there. Come and take a look. | |
MemorialLobby_2 | 心配は無用だ。 象が登っても壊れないくらい、 |
There's nothing to worry about. This scaffolding is so sturdy it can hold an entire elephant. | |
MemorialLobby_3 | ……そういえばこの足場、 あたし達、工務部に 建設に欠かせない 作業が終わったら、 |
Come to think of it, this scaffolding is a lot like the Labor Party. Construction is impossible without it, but it must disappear like it never existed once the work is done... | |
MemorialLobby_4 | だからなのかな。 足場から見下ろすこの景色が、 建物の端から 誰かがこの外壁の外側で |
Maybe that's why I love standing up here on the scaffolding and looking down at the job site from the top of the world. This is proof of the hard work of everyone who stood on the edge and build these walls with their own hands. | |
MemorialLobby_5 | ……完工した建物からは あたしは、 |
...This proof, nowhere to be found on a finished building, is what I wanted to share with you, Sensei. |
Tactics and growth[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Formation_In_1 | ふむ、今日の現場はどこだ? |
Hmm, where's today's site? | |
Formation_In_2 | 最善を尽くし、労働の価値を証明しよう。 |
I'll do my best and show the value of labour! | |
CommonSkill | みんな、頭上に気をつけろ! |
Everyone, turn your attention upwards. | |
ExSkill_1 | 低品質なプリンを許すなー! |
Don't tolerate low quality pudding! | |
ExSkill_2 | レッドウィンター連邦学園の事務局は変革せよ! |
Reform Red Winter Federal Academy's Secretariat! | |
ExSkill_3 | ストライキを開始する! |
Commencing a strike! | |
ExSkill_Level_1 | 労働者の権利を! |
Workers' rights! More wages! | |
ExSkill_Level_2 | 全キヴォトスの労働者よ、団結せよ! |
Workers of Kivotos! Unite! | |
ExSkill_Level_3 | 志を一つに!恐れることはない! |
With our wills as one, there's nothing to fear! | |
Growup_1 | 努力と労働の対価として、成長があるのは当然のことだ。 |
It's only natural that hard work and effort rewards growth. | |
Growup_2 | 先生の指導は、分かりやすくて良い。感謝する。 |
Sensei's instructions are so easy to understand. I appreciate it! | |
Growup_3 | 革命を成功させるために、啓蒙は必要不可欠だ。 |
Enlightenment is vital for a successful revolution! | |
Growup_4 | これで次回の作業も、安全に進行できそうだ。 |
I can safely progress the next work like this! | |
Relationship_Up_1 | 先生のおかげで、あたしたちの部はより確固たるものとなった。 |
Thanks to you Sensei, our department has become even more resolute! | |
Relationship_Up_2 | 先生になら、いつでも背中を任せられるな。 |
I can always trust Sensei to have my back! | |
Relationship_Up_3 | この気持ちは、その……革命的だな! |
This feeling is, um... r-revolutionary! | |
Relationship_Up_4 | 独占だなんて、ブルジョワがやるような悪質な行為だが…… |
Monopolizing is an act only the evil bourgoisie does, I know, but... |
- ↑ Official translation is "I like safety! Love it! I love no accidents!"
- ↑ Official translation is "(What would be a good justification for our next coup d'etat...?)"
- ↑ Official translation is "Congratulations, Sensei. Let us celebrate the birth of a new comrade today."
- ↑ Official translation calls Santa a "dirty capitalist" instead