Normal lines[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Title | ブルーアーカイブ! |
Blue Archive! | |
Gachaget | セミナーの書記、生塩ノアです。 |
I am Ushio Noa, Seminar's secretary. I look forward to your support, Sensei. | |
Cafe_monolog_1 | (このカフェ、まるで |
(This cafe feels like a fantasy...) | |
Cafe_monolog_2 | (少しだけアンニュイな |
(It makes me want to let my worries fade away as I lose myself in the dream.) | |
Cafe_monolog_3 | この家具、 |
I would love to bring this furniture to the Seminar lounge, heehee. | |
Cafe_monolog_4 | この空間の構造… |
The way this space is structured and put together is very impressive. | |
Cafe_monolog_5 | ふふ、この光景、 |
Yuuka would love it here. | |
LogIn_1 | おかえりなさい、先生。 今日のスケジュールを |
Welcome, Sensei. Have you checked today's schedule? Should I add a morning check to your daily routine? | |
LogIn_2_1 | ふふっ、 |
Heehee, aren't you a bit late, Sensei? | |
LogIn_2_2 | そんなに見つめても、 次はもう少し |
Look at me that way all you want, it won't make you any less tardy. You can, however, be less late in the future. I would appreciate it. | |
Lobby_1_1 | (じーっ……) |
*staaare* | |
Lobby_1_2 | あ、気にしないでください。 |
Oh, don't mind me. I'm just...observing. | |
Lobby_2 | 何か面白いアイディアでも 今すぐ書き留めますので、 |
Anything interesting on your mind? Please let me know so I can record it immediately. | |
Lobby_3_1 | 私の書いた詩集、ですか…? 前回のミレニアムプライスに |
The poetry I wrote...? I submitted it to The Millennium Prize. | |
Lobby_3_2 | どういうわけか、 きちんとした感想を 不思議です。 |
Everyone read it... but no one gave me their feedback. Strange, isn't it? | |
Lobby_4 | ユウカちゃんは |
Yuuka, you're so expressive! It's never boring when you're around. | |
Lobby_4_2 | それで私はつい、 |
But it means I can't help but tease you, heehee. | |
Lobby_5 | 好奇心は、科学を発展させる |
Curiosity is the driving force behind scientific development, but it can also be the driving force behind distress. | |
Lobby_5_2 | それはとても奇妙な痛みで、 |
It's a bizarre sensation. Fear being dragged forward by desire... | |
Season_Birthday_Player_1 | お誕生日、 |
Happy birthday, Sensei. | |
Season_Birthday_Player_2 | 記録上は普段と変わりのない |
On a calendar, it looks like just another day... | |
Season_Birthday_Player_3 | 今日がいつもより、 |
But for you, at least, I hope it feels even a little more special. | |
Season_Birthday_1 | 生まれた日を記して |
I don't see much meaning into keeping track of the day of one's birth, but... | |
Season_Birthday_2 | それでも、祝ってもらえるのは 覚えていただいて、 |
it's nice to be remembered by others. Thank you for thinking of me. | |
Season_NewYear | あけまして 今年もどうぞ、 |
Happy New Year. I look forward to filling out this year's calendar for you, Sensei. | |
Season_Xmas_1 | クリスマスですか…… ミレニアムでは、 今日はなんだか、のどかですね。 |
Christmas... It's not a special holiday at Millennium School, but it certainly feels special today. | |
Season_Xmas_2 | ……もしよろしければ ディナーをご一緒に、 |
If you have some time after work, why don't we add dinner to tonight's schedule? Heehee. | |
Season_Halloween_1 | 覚えてもらえなかった |
A special day to remember the oft forgotten dead... | |
Season_Halloween_2 | 記されず、誰の中からも |
Records aren't just bureaucracy, they're safeguards against being overlooked, and people should never be overlooked. | |
ExWeapon_Get | このコンバージョンキットは |
This conversion kit is so interesting. It makes me want tinker around... Whoops. |
Memorial lobby[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
MemorialLobby_1 | ……不思議です。 紙に文字を書くときと違って、 |
How strange... It's different than writing on paper. It's more...exuberant. | |
MemorialLobby_2 | 記録とは本来、現在の意志を 雨が止み、 |
Records carry meaning into the future. But when the rain stops and the sun rises, these words will fade, just as temporary as the moment that created them. | |
MemorialLobby_3 | 理性と真実、 |
This glass plane is too frail to bear the weight of truth or reason. | |
MemorialLobby_4 | ……でも…だからこそ私は、 |
But this giant tablet should do the trick! |
Event lines[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
EventLogin_1 | それでは、一緒に |
Hmm. According to my schedule, we should be preparing for the Kivotos Halo Festival now. | |
EventLogin_2 | 開会式に遅れないよう、 |
We'd better hurry. We don't want to miss the opening ceremony! | |
EventLogin_Season_1 | (えっと… このあとに |
(Hmm... Next on the agenda is...) | |
EventLogin_Season_2 | 「晄輪大祭」開催まで 最後まで |
I can tell by the electricity in the air that the Kivotos Halo Festival is near. Well, that and my calendar. Let's do our best until the very end. | |
EventLogin_Season_End | お疲れ様でした先生。 今回の「晄輪大祭」も |
Thank you for your hard work, Sensei. Everyone has really given it their all... I'm sure this year's Kivotos Halo Festival will be amazing. | |
EventLobby_1 | キヴォトス中の ミレニアムの真価を |
All eyes will be on us during the festival... we need to do our best to showcase the true value of Millennium! | |
EventLobby_2 | 運動は得意では これも一応、 |
I'm not that athletic... But at the end of the day, this is another one of Seminar's duties. | |
EventLobby_3 | (…皆がお祭りを楽しみに |
(...I suppose not everyone is that excited for the festival...) | |
EventLobby_4_1 | ユウカちゃんが |
I am absolutely, 100% certain that, without fail, Yuuka is going to nag my ears off. | |
EventLobby_4_2 | ふふ…ユウカちゃんの |
Heh heh... I'm already picturing Yuuka's flustered face. | |
EventMission_Login_1 | こちら、「晄輪大祭」の |
Here, this is a list of tasks that must be completed in preparation for the Kivotos Halo Festival. | |
EventMission_Login_2 | あ、丁度良いところに! |
Just in time, Sensei, for me to ask you for help. | |
EventMission_1 | あれ?どうされました? |
Oh? Why can't I do it? | |
EventMission_2 | ふふ、ダメですよ。 |
Haha. Oh Sensei. I'm busy already of course. I could do it later, but... | |
EventMission_Get_1 | さすがです、先生。 |
I learned a lot. Well, you are a teacher. | |
EventMission_Get_2 | いい仕事っぷりですね。 |
I admire reliability. | |
EventMission_Day_End | ここのお仕事はこれで |
Looks like all the work is done. Thank you so much for your help. |
Extra event lines[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
EventLocation_1 | |||
EventLocation_Act_1 | |||
EventLocation_Act_2 |
Tactics and growth[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Formation_In_1 | 合理的な選択ですね。 |
That's a reasonable choice. | |
Formation_In_2 | 今回も、よろしくお願いします。 |
I look forward to working with you again this time. | |
Formation_Select | ふふ。 |
If you have a better opinion, please. | |
Tactic_Defeat_1 | お疲れ様でした。あまり気を落とさないでくださいね。 |
thank you so much please don't worry too much | |
Tactic_Defeat_2 | 今回は残念でしたね。次回はきっと成功できるはずです。 |
It was disappointing this time. I'm sure you'll be successful next time. | |
Tactic_In_1 | 敵の出現を確認。 |
I'd like a formula to confirm the appearance of the enemy. | |
Tactic_In_2 | ふふっ、現場のことなら私にお任せください。 |
If you have any questions about the site, please leave it to me. | |
Tactic_Victory_1 | 先生の新たな一面をたくさん記録できま…… |
I was able to record a lot of new sides of the teacher... (cough) …Sorry, I learned a lot. | |
Tactic_Victory_2 | 素晴らしい指揮でした。 |
It was wonderful conducting. Would you like to join us for coffee later? | |
Battle_Buffed_1 | 適確な助言、感謝します。 |
Accurate advice, thanks. | |
Battle_BuffSelf_1 | これなら、十分ですね。 |
That's enough. | |
Battle_Covered_1 | 隠れます。 |
Hide. | |
Battle_Damage_1 | |||
Battle_Damage_2 | |||
Battle_Damage_3 | 少々、厳しいですね。 |
It's a little tough, isn't it? | |
Battle_Defense_1 | ふふ、そっちじゃありませんよ。 |
It's not over there. | |
Battle_In_1 | たまには身体を動かさないとですね。 |
Sometimes you have to move your body. | |
Battle_In_2 | では、作戦をはじめます。 |
Let's start the operation. | |
Battle_Move_1 | 整理はこの辺にしておきましょうか。 |
Shall we arrange this here? | |
Battle_Move_2 | この先に、どのような変数が待ち受けているのでしょう? |
What kind of variables lie ahead? | |
Battle_Recovery_1 | ご支援に感謝します。 |
Thank you for your support. | |
Battle_Retire | うーん、少し過信してしまったかもしれません。 |
I may have been a little overconfident. | |
Battle_Shout_1 | |||
Battle_Shout_2 | 悪くありませんね。 |
Not bad. | |
Battle_Shout_3 | |||
Battle_TacticalAction_1 | 移動します。 |
Move. | |
Battle_Victory_1 | これにて会議を終了します。 |
This concludes the meeting. Thank you for your hard work. | |
Battle_Victory_2 | 記録通り |
Perfect as recorded. | |
CommonSkill | 迅速に、制圧します。 |
Suppress quickly. | |
ExSkill_1 | なるほど…… そこが弱点ですね? |
I see, that's the weak point | |
ExSkill_2 | へぇ…… これは興味深いですね。 |
This is interesting. | |
ExSkill_3 | ふふ… …今度はこちらを攻めてみましょう |
Let's attack this time. | |
ExSkill_Level_1 | ちょっと失礼……記録を開始します。 |
Excuse me, I'm going to start recording. | |
ExSkill_Level_2 | 私の知識がお役に立てるなら、何よりです。 |
I hope my knowledge can help you. | |
ExSkill_Level_3 | 隠れたところで、私の記録からは逃れられません! |
You can't escape my records even if you hide. | |
Growup_1 | 新しい事を学ぶのは、いつだって楽しいです。 |
It's always fun to learn new things. | |
Growup_2 | ふふ、これはちょっと楽しいかも…… |
This could be a little fun. | |
Growup_3 | 先生の指導はとても分かりやすいですね。 |
Sensei's instructions are very easy to understand. | |
Growup_4 | 確信はできませんが… |
I can't be sure, but maybe I've grown a little more than before. | |
Relationship_Up_1 | ふふっ、先生のお話はまるで暖かな夕焼けみたいですね。 |
Sensei's word are like a warm sunset. | |
Relationship_Up_2 | いつもご協力ありがとうございます、先生。 |
Thank you for your continued support, Sensei. | |
Relationship_Up_3 | 少しばかり、記録が難しいです… |
Recording is a bit difficult. To use the word "good" may not be sufficient. | |
Relationship_Up_4 | 今のこの感情は……記録に残したく、ありませんね。 |
I don't want this feeling right now to be recorded. |