Shiroko (Riding)/audio
Normal lines[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Title | ブルーアーカイブ。 |
Blue Archive | |
Gachaget | あっ。うん、ライディング中だったの。 |
I was just cycling. Want to join me, Sensei? It'll just be a light 200 kilometers. | |
Cafe_monolog_1 | 今日の平均速度は…… |
Today's average pace is... Hmm. Just a little faster than my average. | |
Cafe_monolog_2 | うーん……汗を |
I need to cool off. | |
Cafe_monolog_3 | 次はどこに行って |
Where should we go next? | |
Cafe_Act_1 | 途中で |
We need to fill up on calories so that we don't get tired. | |
Cafe_Act_2 | グループ |
Group-cycling would be fun too... | |
LogIn_1 | おかえり、先生。 |
Welcome, Sensei. Would like to go cycling with me? | |
LogIn_2 | 待ってたよ。 |
I was waiting for you. Where should we go today? | |
Lobby_1 | 最近はケイデンスを 低いギアでペダルを |
I've been working on improving my cadence when cycling. I heard pedaling faster while at a lower gear makes for good practice. | |
Lobby_2 | 最近委員会の活動で忙しくて、 だから今日は久しぶりに |
I haven't had as much time to cycle lately due to task force work. That's why I'd like to go the distance today. | |
Lobby_3 | 先生もライディング、 私が前で風を そうすればきっと |
Would you like to learn how to cycle, Sensei? I can be in front and block the wind while you follow behind. That will make it much easier for you. | |
Lobby_4 | 買いたい部品は 自転車の部品って |
There's something I want to buy, but I'm holding out. It's an expensive bike part. | |
Lobby_5 | 実はこのジャージ、 みんなに着たくないって |
Actually, I made several of these jerseys hoping to go cycling as a group. But the others refused, so it's just me. | |
Season_Birthday_Player | 今日って、 それじゃお祝いの意味で…… |
It's Sensei's birthday today? Would you like to go cycling to celebrate? | |
Season_Birthday | 私の誕生日?……ああ。 |
My birthday?....Oh. I suppose it is. Th-Thank you. | |
Season_NewYear | 日の出が見られる 一晩中走って、 一緒に行かない? |
I know a mountain course where you can see the sunrise from. We can ride through the night and watch the sunrise from the peak. Would you like to go with me? It's only 2,000 meters above sea level. | |
Season_Xmas | こんな日にも だったら、今から先生と え、ライディング抜きで? |
Cycling on this kind of day as well? Well...I don't have any plans anyway. I'm fine with meeting up right now, Sensei. Cycling is off limits? Hmm... | |
Season_Halloween | あ……ハロウィーン…… えーと……それじゃあ、 |
Today is Halloween? Hmm. How about Trick-or-Cycling...? | |
ExWeapon_Get | これはライディング用に特別に改造された |
This is a lightweight personal weapon developed for riding and more agile tactics. It's great for enduring long-distance rides as well. |
Memorial lobby[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
MemorialLobby_1 | ……ありがと、先生。 |
...Thank you, Sensei. | |
MemorialLobby_2 | その、何て言うのかな……。 こんな風にしっかり誰かに |
Umm, I don't know what to say, but... I've never received support like this before... | |
MemorialLobby_3 | ……先生と一緒にいると、 |
Sensei, when I'm around you...something new happens every day. | |
MemorialLobby_4 | (……?何でだろ。 |
(Hmm? What's happening? My heartbeat won't stop racing...) | |
MemorialLobby_5 | ……変なの。 |
Strange... This is a pretty new experience too... |
Tactics and growth[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Formation_In_1 | ん、準備はできてる。 |
I'm ready. | |
Formation_In_2 | ……私? 分かった。 |
I got it. | |
Formation_Select | ううーん……。 |
Tactic_Defeat_1 | 準備が足りなかったみたい。 |
I guess I wasn't prepared enough. | |
Tactic_Defeat_2 | 作成完璧だったはずなのに。 |
It should have been perfectly made. | |
Tactic_In_1 | 作戦は完璧。始めよう。 |
Start your strategy perfectly. | |
Tactic_In_2 | 作戦開始。大丈夫、私についてきて。 |
Operation start okay, follow me | |
Tactic_Victory_1 | ん、想定通り。 |
As expected. | |
Tactic_Victory_2 | 先生の指揮のおかげ。 |
Thanks to the teacher's expression | |
Battle_Buffed_1 | ありがと。 |
thank you. | |
Battle_BuffSelf_1 | 準備完了。 |
Ready. | |
Battle_Covered_1 | 一旦隠れる。 |
Hide once. | |
Battle_Damage_1 | |||
Battle_Damage_2 | |||
Battle_Damage_3 | これじゃ。 |
This is it. | |
Battle_Defense_1 | ん、問題ない。 |
no problem. | |
Battle_In_1 | さあ、出発しよう。 |
Let's go. | |
Battle_In_2 | 始めよう。 |
let's get started | |
Battle_Move_1 | 移動するよ、行こう。 |
I'll start let's go. | |
Battle_Move_2 | ん、じゃあ次。 |
Then next | |
Battle_Recovery_1 | ありがと、確かに受け取った。 |
thank you, sure received | |
Battle_Retire | ごめん こんなことになるなんて |
I'm sorry that this happened | |
Battle_Shout_1 | |||
Battle_Shout_2 | |||
Battle_Shout_3 | |||
Battle_TacticalAction_1 | まだまだやれる。 |
I can still do it. | |
Battle_Victory_1 | (ゴクゴク)……ぷはあ。 |
Battle_Victory_2 | ふう。お疲れ様。 |
good work. | |
CommonSkill | はあっ! |
ExSkill_1 | これを出す時が来たね。 |
It's time to put this out. | |
ExSkill_2 | 出すつもりなかったんだけど。 |
I didn't mean to put it out. | |
ExSkill_3 | うーん……仕方ない。 |
it can not be helped. | |
ExSkill_Level_1 | ライディング用グレネードだよ。 |
It's a riding grenade. | |
ExSkill_Level_2 | 自転車乗りの必需品だよ。 |
It's a must have for cycling. | |
ExSkill_Level_3 | 効果抜群。 |
Excellent effect. | |
Growup_1 | トレーニングはずっと欠かしてない、もっともっと強くなれるはず。 |
I never miss training, I should be able to become even stronger | |
Growup_2 | まだまだ成長期、かも。 |
Maybe it's still growing. | |
Growup_3 | 先生、いつも助けてくれてありがとう。 |
Sensei, thank you for always helping me. | |
Growup_4 | これでもっと、スピードを出せるようになるはず……。 |
This should give you more speed. | |
Relationship_Up_1 | 一緒に過ごせて楽しい、先生。 |
Fun to spend time with, teacher | |
Relationship_Up_2 | 次もよろしくね。 |
See you next time. | |
Relationship_Up_3 | 気にかけてくれてありがとう。 |
Thank you for your concern. | |
Relationship_Up_4 | うーん……またお世話になってしまった。 |
Thank you again. |