Shimiko/Relationship Story/More Often Please

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Sensei goes to the library to find a book, and Shimiko, the librarian, helps. Sensei and Shimiko bond talking about the library while searching.


ShimikoLibrary Committee
Oh, Sensei! I've been waiting for you.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Why am I here?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
B-Because...I want to help you, Sensei.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Huh? You only ever see me reading books?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Oh, hahaha. I guess that's not entirely wrong.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
It does make sense.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I do love reading books, but that's not the only thing I enjoy about the library.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I actually prefer reading at home.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I like volunteering at the library for a different reason.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Because of times like these!

"...Times like these?"
"Are you talking about me?"
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Yes! So I'm very excited right now. I didn't think you'd really come.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Yes! So I'm very excited right now. I didn't think you'd really come.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
A librarian's greatest joy is to find a book for someone that they couldn't find elsewhere!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I don't know what book you need right now, but I'm sure it's hard to find!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
If it was easy, you could've found it on the internet.

"Well, you're not wrong."
"I couldn't find it anywhere."
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Heehee! I knew it.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Heehee! I knew it.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Since so much is available on the internet now, libraries are slowly becoming obsolete.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
But surprisingly, there's also a lot that can only be found in books!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Information not many people are looking for and stories that aren't easy to access are still preserved on paper.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
As a librarian, it's so fun to search for that kind of stuff!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
And on top of that...

"On top of that...?"
"Earth to Shimiko?"
ShimikoLibrary Committee
...Oh, it's nothing! Okay, what kind of a book are you looking for?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
...Oh, it's nothing! Okay, what kind of a book are you looking for?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
The library is well organized by genres and names, but it's also huge!
ShimikoLibrary Committee
...Hmm, okay. I got it.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
If that's the case... Come this way!
Follow Shimiko.
BGM stops
Pull out the book.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Wh-What a coincidence.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I was trying to find it first, for Sensei.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
And it looks like I won! Heehee.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Hm, should I let you have it?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
...I'm kidding.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I'll make a record of the rental and give it to you. I'm happy you found it.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
How was it? Did you enjoy your time at the library?
ShimikoLibrary Committee
There's no place like this library. I think it's a really unique experience.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
Please come anytime you need anything.
ShimikoLibrary Committee
I'll be waiting!
BGM stops