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There is no clear route that perfectly matches team synergies, gets 3 stars, and the gift. The below is a clear route that gets 3 stars and the gift, with one synergy mismatch. After that is a clear route that matches synergies, but can only get either the gift or 3 stars on each attempt.
Bossing team to the right, Clearing team to the left

* Greedy Clear (Get everything in 1 clear, 1 synergy mismatch)
Attack the enemy below you using your clearing team and then defeat the enemy next to your bossing team
** Setup
*** Sweep Team left. (2 battle; Mystic and Explosive)
*** Boss Team right. (2 battles; Explosive)
** Turn 1
*** Attack enemy below Sweep Team.
*** Move Boss Team down-left.
** Turn 2
*** Attack enemy below Boss Team.
*** Move Sweep Team down-left.
** Turn 3
*** Move Sweep Team up-right.
*** Move Boss Team right.
** Turn 4
*** Move Sweep Team up-right.
*** Collect the gift with the Boss Team.
** Turn 4
*** Attack enemy right of Sweep Team.
*** Defeat the boss with Boss Team for a 3-turn clear.

* Safe Clear (miss 3 star or gift, all syngergies match)
Move your clearing team to (2) and your bossing team to (1)
** Setup

*** Sweep Team left. (1 battle; Mystic)
Attack the enemy below you using your bossing team then make your way to the boss for a 5-turn clear. Grabbing the present box below the boss will make it a 6-turn clear.
*** Boss Team right. (3 battles; Explosive)

** Turn 1
You can make a five turn, three star and present box clear if you follow the mentioned starting points above, but don't have your bossing team attack the enemy near them.
*** Attack enemy below Sweep Team.

*** Attack enemy left of Boss Team.
Move your bossing team down to 1, attack the enemy below them. Move your clearing team to 2, then have the clearing team move back up and attack the target between the starts while having your bossing team proceed to the present box. This will allow you to attack the boss on turn 5.
** Turn 2
*** Move Sweep Team down-left, Sweep team is ignored from here on
*** Move Boss Team down-right.
** Turn 3
*** Attack enemy below Boss Team.
** Turn 4
*** Move Boss Team right.
** Turn 5 and 6
*** Defeat the boss with Boss Team for a 5-turn clear.
*** Or
*** Collect the gift with the Boss Team, then defeat the boss with Boss Team for a 6-turn clear.
