Shimiko/Relationship Story/Bookworm

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Though one may think Shimiko a shy bookworm upon first meeting, it turns out there's more to her than meets the eye.


ShimikoLibrary Committee
Hiya, Sensei! I'm glad you're here.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I guess I did invite you over. Heehee. Thanks all the same.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
What's even funnier is that there isn't much to do here.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Oh, I'm sorry. Could you lower your voice just a little bit? Everyone else is reading...
ShimikoLibrary Committee
We can get away with a little small talk. The library is big enough and our voices won't echo.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I just don't want things to get too loud, that's all.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Can I recommend something to read while you're here?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
If it's coming from me, then you know you won't regret it!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
What do you like to read? Novels? Essays? Non-fiction? Science magazines...?

"Let's try a novel."
"I like cookbooks and travel guides."
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Oh... That's very you. Wonderful! I have just the thing...
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Oh... That's very you. Wonderful! I have just the thing...
ShimikoLibrary Committee
What you want should be riiiiight over here... Wait.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Huh? Did you hear that?
BGM stops
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 03.png
Obnoxious Patron
Hahaha! This is hilarious! Heeheehee! Oh, my stomach! No more!
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 02.png
Obnoxious Patron
What, you punks got a problem with me? You own this library or something? Huh?!
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 03.png
Obnoxious Patron
*munch* These chips are awesome. Whoops, I spilled some crumbs. Oh, well!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Would you mind waiting just a moment, Sensei? I can't overlook this as the librarian.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Excuse me. You're causing a disturbance.
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 00.png
Obnoxious Patron
Huh? Who? Me?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Yes, you. This is a library. Can you please keep your voice down?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Quiet conversations are allowed within the library, but you have to keep your voices down.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Food, on the other hand, is strictly forbidden! You can only bring beverages inside sealed containers, and you have to use a straw!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Please be considerate to the other visitors!
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 02.png
Obnoxious Patron
*sigh* Is this a joke? Why's a geek like you trying to tell me what to do? Leave me alone and let me read in peace!
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 02.png
Obnoxious Patron
Actually, stay where you are. I'm gonna make you regret talking to me like that.
BGM stops
ShimikoLibrary Committee
ShimikoLibrary Committee
ShimikoLibrary Committee
What did you just do?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
D-Did you just fold that page?
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 05.png
Obnoxious Patron
Huh? Well, duh! How else am I supposed to keep track of where I was?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Why, you...!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
You're so...profane!
Obnoxious Patron
Obnoxious Patron
Wh-What was that? Wh-Why did everything turn gray...?
Obnoxious Patron
These first steps? My first day at elementary school? Birthday parties... All these memories...
Obnoxious Patron
What's that? A river? Who's that on the other side...? Some old geezer is waving his hand...
Obnoxious Patron
That's...a book? The corner...? On my head...?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I could forgive every other rule you broke, but damaging a book cannot go unpunished!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Fools that don't understand the value of books need to be taught a lesson!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
You'll be paying out of pocket for the book you creased!
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 04.png
Obnoxious Patron
U-Ugh... My head... What just happened?
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 06.png
Obnoxious Patron
I nearly died! Was that a revolving lantern just now?!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
It takes more than that to kill someone. I read a book that taught me how to adjust the strength of the blow.
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 06.png
Obnoxious Patron
Wh-What the hell? What's wrong with you?! You call yourself a librarian?!
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 02.png
Obnoxious Patron
You little...! If that's how you want to play it, then take this!
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 01.png
Obnoxious Patron
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 04.png
Obnoxious Patron
What...? What happened?
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 04.png
Obnoxious Patron
What in the...? Did you just stop my punch with one hand?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
"Don't judge a book by its cover."
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Every reader knows that simple rule. Did you think you could push me around just because I'm a librarian?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Do you have any idea how many books a librarian has to carry a day?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I'm so ripped that taking care of punks like you is a piece of cake!
Obnoxious Patron
Wh-What the hell...? Hold on! Are you...lifting me off the floor?!
Obnoxious Patron
A-Argh! L-Let me down! I said let me down!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I would throw you out the window, but that would only cause an even bigger scene.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
So I'll let you off with a warning. Next time, I won't be Ms. Nice Librarian, got it?
Obnoxious Patron
Okay! Okay! Just let me down...
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 00.png
Obnoxious Patron
I'm sorry...
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 03.png
Obnoxious Patron what you thought I was gonna say! I'm takin' this book as payback!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 04.png
Obnoxious Patron
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 04.png
Obnoxious Patron
Wait a second. When did you get all the way over there?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I hate repeating myself.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
What did I just tell you about underestimating a librarian?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Do you realize how quickly librarians have to return books to their shelves? How far they have to go to do it?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I've trained myself to sprint without making a sound. Nobody can outpace me.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Regardless, you don't seem like you've learned your lesson.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Very well. The hard way it is.
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 06.png
Obnoxious Patron
H-Haha! Yeah, right! You're just bluffing!
BGM stops
File:Sukeban Thug SMG 06.png
Obnoxious Patron
D-Don't come any closer! Stop right there...!
Obnoxious Patron
ShimikoLibrary Committee
*sigh* There's always one that has to be taught to follow the rules.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Sensei. I invited you today to have fun.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Honestly, I wanted you to see me as the intellectual type...

"What intellectual wouldn't want to protect knowledge?"
"I thought you were incredible. Great work, Shimiko!"
ShimikoLibrary Committee
ShimikoLibrary Committee
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Y-You're...just trying to make me feel better.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Still, I appreciate hearing that—especially from you.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Thank you, Sensei. You can read in peace with that finally settled!
BGM stops