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| <p>ぼく様は研究だけでなく<br>射撃の腕も天才なのだ!</p>
| <p>ぼく様は研究だけでなく<br>射撃の腕も天才なのだ!</p>
| <p>I am a jack-of-all-trades who is not only skilled at researching, but at shooting as well!</p>
| <p>I am a jack-of-all-trades who is not only skilled at researching, but at shooting as well!</p>
{| class="wikitable"
|+Event lines
! rowspan="2" |Name
! rowspan="2" style="max-width:313px" |
! colspan="2" |Transcription
! style="width:240px" |Japanese
! style="width:240px" |English
| EventLogin_1
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventLogin_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>山海経高級中学校へ<br>ようこそなのだ、先生!</p>
| <p>Sensei, welcome to Shanhaijing!</p>
| EventLogin_2
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventLogin_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ふっふっふ<br>今日の約束はもちろん<br>覚えてるよね、先生?</p>
| <p>Heehee. You didn't forget about today's plans, right, Sensei?</p>
| EventLobby_1
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventLobby_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>シュン教官は<br>どこに行ったのだ……?</p>
| <p>Where did Shun wander off to this time?</p>
| EventLobby_2
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventLobby_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ふっふっふ<br>不老不死の霊薬を<br>生み出せる日は近いのだ!</p>
| <p>Heehee. Won't be long until the elixir of immortality can be made!</p>
| EventLobby_3
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventLobby_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>おかしいのだ……<br>「若返りの秘薬」に変な<br>ものは入れなかったはず……。</p>
| <p>That's strange. There shouldn't have been any other ingredients in the rejuvenation elixir...</p>
| EventLobby_4
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventLobby_4.ogg]]<br>
| <p>……もしかして<br>沸騰させてる時に、</p><p>空中に舞っていた<br>ネズ助の毛が<br>混ざったのだ!?</p>
| <p>Wait, while I was working...</p><p>Did this get mixed in with Nezusuke's fur?</p>
| EventShop_Login_1
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventShop_Login_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ぼく様の出張研究所へ<br>ようこそなのだ、先生!</p>
| <p>Welcome, Sensei, to my new remote lab!</p>
| EventShop_Login_2
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventShop_Login_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>良い錬丹術の素材があったら、<br>ぼく様が高く買い取るのだ!</p>
| <p>I'll purchase any good alchemy materials!</p>
| EventShop_1
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventShop_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>世の中に存在する<br>ほぼ全てのものは、<br>錬丹術で生み出せるのだ!</p>
| <p>Anything can be made with the power of superior alchemy!</p>
| EventShop_2
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventShop_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>うーん……先生が言ってる<br>その「青色の石」については、<br>ぼく様もよく知らないのだ……</p>
| <p>Hmm. This blue stone you mentioned. I'm not familiar with it either...</p>
| EventShop_Season_1
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventShop_Season_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>この出張研究所は<br>あくまで臨時のもの。</p><p>だからもし欲しい材料があったら、<br>早めに手に入れておく<br>ことをおススメするのだ</p>
| <p>The remote lab won't be open for long.</p><p>Remember to exchange any good materials you find!</p>
| EventShop_Season_2
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventShop_Season_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>最近何だか、<br>商会の雰囲気が怪しいのだ……</p><p>この出張研究所も、<br>早めに畳んだ方が<br>良いかもしれないな</p>
| <p>The vibe around the promenade feels kinda off.</p><p>We need to close the remote lab and fast.</p>
| EventShop_Season_3
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventShop_Season_3.ogg]]<br>
| <p>出張研究所は<br>今日でおしまいなのだ</p><p>もし必要な材料があったら、<br>早めに交換しておいた<br>方が良いぞ?</p>
| <p>The remote lab is open until today.</p><p>Get what you need while you can!</p>
| EventShop_End
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventShop_End.ogg]]<br>
| <p>出張研究所、営業終了なのだ!</p><p>あ、でも、もし残った<br>材料とかがあれば、<br>是非ぼく様に見せてほしい!</p>
| <p>The remote lab is closed.</p><p>But if there's anything left, please show it to me.</p>
| EventShop_Buy_1
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventShop_Buy_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>悪くない選択だ!</p>
| <p>Not a bad choice.</p>
| EventShop_Buy_2
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventShop_Buy_2.ogg]]<br>
| <p>ふふ、良い素材を集めてくれて<br>ありがとうなのだ</p>
| <p>Heehee. Thanks for collecting all the good stuff.</p>
| EventShop_SPBuy_1
| [[File:Saya_(Casual)_EventShop_SPBuy_1.ogg]]<br>
| <p>おお、素晴らしい選択なのだ!</p>
| <p>Oh, an excellent choice!</p>