Normal lines[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Title | ブルーアーカイブ。 |
Blue Archive. | |
Gachaget | トリニティ総合学園、 |
I'm Utazumi Sakurako of the Sisterhood of Trinity General School. May you have a blessed day today. | |
Cafe_monolog_1 | ここが、 |
So, Sensei, this is the place you worked to create? | |
Cafe_monolog_2 | いろんな方が |
It seems to have welcomed many different sorts of people. | |
Cafe_monolog_3 | 聖堂とは雰囲気が |
It's quite different from the cathedral. | |
Cafe_monolog_4 | たまには… |
Although...I certainly wouldn't mind visiting once in a while. | |
Cafe_monolog_5 | 形は違いますが、 |
It may be different, yet I feel at peace here. | |
LogIn_1 | お待ちしておりました、先生。 |
I've been waiting for you, Sensei. May you be blessed, today and all days. | |
LogIn_2 | あ、先生…。 |
Oh, Sensei... I was praying for you just now. | |
Lobby_1 | シャーレで先生の補佐を… 普段の仕事と違うので、 |
I'm supposed to assist you at Schale... It's different from my usual work, so I'm a bit nervous. | |
Lobby_2 | 聖堂の仕事…ですか? 大丈夫ですよ。 |
Work at the cathedral? It's okay. I've been organizing my schedule. | |
Lobby_3 | はい、先生。 |
Yes, Sensei. If there's anything I might be able to do... | |
Lobby_4 | 聖堂に関することも、 |
Anything regarding the cathedral, or any other work...please let me know. | |
Lobby_5 | お疲れのご様子ですね。 |
You seem tired. Is there anything I can do for you? | |
Season_Birthday_Player | 感謝に満ちた 私にとっても…そう。 |
Today is a special day. I am full of gratitude. That's how I feel too. | |
Season_Birthday | ありがとうございます、先生。 誕生日を祝ってもらうのは… |
Thank you, Sensei. It's nice that someone's celebrating my birthday. | |
Season_NewYear | 一年が過ぎ、新たな年を 今年も先生にとって |
A year has already passed. It's time to welcome the New Year. I wish great happiness for you in the New Year, Sensei. | |
Season_Xmas | はい。 先生にも、 |
Yes. Today is special, without question. I hope you can feel it, too. | |
Season_Halloween | 祝祭の日の前日… いいえ、嫌いなわけでは |
The day before a festival... Those are the busiest days. No, I'm not saying I don't like it. The more the merrier. | |
ExWeapon_Get | 私に慈悲を与えてくださるのですね。 |
You're so generous. Thank you. I hope I can repay your kindness one day. |
Memorial lobby[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
MemorialLobby_1 | 先生に対して、 私の立場上、全てを |
I don't want to hide anything... Not from you, of all people. But, in my position, it's hard for me to reveal everything... | |
MemorialLobby_2 | ですが、私に お伝えする事ができて、 |
Still, it is a relief just to be able to tell you that I have a secret to keep. | |
MemorialLobby_3 | 理解を得られるとは それを望む事も… それでも、私の素顔を |
I know you may not understand. I don't expect that... Nonetheless, I...I want you to accept me for who I am. | |
MemorialLobby_4 | その…そのような私でも |
Um... I was nervous. I thought you might not trust me once you knew... | |
MemorialLobby_5 | 思っていたよりも早く、 本当に… |
I never dreamed I would get that answer, and so soon. I sincerely thank you, Sensei. |
Tactics and growth[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Formation_In_1 | かしこまりました。 |
I got it. | |
Formation_In_2 | お呼びでしょうか? |
May I call you? | |
Formation_Select | あ、あら……?これは……? |
oh this is | |
Tactic_Defeat_1 | 私の失態です。 |
It's my blunder. | |
Tactic_Defeat_2 | 面目ありません。 |
It's embarrassing. | |
Tactic_In_1 | 幸いがあらんことを。 |
Good luck. | |
Tactic_In_2 | 皆様、何卒よろしくお願い致します。 |
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your kind support. | |
Tactic_Victory_1 | 皆様に恩寵があらんことを。 |
Grace be upon you all. | |
Tactic_Victory_2 | 平和でありますように。 |
May you be at peace. | |
Battle_Buffed_1 | 助かります。 |
That helps a lot. | |
Battle_BuffSelf_1 | 私に力を。 |
Give me strength. | |
Battle_Covered_1 | 無駄です。 |
In vain. | |
Battle_Damage_1 | |||
Battle_Damage_2 | |||
Battle_Damage_3 | |||
Battle_Defense_1 | 信仰心が足りていませんよ。 |
I don't have enough faith. | |
Battle_In_1 | 共に参りましょう。 |
Let's visit once in a while. | |
Battle_In_2 | これも一つの試練なのですね。 |
This is also a test, isn't it? | |
Battle_Move_1 | 続けてまいります。 |
We will continue. | |
Battle_Move_2 | まだ終わっておりません。 |
It's not over yet. | |
Battle_Recovery_1 | 感謝します。 |
appreciate. | |
Battle_Retire | 私が至らないばかりに。 |
I just can't reach it. | |
Battle_Shout_1 | |||
Battle_Shout_2 | |||
Battle_Shout_3 | |||
Battle_TacticalAction_1 | ふっ! |
Battle_Victory_1 | 皆様に感謝を。 |
Thanks to all. | |
Battle_Victory_2 | 解決できて何よりです。 |
I'm glad it was resolved. | |
CommonSkill | 結局、こうなってしまうのですね。 |
This is how it ends up. | |
ExSkill_1 | この弾丸に祝福を。 |
Bless this bullet. | |
ExSkill_2 | 我らに恵みを与え給え。 |
Give us grace. | |
ExSkill_3 | 恩寵に感謝を。 |
Thank you for the grace. | |
ExSkill_Level_1 | 悔い改めてください! |
Please repent. | |
ExSkill_Level_2 | あなたのためなのです! |
it's for you | |
ExSkill_Level_3 | 受け止めてください! |
Please take it. | |
Growup_1 | あ、ありがとうございます。 |
Oh, thank you very much. I'm not really…used to having people look at me this way. | |
Growup_2 | このご恩を、どう返していけば良いのでしょう……。 |
How should I repay this kindness? | |
Growup_3 | その行いに祝福があらんことを。 |
May the deed be blessed. | |
Growup_4 | 施しを遠慮するものではありませんね……ありがとうございます。 |
I don't think I'm one to shy away from almsgiving, thank you very much. | |
Relationship_Up_1 | 先生……その……。 |
sir it's nothing | |
Relationship_Up_2 | 先生に何かをお伝えするたびに…… |
Every time I tell my teacher something, I wonder if these words are right. | |
Relationship_Up_3 | 先生ほど私を理解してくださる方も……。 |
There were not many people who understood me as well as Sensei did. | |
Relationship_Up_4 | 一応……皆のためのシスター……ですから。 |
I'm a sister for everyone's sake, but |