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Line 837:
|text100="I'm an advisor with Schale. It's nice to meet you."
|text101="I'm an advisor with Schale. It's nice to meet you."
|affiliation101=Foreclosure Task Force
|text101=No way! Are you?!
|affiliation102=Foreclosure Task Force
|text102=You're with Schale? The Federal Investigation Club?!
|affiliation103=Foreclosure Task Force
|text103=WowNo way! That meansAre you got the letter Ayane wrote?!
|affiliation104=Foreclosure Task Force
|text104=You're with Schale? The Federal Investigation Club?!
|text104=This is great. This means we can finally get more ammo and supplies.
|affiliation105=Foreclosure Task Force
|text105=IWow! haveThat tomeans tellyou Hoshino.got Wait...the Whereletter isAyane shewrote! anyway?
|affiliation106=Foreclosure Task Force
|text106=She'sThis takingis agreat. napThis inmeans thewe nextcan room.finally I'llget gomore wakeammo herand upsupplies.
|affiliation107=Foreclosure Task Force
|name107=door open
|text107=I have to tell Hoshino. Wait... Where is she anyway?
|affiliation108=Foreclosure Task Force
|text108=She's taking a nap in the next room. I'll go wake her up.
|name109=rapiddoor open
|text110=*pop* *pop* *pop* *tat*
|affiliation111=Foreclosure Task Force
|text111=Was that gunfire?!
|text112=*pop* *pop* *pop* *tat*
|affiliation112=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation113=Foreclosure Task Force
|name113=Theme 05
|text113=Was that gunfire?!
|affiliation114=Foreclosure Task Force
|name115=Helmet Gangster B
|name115=Theme 05
|affiliation115=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|portrait115=Helmet Gangster Black
|spine115=Helmet Gangster Black
|name116=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation116=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text116=They're all out of ammo! Finish 'em off, and then take over the school!
|portrait116=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine116=Helmet Gangster Red
|name117=Helmet Gangster B
|affiliation117=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|portrait117=Helmet Gangster Black
|spine117=Helmet Gangster Black
|name118=Helmet Gangster A
|text118=*pop* *pop* *pop* *tat*
|affiliation118=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text118=They're all out of ammo! Finish 'em off, and then take over the school!
|portrait118=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine118=Helmet Gangster Red
|text120=*pop* *pop* *pop* *tat*
|affiliation121=Foreclosure Task Force
|text121=There's a group approaching the school! It must be the Kata-Kata Helmet Gang!
|affiliation122=Foreclosure Task Force
|text122=Those punks... They have some nerve coming back for more.
|affiliation123=Foreclosure Task Force
|text123=There's a group approaching the school! It must be the Kata-Kata Helmet Gang!
|affiliation124=Foreclosure Task Force
|text124=I'veThose gotpunks... Hoshino!They Nowhave ifsome she'dnerve justcoming wakeback up!for more.
|affiliation125=Foreclosure Task Force
|text125=*yawn* Just five more minutes...
|affiliation126=Foreclosure Task Force
|text126=Hoshino! The Helmet Gang is attacking again! By the way, this is Sensei from Schale.
|affiliation127=Foreclosure Task Force
|text127=Ohhh. ThatI'sve agot problem...Hoshino! *yawn*Now Niceif toshe'd meetjust you,wake Sensei.up!
|affiliation129=Foreclosure Task Force
|text129=*yawn* Just five more minutes...
|text129=Wake up and get your butt in gear, Hoshino! Literally! We have to defend the school!
|affiliation130=Foreclosure Task Force
|text130=Hoshino! The Helmet Gang is attacking again! By the way, this is Sensei from Schale.
|text130=*yawn* Don't they know it's rude to wake the elderly during naptime?<br/>Time to teach those Helmet Gang whippersnappers a lesson.
|affiliation132=Foreclosure Task Force
|text132=LetOhhh. That's geta goingproblem... Sensei*yawn* broughtNice usto ammomeet andyou, supplies to useSensei.
|affiliation133=Foreclosure Task Force
|text133=Okay! Let's sortie, everyone! ☆
|affiliation135=Foreclosure Task Force
|text135=Wake up and get your butt in gear, Hoshino! Literally! We have to defend the school!
|text135=I'll navigate us from here.
|affiliation136=Foreclosure Task Force
|text136=Stay on the back lines and provide support, Sensei!
|affiliation137=Foreclosure Task Force
|name137=Theme 11
|text137=*yawn* Don't they know it's rude to wake the elderly during naptime?<br/>Time to teach those Helmet Gang whippersnappers a lesson.
|affiliation140=Foreclosure Task Force
|text140=TheLet's Kata-Kataget Helmetgoing. GangSensei isbrought retreatingus fromammo theand districtsupplies to use.
|affiliation141=Foreclosure Task Force
|text141=WowOkay! WeLet's wonsortie, everyone! ☆
|affiliation142=Foreclosure Task Force
|text142=Hahaha! How do you like that, Helmet Gang?
|affiliation143=Foreclosure Task Force
|text143=Great job, everyone! You're safe to return to campus.
|affiliation144=Foreclosure Task Force
|text144=I'll navigate us from here.
|affiliation145=Foreclosure Task Force
|text145=Stay on the back lines and provide support, Sensei!
|name146=Theme 11
|affiliation149=Foreclosure Task Force
|text149=The Kata-Kata Helmet Gang is retreating from the district.
|affiliation150=Foreclosure Task Force
|text150=Wow! We won! ☆
|affiliation151=Foreclosure Task Force
|text151=Hahaha! How do you like that, Helmet Gang?
|affiliation152=Foreclosure Task Force
|text152=Great job, everyone! You're safe to return to campus.
|text144text153=To be continued
|text146text155=Next Episode: Being an Adult is Amazing!
Line 1,203 ⟶ 1,230:
|affiliation12=Foreclosure Task Force
|text12=We're the Abydos Foreclosure Task Force.
|affiliation13=Foreclosure Task Force
|text13=We're the Abydos Foreclosure Task Force.
|text13=I'm Ayane, and I'm a first-year in charge of the task force's records and operations.
|affiliation14=Foreclosure Task Force
|text14=This is Serika, also a first-year.
|affiliation15=Foreclosure Task Force
|text15=I'm Ayane, and I'm a first-year in charge of the task force's records and operations.
|affiliation16=Foreclosure Task Force
|text16=AndThis theseis areSerika, ouralso seconda first-years: Shiroko and Nonomiyear.
|affiliation17=Foreclosure Task Force
|text17=Hello, Sensei!Hey.
|affiliation18=Foreclosure Task Force
|text18=And these are our second-years: Shiroko and Nonomi.
|text18=We met before.
|affiliation19=Foreclosure Task Force
|text19=...Ignore what Hoshino saidHello, okay?Sensei!
|affiliation20=Foreclosure Task Force
|text20=And this here is our president.
|affiliation21=Foreclosure Task Force
|text21=HoshinoWe ismet our lone third-yearbefore.
|affiliation22=Foreclosure Task Force
|text22=Nice to meet you, Sensei.
|affiliation23=Foreclosure Task Force
|text23=...Ignore what Hoshino said, okay?
|text23=I'm sure you've noticed by now that our school is in crisis. That's why I reached out to Schale for help, and you've already managed to come through for us.
|affiliation24=Foreclosure Task Force
|text24=And this here is our president.
|text24=Those thugs would have succeeded in taking over the school if not for you.<br/>We can't thank you enough.
|text25=Ask what the Foreclosure Task Force's purpose is.
|affiliation25=Foreclosure Task Force
|text25=Hoshino is our lone third-year.
|affiliation26=Foreclosure Task Force
|text26=Nice to meet you, Sensei.
|text26=The Foreclosure Task Force's goal is to bring Abydos back to its former glory.
|affiliation27=Foreclosure Task Force
|text27=I'm sure you've noticed by now that our school is in crisis. That's why I reached out to Schale for help, and you've already managed to come through for us.
|text27=We're the only club in the school where every single student is a member!<br/>I mean, we're the only five students at this school, but still...
|affiliation28=Foreclosure Task Force
|text28=Those thugs would have succeeded in taking over the school if not for you.<br/>We can't thank you enough.
|text28=All the others either transferred or dropped out and left town.
|text29=Ask what the Foreclosure Task Force's purpose is.
|affiliation29=Foreclosure Task Force
|text29=I don't blame them for leaving Kivotos entirely, with the state that Abydos is in.<br/>And now we have to deal with thugs like the Kata-Kata Helmet Gang trying to take over the school.
|affiliation30=Foreclosure Task Force
|text30=ItThe Foreclosure Task Force's toogoal difficultis to defendbring Abydos on our own, and embarrassingback to see the state it's in, if I'mits beingformer honest..glory.
|affiliation31=Foreclosure Task Force
|text31=We're the only club in the school where every single student is a member!<br/>I mean, we're the only five students at this school, but still...
|text31=We would have been in real big trouble this time if Schale hadn't come around to help us.
|affiliation32=Foreclosure Task Force
|text32=All the others either transferred or dropped out and left town.
|text32=Seriously. I figured we were done for once we ran out of supplies.<br/>That's some timing you had there, Sensei.
|affiliation33=Foreclosure Task Force
|text33=I don't blame them for leaving Kivotos entirely, with the state that Abydos is in.<br/>And now we have to deal with thugs like the Kata-Kata Helmet Gang trying to take over the school.
|text33=At least we don't have to worry about the Helmet Gang anymore!<br/>It pays to have adults in high places! ☆
|affiliation34=Foreclosure Task Force
|text34=It's too difficult to defend Abydos on our own, and embarrassing to see the state it's in, if I'm being honest...
|text34=No. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they come back.
|affiliation35=Foreclosure Task Force
|text35=Yeah, probably. Man, I hate them.
|affiliation36=Foreclosure Task Force
|text36=WhoWe knowswould howhave longbeen thisin willreal dragbig out?trouble Wethis havetime plentyif ofSchale otherhadn't thingscome around to worry about besides the Helmethelp Gangus.
|affiliation37=Foreclosure Task Force
|text37=Seriously. I figured we were done for once we ran out of supplies.<br/>That's some timing you had there, Sensei.
|text37=I have a plan.
|affiliation38=Foreclosure Task Force
|text38=At least we don't have to worry about the Helmet Gang anymore!<br/>It pays to have adults in high places! ☆
|text38=What the...?! Hoshino came up with a plan?!
|affiliation39=Foreclosure Task Force
|text39=No. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they come back.
|text39=I'm surprised too!
|affiliation40=Foreclosure Task Force
|text40=Yeah, probably. Man, I hate them.
|text40=I know I'm getting senile in my old age, but you don't have to hurt my feelings.<br/>I do my part too, you know.
|affiliation41=Foreclosure Task Force
|text41=Who knows how long this will drag out? We have plenty of other things to worry about besides the Helmet Gang.
|text41=Well? Spill it.
|affiliation42=Foreclosure Task Force
|text42=If history repeats itself, the Helmet Gang will attack again in a few days.
|affiliation43=Foreclosure Task Force
|text43=I have a plan.
|text43=So before then, why don't we go on the offensive for once?<br/>They're probably sulking and vulnerable after that last fight.
|affiliation44=Foreclosure Task Force
|text44=Y-YouWhat meanthe...?! Hoshino came up with righta nowplan?!
|affiliation45=Foreclosure Task Force
|text45=I'm surprised too!
|text45=Yeah, now. With Sensei here, we have more than enough supplies to finish the job once and for all.
|affiliation46=Foreclosure Task Force
|text46=I know I'm getting senile in my old age, but you don't have to hurt my feelings.<br/>I do my part too, you know.
|text46=True. The Helmet Gang's base is 30 kilometers from here.<br/>We have plenty of time if we leave now.
|affiliation47=Foreclosure Task Force
|text47=Well? Spill it.
|text47=I'm all for it. The last thing they're expecting is for us to strike now.
|affiliation48=Foreclosure Task Force
|text48=If history repeats itself, the Helmet Gang will attack again in a few days.
|text48=I can't deny that, but...what do you think, Sensei?
|text49="I'm on board."
|affiliation50=Foreclosure Task Force
|text50=So before then, why don't we go on the offensive for once?<br/>They're probably sulking and vulnerable after that last fight.
|text50=Great! If Sensei is giving us the green light, then let's hurry up and go.
|affiliation51=Foreclosure Task Force
|text51=Let's strike while the iron is hot.
|affiliation52=Foreclosure Task Force
|text52=Okay!Y-You Let'smean go!right now?
|affiliation53=Foreclosure Task Force
|name53=Theme 05
|text53=Yeah, now. With Sensei here, we have more than enough supplies to finish the job once and for all.
|affiliation54=Foreclosure Task Force
|text54=True. The Helmet Gang's base is 30 kilometers from here.<br/>We have plenty of time if we leave now.
|affiliation55=Foreclosure Task Force
|text55=I'm all for it. The last thing they're expecting is for us to strike now.
|affiliation56=Foreclosure Task Force
|text56=YouI can'ret nowdeny onthat, thebut...what Kata-Katado Helmetyou Gang'sthink, turf.Sensei?
|text57="I'm on board."
|affiliation57=Foreclosure Task Force
|text57=I'm detecting their signal within a 15 kilometer radius.
|affiliation58=Foreclosure Task Force
|text58=They must know you're there. Don't let your guard down!
|affiliation59=Foreclosure Task Force
|name59=Theme 11
|text59=Great! If Sensei is giving us the green light, then let's hurry up and go.
|affiliation60=Foreclosure Task Force
|text60=Let's strike while the iron is hot.
|affiliation61=Foreclosure Task Force
|text61=TheyOkay! Let'res retreatinggo!
|name62=Theme 05
|affiliation62=Foreclosure Task Force
|text62=Better yet, the Helmet Gang's supplies, hideout, and ammunition were all taken out.
|affiliation63=Foreclosure Task Force
|text63=I bet they'll think twice before attacking us again.
|affiliation64=Foreclosure Task Force
|text64=Great work, everyone. You too, Sensei.
|affiliation65=Foreclosure Task Force
|text65=LetYou'sre headnow back toon the schoolKata-Kata Helmet Gang's turf.
|text66=To be continued
|affiliation66=Foreclosure Task Force
|text66=I'm detecting their signal within a 15 kilometer radius.
|affiliation67=Foreclosure Task Force
|text67=They must know you're there. Don't let your guard down!
|text68=Next Episode: The Task Force's Predicament
|name68=Theme 11
|affiliation70=Foreclosure Task Force
|text70=They're retreating!
|affiliation71=Foreclosure Task Force
|text71=Better yet, the Helmet Gang's supplies, hideout, and ammunition were all taken out.
|affiliation72=Foreclosure Task Force
|text72=I bet they'll think twice before attacking us again.
|affiliation73=Foreclosure Task Force
|text73=Great work, everyone. You too, Sensei.
|affiliation74=Foreclosure Task Force
|text74=Let's head back to the school.
|text75=To be continued
|text77=Next Episode: The Task Force's Predicament
Line 1,690 ⟶ 1,744:
|affiliation13=Foreclosure Task Force
|text13=Wait... Shoot!
|affiliation14=Foreclosure Task Force
|name14=Theme 09
|text14=Wait... Shoot!
|name15=Theme 09
|affiliation15=Foreclosure Task Force
|text15=W-Well, the thing is...
|affiliation16=Foreclosure Task Force
|text16=W-Well, the thing is...
|affiliation17=Foreclosure Task Force
|text17=Stop right there! Not another word, Ayane!
|affiliation18=Foreclosure Task Force
|text18=Stop right there! Not another word, Ayane!
|affiliation19=Foreclosure Task Force
|text19=Why not, Serika? It's not like it's a secret.
|affiliation20=Foreclosure Task Force
|text20=ThatWhy doesn'tnot, meanSerika? weIt's shouldnot golike it's tellinga everyone!secret.
|affiliation21=Foreclosure Task Force
|text21=That doesn't mean we should go telling everyone!
|text21=It isn't as though we're guilty of anything. Besides, Sensei is one of us now.
|affiliation22=Foreclosure Task Force
|text22=HoshinoIt isisn't right,as Serikathough we're guilty of anything. Besides, Sensei is responsible—trustworthy,one of us evennow.
|affiliation23=Foreclosure Task Force
|text23=Hoshino is right, Serika. Sensei is responsible—trustworthy, even.
|text23=I know, but they're still an outsider.
|affiliation24=Foreclosure Task Force
|text24=I'm not saying Sensei can solve this problem on our behalfknow, but they're the only adult we have tostill turnan tooutsider.
Line 1,787 ⟶ 1,836:
|affiliation25=Foreclosure Task Force
|text25=MaybeI'm wenot cansaying comeSensei upcan withsolve athis solutionproblem ifon weour discussbehalf, itbut withthey're Sensei,the even.<br/>Oronly doadult youwe have anyto betterturn ideas, Serika?to.
|affiliation26=Foreclosure Task Force
|text26=Maybe we can come up with a solution if we discuss it with Sensei, even.<br/>Or do you have any better ideas, Serika?
|affiliation27=Foreclosure Task Force
|text27=Sensei just showed up out of nowhere! Why would an adult care about our problems, anyway?
|affiliation28=Foreclosure Task Force
|text28=We'veSensei alwaysjust takenshowed careup out of ourselvesnowhere! Why dowould wean suddenlyadult care needabout toour beproblems, supervisedanyway?
|affiliation29=Foreclosure Task Force
|text29=We've always taken care of ourselves! Why do we suddenly need to be supervised?
|text29=I don't want any part of this!
|affiliation30=Foreclosure Task Force
|name30=door open
|text30=I don't want any part of this!
|name31=door open
|affiliation31=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation32=Foreclosure Task Force
|text32=I'll go talk to her.Serika?
|affiliation33=Foreclosure Task Force
|text33=..I'll go talk to her.
|affiliation34=Foreclosure Task Force
|text34=Back to the matter at hand... Our school owes quite a bit of money to a loan company. It's a challenge, but not exactly an uncommon problem either.
|affiliation35=Foreclosure Task Force
|text35=Back to the matter at hand... Our school owes quite a bit of money to a loan company. It's a challenge, but not exactly an uncommon problem either.
|text35=The real issue is...that it's over 900 million yen.
|affiliation36=Foreclosure Task Force
|text36=ItThe real issue is...that it's 962,350,000over yen900 tomillion be exactyen.
|affiliation37=Foreclosure Task Force
|text37=It's 962,350,000 yen to be exact.
|text37=That's the amount that Abydos—no. That's the amount the Foreclosure Task Force has taken upon itself to pay back.
|affiliation38=Foreclosure Task Force
|text38=TheThat's loanthe companyamount willthat forecloseAbydos—no. onThat's the schoolamount andthe shutterForeclosure itTask permanentlyForce ifhas wetaken don'tupon itself to repaypay themback.
|affiliation39=Foreclosure Task Force
|text39=The loan company will foreclose on the school and shutter it permanently if we don't repay them.
|text39=But the odds of paying back a debt that large are practically zero.<br/>That's why most of the students left the school and town...
|affiliation40=Foreclosure Task Force
|text40=But the odds of paying back a debt that large are practically zero.<br/>That's why most of the students left the school and town...
|text40=All except for us, that is.
|affiliation41=Foreclosure Task Force
|text41=All except for us, that is.
|text41=The debt is the source of everything that's wrong. It's why the school is on the brink of closure, why the students left, and why the town is so desolate...
|text42=Ask about what happened.
|affiliation42=Foreclosure Task Force
|text42=The debt is the source of everything that's wrong. It's why the school is on the brink of closure, why the students left, and why the town is so desolate...
|text43=Ask about what happened.
|affiliation43=Foreclosure Task Force
|text43=You mean how the debt was accrued in the first place?
|affiliation44=Foreclosure Task Force
|text44=You mean how the debt was accrued in the first place?
|name45=dust wind
|name46=dust wind
|affiliation46=Foreclosure Task Force
|text46=There was a sandstorm in the desert surrounding the school several years ago.
|affiliation47=Foreclosure Task Force
|text47=SandstormsThere arewas commona sandstorm in the Abydosdesert region,surrounding butthe thatschool particularseveral storm wasyears devastatingago.
|affiliation48=Foreclosure Task Force
|text48=Sandstorms are common in the Abydos region, but that particular storm was devastating.
|text48=Some areas were completely buried in sand, and it just kept piling up.
|affiliation49=Foreclosure Task Force
|text49=TheSome schoolareas hadwere tocompletely raiseburied ain lotsand, ofand fundsit forjust disasterkept relief..piling up.
|affiliation50=Foreclosure Task Force
|text50=...butThe thereschool wasn'thad ato singleraise banka thatlot wouldof givefunds suchfor adisaster large loanrelief...
|affiliation51=Foreclosure Task Force
|text51=...but there wasn't a single bank that would give such a large loan.
|affiliation52=Foreclosure Task Force
|text52=So the school was forced to turn to loan sharks...
|affiliation53=Foreclosure Task Force
|text53=Exactly. They were looking to take the easy way out and pay the money back quickly...
|affiliation54=Foreclosure Task Force
|text54=So the school was forced to turn to loan sharks...
|text54=...but the sandstorms only worsened as the years went on. Despite the school's best intentions, the situation just kept getting worse.
|affiliation55=Foreclosure Task Force
|text55=Today,Exactly. moreThey thanwere halflooking ofto Abydostake isthe undereasy sandway out and pay the debtmoney keepsback growingquickly...
|affiliation56=Foreclosure Task Force
|text56=...but the sandstorms only worsened as the years went on. Despite the school's best intentions, the situation just kept getting worse.
|affiliation57=Foreclosure Task Force
|text57=Today, more than half of Abydos is under sand and the debt keeps growing.
|affiliation58=Foreclosure Task Force
|text58=We're barely able to pay the interest every month. We can't even afford ammunition or school supplies.
|affiliation59=Foreclosure Task Force
|text59=I can sympathize with Serika's frustrations. No one has ever cared enough to ask about our situation before, let alone reach out to help.
|affiliation60=Foreclosure Task Force
|text60=We're barely able to pay the interest every month. We can't even afford ammunition or school supplies.
|text60=That's the long and short of it.
|affiliation61=Foreclosure Task Force
|text61=NowI thatcan sympathize with youSerika'ves helpedfrustrations. usNo scareone thehas Helmetever Gangcared away,enough weto canask returnabout our focussituation tobefore, payinglet offalone thereach out to debthelp.
|affiliation62=Foreclosure Task Force
|text62=That's the long and short of it.
|text62=Even if we appoint you as our club's advisor, you don't have to trouble yourself with our debt. It was kind of you to listen to our story.
|affiliation63=Foreclosure Task Force
|text63=Now that you've helped us scare the Helmet Gang away, we can return our focus to paying off the debt.
|text63=We're not trying to pressure you. You've already helped us enough.
|option64_1="I'm a member of the Task Force too! Keep your chins up!"
|affiliation64=Foreclosure Task Force
|option64_2="We're in this together now. I won't abandon you."
|text64=Even if we appoint you as our club's advisor, you don't have to trouble yourself with our debt. It was kind of you to listen to our story.
|affiliation65=Foreclosure Task Force
|text65=We're not trying to pressure you. You've already helped us enough.
|text65=You don't have to say all that...
|affiliation66=Foreclosure Task Force
|text66=You don't have to say all that...
|option67_1="I'm a member of the Task Force too! Keep your chins up!"
|option67_2="We're in this together now. I won't abandon you."
|affiliation67=Foreclosure Task Force
|text67=...but thank you for doing so anyway, Sensei.
|affiliation68=Foreclosure Task Force
|text68=ListenYou to you being so noble. Youdon're reallyt goinghave to insistsay onall helpingthat...
|affiliation69=Foreclosure Task Force
|text69=IYou feel so relieved. Theredon'st somehave hopeto ifsay weall have Schale's supportthat...
|affiliation70=Foreclosure Task Force
|text70=True...but Thingsthank areyou lookingfor up,doing atso anyway, leastSensei.
|affiliation72=Foreclosure Task Force
|text72=Listen to you being so noble. You're really going to insist on helping...
|affiliation73=Foreclosure Task Force
|text73=I feel so relieved. There's some hope if we have Schale's support.
|affiliation74=Foreclosure Task Force
|name74=foot step
|text74=True. Things are looking up, at least.
|affiliation76=Foreclosure Task Force
|text76=Serika, where are you?...
|text77=To be continued
|affiliation77=Foreclosure Task Force
|name78=foot step
|text79=Next Episode: A Day in the Life of Serika
|affiliation80=Foreclosure Task Force
|text80=Serika, where are you?
|text81=To be continued
|text83=Next Episode: A Day in the Life of Serika
Line 2,528 ⟶ 2,594:
|content59={{Story/Row|char0=Hoshino|sequence0=16|char1=Serika (Shiba Seki)|sequence1=02}}
|name59=Master Shiba
|affiliation59=Shiba Seki Ramen
|text59=Are these your Abydos classmates, Serika? Stop with the chit-chat and take their order.
|portrait59=Shiba Seki Ramen Master
|spine59=Shiba Seki Ramen Master
|name60=SerikaMaster Shiba
|affiliation60=Part-TimerShiba StudentSeki Ramen
|text60=Are these your Abydos classmates, Serika? Stop with the chit-chat and take their order.
|text60=Y-Yes, sir. Follow me. I'll take you to your table.
|portrait60=Serika (Shiba Seki) Ramen Master
|spine60=Serika (Shiba Seki) Ramen Master
|affiliation61=Part-Timer Student
|text61=Y-Yes, sir. Follow me. I'll take you to your table.
|portrait61=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine61=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|affiliation62=Foreclosure Task Force
|text62=Okay! Over here, Sensei! Sit next to me!
|affiliation63=Foreclosure Task Force
|text63=Um...Okay! OrOver youhere, canSensei! sit hereSit ifnext youto want.me!
|option64_1=Sit next to Nonomi.
|affiliation64=Foreclosure Task Force
|option64_2=Sit next to Shiroko.
|text64=Um... Or you can sit here if you want.
|option65_1=Sit next to Nonomi.
|option65_2=Sit next to Shiroko.
|affiliation67=Foreclosure Task Force
|text67=It's a bit tight, but you're okay, right?
|affiliation68=Foreclosure Task Force
|text68=Huh?It's Area youbit uncomfortable?tight, Wouldbut you're rather sit on myokay, lapright?
|affiliation69=Foreclosure Task Force
|text69=Huh? Are you uncomfortable? Would you rather sit on my lap?
|affiliation70=Part-Timer Student
|text70=What are you doing?!
|affiliation71=ForeclosurePart-Timer Task ForceStudent
|text71=Haha!What I'mare justyou joking, Serika. ☆doing?!
|affiliation72=Foreclosure Task Force
|name72=emoticon motion angry
|text72=Haha! I'm just joking, Serika. ☆
|affiliation73=Part-Timer Student
|text73=There's enough seats for each of you, so just sit down like normal SANE people!
|name73=emoticon motion angry
|affiliation74=ForeclosurePart-Timer Task ForceStudent
|text74=There's enough seats for each of you, so just sit down like normal SANE people!
|text74=Haha. Okay, okay.
|affiliation75=Foreclosure Task Force
|text75=Haha. Okay, okay.
|affiliation77=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation78=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation79=Part-Timer Student
|text79=It's too narrow! Sitting that close can't possibly be comfortable for Sensei. Move a little this way.
|affiliation80=ForeclosurePart-Timer Task ForceStudent
|text80=It's too narrow! Sitting that close can't possibly be comfortable for Sensei. Move a little this way.
|text80=No, it should be fine. Right, Sensei?
|affiliation81=Foreclosure Task Force
|name81=emoticon motion angry
|text81=No, it should be fine. Right, Sensei?
|affiliation82=Part-Timer Student
|text82=But there are plenty of seats! Can't you all just sit like NORMAL people?
|name82=emoticon motion angry
|affiliation83=ForeclosurePart-Timer Task ForceStudent
|text83=But there are plenty of seats! Can't you all just sit like NORMAL people?
|affiliation84=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation85=Foreclosure Task Force
|text85=Your uniform is adorable, Serika! ☆
|affiliation86=Foreclosure Task Force
|text86=Your uniform is adorable, Serika! ☆
|text86=I didn't know you were into this kind of stuff. Chose to work here solely based on the uniform, did ya?
|affiliation87=Part-TimerForeclosure StudentTask Force
|text87=Wh-WhatI aredidn't know you talkingwere about?into Itthis hadkind nothingof tostuff. doChose withto that!<br/>Iwork justhere usedsolely tobased beon athe regular hereuniform, that'sdid all...ya?
|affiliation88=ForeclosurePart-Timer Task ForceStudent
|text88=Wh-What are you talking about? It had nothing to do with that!<br/>I just used to be a regular here, that's all...
|text88=I bet I could fetch a pretty yen if I sold pictures of you in that uniform, Serika. What do you say, Sensei? Wanna be my first customer?
|affiliation89=Foreclosure Task Force
|text89=I bet I could fetch a pretty yen if I sold pictures of you in that uniform, Serika. What do you say, Sensei? Wanna be my first customer?
|text89=Knock it off, Hoshino...
|affiliation90=Foreclosure Task Force
|text90=Knock it off, Hoshino...
|text90=So, how long have you been working here?
|affiliation91=Foreclosure Task Force
|name91=emoticon motion dot
|text91=So, how long have you been working here?
|name92=emoticon motion dot
|affiliation92=Part-Timer Student
|text92=Maybe about a week.
|affiliation93=ForeclosurePart-Timer Task ForceStudent
|text93=Maybe about a week.
|text93=Now I get why you were running off from time to time.<br/>I guess it was because you were working. ☆
|affiliation94=Foreclosure Task Force
|text94=Now I get why you were running off from time to time.<br/>I guess it was because you were working. ☆
|affiliation95=Foreclosure Task Force
|text95=Would you all shut up already and place an order?!
|affiliation96=Foreclosure Task Force
|text96=Would you all shut up already and place an order?!
|text96=I think what you meant was, "May I take your order?" Right, Serika?<br/>We're your guests here after all.
|affiliation97=Foreclosure Task Force
|name97=emoticon motion sweat
|text97=I think what you meant was, "May I take your order?" Right, Serika?<br/>We're your guests here after all.
|name98=emoticon motion sweat
|affiliation98=Part-Timer Student
|text98=Ugh... May I take your order?
|affiliation99=ForeclosurePart-Timer Task ForceStudent
|text99=I'llUgh... haveMay theI chashutake ramen,your please!order?
|affiliation100=Foreclosure Task Force
|text100=OneI'll shiohave the chashu ramen., please!
|affiliation101=Foreclosure Task Force
|text101=Hmm...One I'd like the misoshio ramen.
|affiliation102=Foreclosure Task Force
|text102=Hmm... I'd wantlike the special miso! With extra grilled chashu!ramen.
|affiliation103=Foreclosure Task Force
|text103=I want the special miso! With extra grilled chashu!
|text103=Order whatever you want, Sensei. Shiba Seki Ramen is one of the best remaining restaurants in Abydos!
|affiliation104=Part-TimerForeclosure StudentTask Force
|text104=DidOrder whatever you allwant, bringSensei. yourShiba ownSeki money?Ramen You'reis notone justof goingthe tobest makeremaining Nonomirestaurants payin again, are you?Abydos!
|affiliation105=Part-Timer Student
|name105=emoticon motion music
|text105=Did you all bring your own money? You're not just going to make Nonomi pay again, are you?
|name106=emoticon motion music
|affiliation106=Foreclosure Task Force
|text106=It's not like I mind. I'm still way under my card's credit limit. ☆
|affiliation107=Foreclosure Task Force
|text107=Nah, we canIt'ts makenot youlike doI thatmind. SenseiI'm isstill goingway tounder pickmy thecard's tabcredit up today!limit. Right?
|affiliation108=Foreclosure Task Force
|text108=What?Nah, Nowe onecan't toldmake you? Hahaha!do Well,that. nowSensei youis knowgoing to pick the tab up today! Right?
|text109=Run away.
|affiliation109=Foreclosure Task Force
|text109=What? No one told you? Hahaha! Well, now you know!
|text110=Run away.
|affiliation112=Foreclosure Task Force
|text112=Where do you think YOU'RE going?
|text113=Hoshino made catching up to me look easy.
|affiliation113=Foreclosure Task Force
|text113=Where do you think YOU'RE going?
|text114=Hoshino made catching up to me look easy.
|affiliation115=Foreclosure Task Force
|text115=You've got credit to burn, right? This is our chance to make use of it.
|affiliation116=Foreclosure Task Force
|text116=You can'tve forcegot Senseicredit to pay.burn, Weright? onlyThis cameis becauseour youchance saidto itmake wasuse yourof treat, Hoshinoit.
|affiliation117=Foreclosure Task Force
|text117=ThisYou iscan't a perfect chance forforce Sensei to treatpay. theirWe students.only Wallet-flexingcame opportunitiesbecause likeyou thissaid don'tit comewas aroundyour everytreat, dayHoshino.
|affiliation118=Foreclosure Task Force
|text118=This is a perfect chance for Sensei to treat their students. Wallet-flexing opportunities like this don't come around every day.
|affiliation119=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation120=Foreclosure Task Force
|text120=(Here, Sensei. Just pay with this card.)
|affiliation121=Foreclosure Task Force
|text121=(Huh?Here, AreSensei. youJust surepay youwith don'tthis want to? But..card.)
|affiliation122=Foreclosure Task Force
|text122=(Huh? Are you sure you don't want to? But...)
|text123=I ended up paying for everyone's meals.
|text124=I ended up paying for everyone's meals.
|affiliation124=Foreclosure Task Force
|text124=That was delicious, Sensei!
|affiliation125=Foreclosure Task Force
|text125=ThankThat youwas fordelicious, treating us.Sensei!
|affiliation126=Foreclosure Task Force
|text126=ThanksThank you for treating us.
|affiliation127=Part-TimerForeclosure StudentTask Force
|text127=Would you all get out of here already?! And never come back!<br/>You're nothing but a bunch of busybodies.
|portrait127=Serika (Shiba Seki)Shiroko
|spine127=Serika (Shiba Seki)Shiroko
|affiliation128=ForeclosurePart-Timer Task ForceStudent
|text128=Would you all get out of here already?! And never come back!<br/>You're nothing but a bunch of busybodies.
|text128=Hahaha! See you tomorrow, Serika!
|portrait128=AyaneSerika (Shiba Seki)
|spine128=AyaneSerika (Shiba Seki)
|affiliation129=Part-TimerForeclosure StudentTask Force
|text129=IHahaha! hateSee you! I won't forgettomorrow, thisSerika!
|portrait129=Serika (Shiba Seki)Ayane
|spine129=Serika (Shiba Seki)Ayane
|affiliation130=ForeclosurePart-Timer Task ForceStudent
|text130=Hahaha!I She'shate gotyou! aI lotwon't offorget spunk, eh?this!
|portrait130=HoshinoSerika (Shiba Seki)
|spine130=HoshinoSerika (Shiba Seki)
|text131=Take your leave.
|affiliation131=Foreclosure Task Force
|text131=Hahaha! She's got a lot of spunk, eh?
|text132=Take your leave.
|name134=slide open
|name135=emoticonslide motion chatopen
|text136=*closes door*
|name136=emoticon motion chat
|text137=*closes door*
|name137=Theme 09
|name138=footTheme step09
|name139=foot step
|affiliation139=Foreclosure Task Force
|text139=Phew. It's finally over. What a busy day.
|affiliation140=Foreclosure Task Force
|name140=foot step
|text140=Phew. It's finally over. What a busy day.
|name141=foot step
|affiliation141=Foreclosure Task Force
|text141=I can't believe all of them showed up like that. And they were so loud.
|affiliation142=Foreclosure Task Force
|name142=foot step
|text142=I can't believe all of them showed up like that. And they were so loud.
|name143=foot step
|affiliation143=Foreclosure Task Force
|text143=Did they really have to come all the way out here to blabber on like that? "Sensei! Sensei!" Ugh. They're so annoying.
|affiliation144=Foreclosure Task Force
|text144=DamnDid you,they Hoshino!really Shehave probablyto plannedcome all the way out here to bringblabber on like that? "Sensei! hereSensei!" afterUgh. whatThey're happenedso yesterdayannoying.
|affiliation145=Foreclosure Task Force
|text145=Hmph.Damn Youyou, thinkHoshino! I'mShe goingprobably planned to fallbring forSensei ithere thatafter easily?what Yeah,happened right..yesterday.
|affiliation146=Foreclosure Task Force
|name146=foot step
|text146=Hmph. You think I'm going to fall for it that easily? Yeah, right...
|name147=foot step
|name148=foot step
|name149=foot step
|name150=dust wind
|name151=Helmet Gangster A
|name151=dust wind
|affiliation151=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|portrait151=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine151=Helmet Gangster Red
|content152={{Story/Row|char0=Helmet Gangster Black|sequence0=00|char1=Helmet Gangster Red|sequence1=00}}
|name152=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation152=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text152=Is that her?
|portrait152=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine152=Helmet Gangster Red
|name153=Helmet Gangster BA
|affiliation153=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text153=Yeah. She's from Abydos' Foreclosure Task Force.
|portrait153=Helmet Gangster BlackRed
|spine153=Helmet Gangster BlackRed
Line 3,045 ⟶ 3,101:
|name154=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation154=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text154=GetIs ready. We'll nabthat her at the next block.?
|portrait154=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine154=Helmet Gangster Red
|name155=Helmet Gangster B
|affiliation155=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text155=Yeah. She's from Abydos' Foreclosure Task Force.
|portrait155=Helmet Gangster Black
|spine155=Helmet Gangster Black
|name156=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation156=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|name156=foot step
|text156=Get ready. We'll nab her at the next block.
|portrait156=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine156=Helmet Gangster Red
|affiliation157=Foreclosure Task Force
|name158=foot step
Line 3,072 ⟶ 3,132:
|affiliation159=Foreclosure Task Force
|name160=foot step
Line 3,084 ⟶ 3,144:
|affiliation161=Foreclosure Task Force
|text161=This neighborhood gets emptier by the day. There used to be a lot more people.
|name162=foot step
|affiliation162=Foreclosure Task Force
|text162=And it's becoming less safe too...
|affiliation163=Foreclosure Task Force
|text163=No.This Weneighborhood gottagets stayemptier strong.by It'sthe upday. toThere usused to bringbe thea schoollot back from themore brinkpeople.
|affiliation164=Foreclosure Task Force
|text164=And it's becoming less safe too...
|text164=I can pay back a little bit more of the debt once I get my paycheck, and then...
|affiliation165=Foreclosure Task Force
|name165=Theme 29
|text165=No. We gotta stay strong. It's up to us to bring the school back from the brink.
|affiliation166=Foreclosure Task Force
|text166=I can pay back a little bit more of the debt once I get my paycheck, and then...
|name167=Theme 29
|affiliation167=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation168=Foreclosure Task Force
|text168=What do you want?!
|content169={{Story/Row|char0=Helmet Gangster Black|sequence0=00|char1=Helmet Gangster Black|sequence1=00}}
|name169=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation169=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text169=Are you Kuromi Serika?
|portrait169=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine169=Helmet Gangster Red
|affiliation170=Foreclosure Task Force
|text170=The Kata-Kata Helmet Gang? You have a lot of nerve coming back here!
|affiliation171=Foreclosure Task Force
|text171=What do you want?!
|text171=Actually, I'm glad you're here. I've been in a bad mood today.<br/>I'll make you regret ever showing your faces here again!
|name172=Helmet Gangster A
|text172=*pop* *pop* *pop* *pop* *tat*!
|affiliation172=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text172=Are you Kuromi Serika?
|portrait172=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine172=Helmet Gangster Red
|affiliation173=Foreclosure Task Force
|text173=The Kata-Kata Helmet Gang? You have a lot of nerve coming back here!
|affiliation174=Foreclosure Task Force
|text174=Actually, I'm glad you're here. I've been in a bad mood today.<br/>I'll make you regret ever showing your faces here again!
|text174=(From behind too? It's an ambush.)
|text175=*pop* *pop* *pop* *pop* *tat*!
|name175=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation175=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text175=Get her.
|portrait175=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine175=Helmet Gangster Red
|affiliation176=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation177=Foreclosure Task Force
|text177=(From behind too? It's an ambush.)
|name178=Helmet Gangster A
|text178=Screen shakes
|affiliation178=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text178=Get her.
|portrait178=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine178=Helmet Gangster Red
Line 3,203 ⟶ 3,268:
|text181=Screen shakes
|affiliation181=Foreclosure Task Force
|text181=*cough* *cough*
|affiliation182=Foreclosure Task Force
|text182=(An anti-aircraft gun? No... Could that sound have been from an improved Flak 41 model?)
|affiliation183=Foreclosure Task ForceNone
|text183=(Fire support? Where are they...? Not good.)
|affiliation184=Foreclosure Task Force
|text184=*cough* *cough*
|text184=(They aren't messing around this time. This is dangerous...)
Line 3,246 ⟶ 3,297:
|affiliation185=Foreclosure Task Force
|text185=(An anti-aircraft gun? No... Could that sound have been from an improved Flak 41 model?)
|text185=(I'm...losing consciousness...)
|affiliation186=Foreclosure Task Force
|text186=(Fire support? Where are they...? Not good.)
|affiliation187=Foreclosure Task Force
|text187=(They aren't messing around this time. This is dangerous...)
|affiliation188=Foreclosure Task Force
|text188=(I'm...losing consciousness...)
|name189=Helmet Gangster BSerika
|affiliation189=Kata-KataForeclosure HelmetTask GangForce
|portrait189=Helmet Gangster BlackSerika
|spine189=Helmet Gangster BlackSerika
|name190=Helmet Gangster B
|affiliation190=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text190=Should we thrash her some more?
|portrait190=Helmet Gangster Black
|spine190=Helmet Gangster Black
|name191=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation191=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text191=Nah, that's enough. Throw her in the car and take her to the rendezvous point.
|content192={{Story/Row|char0=Helmet Gangster Red|sequence0=00|char1=Helmet Gangster Black|sequence1=00}}
|portrait191=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine191=Helmet Gangster Red
|name193=Helmet Gangster B
|affiliation193=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|portrait193=Helmet Gangster Black
|spine193=Helmet Gangster Black
|name194=Helmet Gangster B
|affiliation194=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text194=Should we thrash her some more?
|portrait194=Helmet Gangster Black
|spine194=Helmet Gangster Black
|name195=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation195=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text195=Nah, that's enough. Throw her in the car and take her to the rendezvous point.
|portrait195=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine195=Helmet Gangster Red
|name192name196=vehicle start
|text194text198=To be continued
|text196text200=Next Episode: Rescue Mission!
Line 3,658 ⟶ 3,736:
|text52="Let's go!"
|text56=*clunk* *clunk*
|text57=*clunk* *clunk*
|name57=emoticon motion dot
|name58=emoticon motion dot
|affiliation58=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation59=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation60=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation61=Foreclosure Task Force
|text61=Where am I? Was I kidnapped...?!
|affiliation62=Foreclosure Task Force
|text62=Ow...Where Myam head.I? Was I kidnapped?!
|affiliation63=Foreclosure Task Force
|text63=Ow... My head.
|text64=*clunk* *clunk*
|text65=*clunk* *clunk*
|affiliation65=Foreclosure Task Force
|text65=Is this the back of a truck?
|affiliation66=Foreclosure Task Force
|text66=TheIs Helmetthis Gang...the Whereback couldof theya be taking metruck?
|affiliation67=Foreclosure Task Force
|text67=The Helmet Gang... Where could they be taking me?
|text67=It's dark, but there is a little bit of light coming through the crack in the door.
|affiliation68=Foreclosure Task Force
|text68=It's dark, but there is a little bit of light coming through the crack in the door.
|text68=Maybe I can see something outside...
|affiliation69=Foreclosure Task Force
|name69=dust wind
|text69=Maybe I can see something outside...
|name70=dust wind
|affiliation70=Foreclosure Task Force
|text70=Sand...and a railroad?
|affiliation71=Foreclosure Task Force
|text71=Sand...and a railroad?
|text71=Does that mean we're in the desert on the outskirts of Abydos?
|affiliation72=Foreclosure Task Force
|name72=Theme 67
|text72=Does that mean we're in the desert on the outskirts of Abydos?
|name73=Theme 67
|affiliation73=Foreclosure Task Force
|text73=No... There's nothing but wasteland out here and no way to get a signal.<br/>I won't be able to contact the others even if I do manage to escape.
|affiliation74=Foreclosure Task Force
|text74=No... There's nothing but wasteland out here and no way to get a signal.<br/>I won't be able to contact the others even if I do manage to escape.
|text74=What should I do? They must be worried sick about me.
|affiliation75=Foreclosure Task Force
|text75=What should I do? They must be worried sick about me.
|affiliation76=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation77=Foreclosure Task Force
|text77=Are they going to bury me somewhere in the desert so no one can find me?
|affiliation78=Foreclosure Task Force
|text78=MaybeAre thethey teamgoing willto thinkbury Ime bailedsomewhere onin themthe anddesert leftso likeno allone thecan otherfind students...me?
|affiliation79=Foreclosure Task Force
|text79=WillMaybe theythe team will think I betrayedbailed on them? and left like all the other students...
|affiliation80=Foreclosure Task Force
|text80=IsWill thisthey howthink I'm goingbetrayed to die...them?
|affiliation81=Foreclosure Task Force
|text81=No.Is Ithis canhow I'tm letgoing thatto happendie...?
|affiliation82=Foreclosure Task Force
|text82=No. I can't let that happen...
Line 3,851 ⟶ 3,924:
|affiliation83=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation84=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation85=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation88=Foreclosure Task Force
|text88=Wh-What was that?!
|affiliation89=Foreclosure Task Force
|name89=Theme 11
|text89=Wh-What was that?!
|name90=Theme 11
|text91=Screen shakes
|text92=Screen shakes
|text93=*thump* *crash*
|text94=*thump* *crash*
|affiliation94=Foreclosure Task Force
|text94=*cough* *cough*
|affiliation95=Foreclosure Task Force
|text95=*cough* *cough*
|text95=What the heck? An explosion? Why did that truck blow up out of nowhere?!
|affiliation96=Foreclosure Task Force
|text96=What the heck? An explosion? Why did that truck blow up out of nowhere?!
|text96=Where are these shells coming from?
|affiliation97=Foreclosure Task Force
|text97=Where are these shells coming from?
|affiliation98=Foreclosure Task Force
|text98=I've located Serika!
|affiliation99=Foreclosure Task Force
|text99=A-Ayane?I've located Serika!
|affiliation100=Foreclosure Task Force
|text100=I have eyes on her! Repeat: visual on Serika! She's crying!
|affiliation101=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation102=Foreclosure Task Force
|text102=I have eyes on her! Repeat: visual on Serika! She's crying!
|text102=What?! Our little Serika is crying? Aw, she must have missed us.<br/>I had no idea she cared so much!
|affiliation103=Foreclosure Task Force
|text103=Ugh! You guys are so annoying! I wasn't crying!
Line 3,978 ⟶ 4,046:
|affiliation104=Foreclosure Task Force
|text104=What?! Our little Serika is crying? Aw, she must have missed us.<br/>I had no idea she cared so much!
|text104=False! I can confirm there were tears in your eyes just moments ago!
|affiliation105=Foreclosure Task Force
|text105=Ugh! You guys are so annoying! I wasn't crying!
|text105=Don't cry, Serika! We're here now, and we promise to dry those tear-soaked cheeks of yours!
|affiliation106=Foreclosure Task Force
|text106=False! I can confirm there were tears in your eyes just moments ago!
|affiliation107=Foreclosure Task Force
|text107=DamnDon't cry, itSerika! CouldWe're youhere benow, anyand morewe grating?!promise Ito saiddry I wasn't crying,those sotear-soaked shutcheeks upof alreadyyours!
|text108="I'm glad to see you're okay."
|affiliation109=Foreclosure Task Force
|text109=Damn it! Could you be any more grating?! I said I wasn't crying, so shut up already!
|text109=What? You're here too, Sensei?! But why?
|option110_1text110="I'm aglad stalker,to remember?see you're okay."
|option110_2="Rescuing princesses is what heroes do, right?"
|affiliation111=Foreclosure Task Force
|text111=What are you talking about? You're suchhere atoo, pervSensei?! But why?
|option112_1="I'm a stalker, remember?"
|option112_2="Rescuing princesses is what heroes do, right?"
|affiliation112=Foreclosure Task Force
|text112=Are you...
|affiliation113=Foreclosure Task Force
|text113=What are you talking about? You're such a perv!
|affiliation114=Foreclosure Task Force
|text114=Are you brain dead or something?!...
|affiliation115=Foreclosure Task Force
|text115=What did you just say? Are you stupid? Have a DEATHWISH?!<br/>Wh-Who are you calling a princess?!
|affiliation116=Foreclosure Task Force
|text116=Are you brain dead or something?!
|text116=Heh. Our damsel in distress has been rescued. She's gonna be fine.
|affiliation117=Foreclosure Task Force
|text117=What did you just say? Are you stupid? Have a DEATHWISH?!<br/>Wh-Who are you calling a princess?!
|text117=Thank goodness. I was so worried about you, Serika.
|affiliation118=Foreclosure Task Force
|text118=Heh. Our damsel in distress has been rescued. She's gonna be fine.
|affiliation119=Foreclosure Task Force
|text119=Thank goodness. I was so worried about you, Serika.
|text119=It's too soon to let our guard down. We may have stopped the truck,<br/>but we're still in enemy territory.
|affiliation120=Foreclosure Task Force
|text120=You're right. Reinforcements are likely on the way now that the truck's been destroyed.
|affiliation121=Foreclosure Task Force
|text121=It's too soon to let our guard down. We may have stopped the truck,<br/>but we're still in enemy territory.
|text121=Multiple hostiles from the Kata-Kata Helmet Gang confirmed ahead!
|affiliation122=Foreclosure Task Force
|text122=You're right. Reinforcements are likely on the way now that the truck's been destroyed.
|text122=I also see more than a handful of super heavy firearms!<br/>They're steadily forming a dragnet!
|affiliation123=Foreclosure Task Force
|text123=Multiple hostiles from the Kata-Kata Helmet Gang confirmed ahead!
|text123=Me and my big mouth! Ugh. What do you say we push our way through these losers?
|affiliation124=Foreclosure Task Force
|text124=BeI careful.also Thosesee goonsmore havethan a modifiedhandful of super heavy tank.firearms!<br/>They're steadily forming a dragnet!
|affiliation125=Foreclosure Task Force
|text125=Me and my big mouth! Ugh. What do you say we push our way through these losers?
|text125=Yeah, we know. It's a refurbished Flak 41.
|affiliation126=Foreclosure Task Force
|text126=Be careful. Those goons have a modified heavy tank.
|text126=All right...
|affiliation127=Foreclosure Task Force
|text127=Yeah, we know. It's a refurbished Flak 41.
|affiliation129=Foreclosure Task Force
|text129=ShallAll we?right...
|name130=Theme 12reload
|text133=To be continued
|affiliation134=Foreclosure Task Force
|text134=Shall we?
|name135=Theme 12
|text138=To be continued
|text135text140=Next Episode: A New Threat?
Line 4,260 ⟶ 4,353:
|affiliation13=Foreclosure Task Force
|text13=I'll take her to the infirmary.
|affiliation14=Foreclosure Task Force
|text14=I'll take her to the infirmary.
|name15=door opengear
|name16=door open
|affiliation16=Foreclosure Task Force
|text16=I'd be more concerned if she WAS still standing after getting hit by a Flak 41 artillery shell. She better get some rest.
|affiliation17=Foreclosure Task Force
|text17=I'd be more concerned if she WAS still standing after getting hit by a Flak 41 artillery shell. She better get some rest.
|text17=It could have been much worse had Sensei not been here...
|affiliation18=Foreclosure Task Force
|text18=It could have been much worse had Sensei not been here...
|text18=Uh-huh. Tracking down Serika's location was a piece of cake thanks to you, Sensei. You're always so reliable! ☆
|affiliation19=Foreclosure Task Force
|text19=Uh-huh. Tracking down Serika's location was a piece of cake thanks to you, Sensei. You're always so reliable! ☆
|text19=Oh, really? All in a day's work for a stalker, huh?
|affiliation20=Foreclosure Task Force
|text20=Oh, really? All in a day's work for a stalker, huh?
|text20=...Excuse me, everyone. Could I have your attention?
|affiliation21=Foreclosure Task Force
|text21=...Excuse me, everyone. Could I have your attention?
|text21=I was looking into the tank parts we collected in battle. It turns out they're from an illegal model that is prohibited within Kivotos.
|affiliation22=Foreclosure Task Force
|text22=I was looking into the tank parts we collected in battle. It turns out they're from an illegal model that is prohibited within Kivotos.
|text22=I'll have to dig a little deeper, but right now it looks like the Helmet Gang has gained access to weapons that should be contraband.
Line 4,333 ⟶ 4,421:
|affiliation23=Foreclosure Task Force
|text23=I'll have to dig a little deeper, but right now it looks like the Helmet Gang has gained access to weapons that should be contraband.
|text23=I bet we can find out who those hooligans answer to if we analyze the distribution channels for these parts!
|affiliation24=Foreclosure Task Force
|text24=I bet we can find out who those hooligans answer to if we analyze the distribution channels for these parts!
|text24=Bingo. That, and also why a minor criminal organization is targeting our school so obsessively...
|affiliation25=Foreclosure Task Force
|text25=Bingo. That, and also why a minor criminal organization is targeting our school so obsessively...
|text25=Sounds good to me. Let's proceed a little cautiously and see where this leads.
|affiliation26=Foreclosure Task Force
|text26=Sounds good to me. Let's proceed a little cautiously and see where this leads.
|place28=High-Rise Office
|place29=High-Rise Office
|text30=Is this the best an organized crime group can do? Providing them with a tactical tank was a waste.
|text31=Is this the best an organized crime group can do? Providing them with a tactical tank was a waste.
|text31=You'd think a gang of students would be able to handle some other students. In that case, I'll simply have to enlist the services of more skilled professionals.
|name32=foot step
|text32=You'd think a gang of students would be able to handle some other students. In that case, I'll simply have to enlist the services of more skilled professionals.
|name33=beepfoot step
|text34=*ring* *ring*
|text35=*ring* *ring*
|name35=hang up
|name36=hang up
|name37=Theme 27
|name38=Theme 27
|text38=Hello. Problem Solver 68. We'll do the crime if you've got the dime.
|text39=IHello. haveProblem aSolver special68. taskWe'll fordo the crime if you,'ve mygot dearthe fixersdime.
|text40=I have a special task for you, my dear fixers.
|content41={{Story/Row|char0=Kaiser PMC Director|sequence0=01|char1=|sequence1=None}}
|place42=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang's Base
|name43=foot step
|place44=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang's Base
|name44=foot step
|name45=Helmet Gangster B
|name45=foot step
|affiliation45=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|portrait45=Helmet Gangster Black
|spine45=Helmet Gangster Black
|name46=foot step
Line 4,446 ⟶ 4,533:
|name47=Helmet Gangster B
|affiliation47=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text47=What the*sigh*...?!
|portrait47=Helmet Gangster Black
|spine47=Helmet Gangster Black
Line 4,452 ⟶ 4,539:
|name48=rapidfoot step
|name49=Helmet Gangster B
|text49=*pop* *pop* *pop* *tat*!
|affiliation49=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text49=What the...?!
|portrait49=Helmet Gangster Black
|spine49=Helmet Gangster Black
|name50=Helmet Gangster B
|affiliation50=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|portrait50=Helmet Gangster Black
|spine50=Helmet Gangster Black
|text51=*pop* *pop* *pop* *tat*!
|name52=Helmet Gangster B
|affiliation52=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|portrait52=Helmet Gangster Black
|spine52=Helmet Gangster Black
|text53=Screen shakes
|name54=Helmet Gangster B
|affiliation54=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|portrait54=Helmet Gangster Black
|spine54=Helmet Gangster Black
|text55=*collapses*Screen shakes
|text56=Hmph. All clear on this end.
|text57=All done over here too, Boss.
|name58=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation58=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text58=G-Gah... Who are you people?
|portrait58=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine58=Helmet Gangster Red
|name59=foot step
|text59=Hmph. All clear on this end.
|text60=Heh heh heh.
|name61=foot step
|text61=All done over here too, Boss.
|name62=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation62=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|name62=foot step
|text62=G-Gah... Who are you people?
|portrait62=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine62=Helmet Gangster Red
|name63=foot step
|text63=*presses rifle against her*
|name65=Helmet Gangster A???
|affiliation65=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text65=Heh heh heh.
|text65=Graugh! Are you runts from Abydos? How dare you...?
|portrait65=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine65=Helmet Gangster Red
|name66=foot step
|text66=Please. And you call this dirty, stinking lair your base? You lot are pathetic.
|name67=foot step
|text67=Oh, well. I'll put you out of your misery—don't worry.
|name68=Helmet Gangster A???
|affiliation68=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text68=Wh-What?!*presses rifle against her*
|portrait68=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine68=Helmet Gangster Red
|text69=Relax. We're just here to tell you that you've been relieved of your duties. We'll be taking Abydos off of your hands now.
|content70={{Story/Row|char0=Helmet Gangster Red|sequence0=01|char1=Helmet Gangster Red|sequence1=01}}
|name70=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation70=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text70=Wh-What the...?! Who do you think you are?!
|portrait70=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine70=Helmet Gangster Red
|name71=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation71=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text71=Graugh! Are you runts from Abydos? How dare you...?
|portrait71=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine71=Helmet Gangster Red
|text73=Screen shakes
|text73=Please. And you call this dirty, stinking lair your base? You lot are pathetic.
|text74=Oh, well. I'll put you out of your misery—don't worry.
|name75=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation75=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|portrait75=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine75=Helmet Gangster Red
|text76=Relax. We're just here to tell you that you've been relieved of your duties. We'll be taking Abydos off of your hands now.
|name77=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation77=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text77=Wh-What the...?! Who do you think you are?!
|portrait77=Helmet Gangster Red
|spine77=Helmet Gangster Red
|name78=dust windhit
|text80=Screen shakes
|text80=Problem Solver 68.
|text81=We'll do the crime if you've got the dime.
|content82={{Story/Row|char0=Helmet Gangster Red|sequence0=01|char1=|sequence1=None}}
|name83=Helmet Gangster A
|affiliation83=Kata-Kata Helmet Gang
|text85=Screen shakes
|name86=closedust wind
|text87=The best fixers in all of Kivotos...
|text88=Problem Solver 68.
|name89=slide open
|text89=We'll do the crime if you've got the dime.
|text90=*door opens*
|name91=Theme 10
|affiliation92=Foreclosure Task Force
|text93=Screen shakes
|affiliation93=Foreclosure Task Force
|text93=Wait... Sensei?! What are you doing here?!
|text94="I came to see how you were doing."
|affiliation95=Foreclosure Task Force
|text95=The best fixers in all of Kivotos.
|text95=Oh. I'm fine. I shouldn't be spending so much time lying around doing nothing anyway.
|affiliation96=Foreclosure Task Force
|text96=I don't want to worry Ayane or the others too much. Plus, I have my part-time job to go to.
|name97=slide open
|affiliation97=Foreclosure Task Force
|text97=Y-You don't have to worry about me so much! I'm fine, really.
|text98="That's*door a relief."opens*
|name99=Theme 10
|affiliation99=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation100=Foreclosure Task Force
|text100=Uh, so... By the way!Huh?
|affiliation101=Foreclosure Task Force
|text101=Wait... Sensei?! What are you doing here?!
|text101=Th-The thing is...
|text102="I came to see how you were doing."
|affiliation102=Foreclosure Task Force
|text102=Looking back on it, I don't think I ever thanked you, Sensei...
|affiliation103=Foreclosure Task Force
|text103=Oh. I'm fine. I shouldn't be spending so much time lying around doing nothing anyway.
|text103=S-So...thanks. For all the help and stuff...
|affiliation104=Foreclosure Task Force
|text104=I don't want to worry Ayane or the others too much. Plus, I have my part-time job to go to.
|affiliation105=Foreclosure Task Force
|text105=Y-You don't have to worry about me so much! I'm fine, really.
|text105=But still! Don't assume this has done anything to actually help our school! We're gonna settle this debt if it's the last thing we do!
|text106="That's a relief."
|affiliation106=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation107=Foreclosure Task Force
|text107=Wh-What?! What's with that smug look on your face?!
|affiliation108=Foreclosure Task Force
|text108=*sigh*Uh, Geezso... By the way!
|affiliation109=Foreclosure Task Force
|text109=WhateverTh-The thing is... I'll see you tomorrow!
|affiliation110=Foreclosure Task Force
|text110=Looking back on it, I don't think I ever thanked you, Sensei...
|affiliation111=Foreclosure Task Force
|text111=S-So...Senseithanks. For all the help and stuff...
|name112=foot stepcartoon
|text113=To be continued
|affiliation113=Foreclosure Task Force
|text113=But still! Don't assume this has done anything to actually help our school! We're gonna settle this debt if it's the last thing we do!
|affiliation114=Foreclosure Task Force
|text115=Next Episode: The Might of Problem Solver 68
|affiliation115=Foreclosure Task Force
|text115=Wh-What?! What's with that smug look on your face?!
|affiliation116=Foreclosure Task Force
|text116=*sigh* Geez.
|affiliation117=Foreclosure Task Force
|text117=Whatever... I'll see you tomorrow!
|affiliation118=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation119=Foreclosure Task Force
|name120=foot step
|text121=To be continued
|text123=Next Episode: The Might of Problem Solver 68
Line 4,882 ⟶ 4,999:
|text10="Thanks for having me."
|affiliation11=Foreclosure Task Force
|text11=Okay. Let's get down to business and discuss the key item on our agenda... How do we settle the school's debts? Discuss.
|affiliation12=Foreclosure Task Force
|text12=Okay. Let's get down to business and discuss the key item on our agenda... How do we settle the school's debts? Discuss.
|text12=Raise your hand if you'd like to share your thoughts!
|affiliation13=Foreclosure Task Force
|text13=Raise your hand if you'd like to share your thoughts!
|text13=Ooh! Me! Me!
|affiliation14=Foreclosure Task Force
|text14=Ooh! Me! Me!
|text14=Yes, first-year Kuromi Serika. You have the floor.
|affiliation15=Foreclosure Task Force
|text15=Yes, first-year Kuromi Serika. You have the floor.
|text15=Seriously, again with the formalities? I hate it when you do that...
|affiliation16=Foreclosure Task Force
|text16=WhySeriously, not?again Thiswith the formalities? isI ourhate firstit formalwhen meetingyou indo agesthat...
|affiliation17=Foreclosure Task Force
|text17=Why not? This is our first formal meeting in ages.
|text17=Yeah, what's the big deal? It's nice to pull out all the stops once in a while.<br/>It's not every day we get to run a meeting with Sensei.
|affiliation18=Foreclosure Task Force
|text18=ThisYeah, iswhat's the onlybig timedeal? weIt'ves hadnice ato meetingpull without Senseiall the stops once in attendance,a while.<br/>It's not every day we get to berun precisea meeting with Sensei.
|affiliation19=Foreclosure Task Force
|text19=That'sThis right!is It'sthe likeonly time we'reve had a propermeeting with Sensei taskin forceattendance,<br/>to now!be precise.
|affiliation20=Foreclosure Task Force
|text20=*sigh*That's Fine.right! YouIt's guyslike dowe're havea seniorityproper here,task Iforce guess...now! ☆
|affiliation21=Foreclosure Task Force
|text21=*sigh* Fine. You guys do have seniority here, I guess...
|text21=Moving on! The school is on the verge of bankruptcy. And I'm the treasurer,<br/>in case you forgot, so I really mean it!
|affiliation22=Foreclosure Task Force
|text22=Moving on! The school is on the verge of bankruptcy. And I'm the treasurer,<br/>in case you forgot, so I really mean it!
|text22=Abydos will seriously get shut down at this rate. Got it?
|affiliation23=Foreclosure Task Force
|text23=Abydos will seriously get shut down at this rate. Got it?
|text23=Well, yeah.
|affiliation24=Foreclosure Task Force
|text24=Well, yeah.
|text24=We're paying nearly 8 million yen every month alone. We're doing everything we can to hold on, but that much is barely keeping up with the interest.
Line 4,997 ⟶ 5,109:
|affiliation25=Foreclosure Task Force
|text25=We're paying nearly 8 million yen every month alone. We're doing everything we can to hold on, but that much is barely keeping up with the interest.
|text25=There's only so much we can do by just arresting wanted criminals or taking care of civilian requests.
|affiliation26=Foreclosure Task Force
|text26=There's only so much we can do by just arresting wanted criminals or taking care of civilian requests.
|affiliation27=Foreclosure Task Force
|text27=We're royally screwed unless something changes. What we need is something big! Huge, even!
|affiliation28=Foreclosure Task Force
|text28=We're royally screwed unless something changes. What we need is something big! Huge, even!
|affiliation29=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation30=Foreclosure Task Force
|text30=This is it! It's a flier from downtown!
|affiliation31=Foreclosure Task Force
|text31=WhatThis is it! It's that?a flier from downtown!
|affiliation32=Foreclosure Task Force
|text32=LetWhat's me see here.that?
|affiliation33=Foreclosure Task Force
|text33=Let me see here.
|text33="Ready to become a boss babe billionaire? Get rich quick with the Germanium Granite...Bracelet...Network"?!
|affiliation34=Foreclosure Task Force
|text34=That's"Ready right! We're all gonnato become a boss babe billionairesbillionaire? Get rich quick with the Germanium Granite...Bracelet...Network"?!
|affiliation35=Foreclosure Task Force
|text35=That's right! We're all gonna become boss babe billionaires!
|affiliation36=Foreclosure Task Force
|text36=I was downtown recently, and these really cool people invited me to a seminar. They told me all about these amazing germanium bracelets! Did you know they<br/>can cleanse your aura and bring you good luck?
|affiliation37=Foreclosure Task Force
|text37=I was downtown recently, and these really cool people invited me to a seminar. They told me all about these amazing germanium bracelets! Did you know they<br/>can cleanse your aura and bring you good luck?
|affiliation38=Foreclosure Task Force
|text38=They're so powerful that you can boost your good vibes just by wearing them! And if you can get three other girls who wanna become boss babes like you...?
|affiliation39=Foreclosure Task Force
|text39=They're so powerful that you can boost your good vibes just by wearing them! And if you can get three other girls who wanna become boss babes like you...?
|text39=What? Why are you looking at me like that?
|affiliation40=Foreclosure Task Force
|text40=What? Why are you looking at me like that?
|text40=Proposal denied.
|affiliation41=Foreclosure Task Force
|text41=What?!Proposal Why?!denied.
|affiliation42=Foreclosure Task Force
|text42=What?! Why?!
|text42=Serika... Have you ever heard the phrase "pyramid scheme" before?
|affiliation43=Foreclosure Task Force
|text43=Serika... Have you ever heard the phrase "pyramid scheme" before?
|text43=It's a scam.
|affiliation44=Foreclosure Task Force
|text44=What?!It's a scam.
|affiliation45=Foreclosure Task Force
|text45=First, I don't think germanium can possibly affect your luck, if it even exists. Second, if this is such a great business plan, why would they give it away for free at such a fishy-sounding seminar?
|affiliation46=Foreclosure Task Force
|text46=First, I don't think germanium can possibly affect your luck, if it even exists. Second, if this is such a great business plan, why would they give it away for free at such a fishy-sounding seminar?
|text46=N-No way! I already bought two bracelets, so that can't be right!
|affiliation47=Foreclosure Task Force
|text47=SerikaN-No isway! I already bought two bracelets, so gulliblethat itcan'st cute!be right!
|affiliation48=Foreclosure Task Force
|text48=...Serika is so gullible it's cute!
|affiliation49=Foreclosure Task Force
|text49=Aw, you can be so naive, Serika. Sweet, but naive. You'd better start wising up, or else you're going to have your life ruined by one of these schemes someday!
|affiliation50=Foreclosure Task Force
|text50=Aw, you can be so naive, Serika. Sweet, but naive. You'd better start wising up, or else you're going to have your life ruined by one of these schemes someday!
|text50=B-But...it sounded so convincing. I even skipped lunch so I could buy these...
|affiliation51=Foreclosure Task Force
|text51=There,B-But...it there,sounded Serikaso convincing. It'sI okay.even Whyskipped don'tlunch so I treatcould youbuy to lunch?these...
|affiliation52=Foreclosure Task Force
|text52=There, there, Serika. It's okay. Why don't I treat you to lunch?
|text52=*sniff* Aww. Nonomi...
|affiliation53=Foreclosure Task Force
|text53=*sniff* Aww. Nonomi...
|text53=Well, then... That's it for Serika's suggestion. Anyone else?
|affiliation54=Foreclosure Task Force
|text54=Me! Me!
|affiliation55=Foreclosure Task Force
|text55=Well, then... That's it for Serika's suggestion. Anyone else?
|text55=Okay. President Takanashi Hoshino has the floor...
|affiliation56=Foreclosure Task Force
|text56=ThankMe! you. Ahem...Me!
|affiliation57=Foreclosure Task Force
|text57=Okay. President Takanashi Hoshino has the floor...
|text57=You know what this school's problem is? It's that the entire student body is just us.
|affiliation58=Foreclosure Task Force
|text58=Thank you. Ahem...
|text58=More students means more money. Think about Trinity or Gehenna with their five-digit enrollment numbers. Then think about how much they must be raking<br/>in with monthly student fees alone!
|affiliation59=Foreclosure Task Force
|text59=You know what this school's problem is? It's that the entire student body is just us.
|text59=I suppose... And?
|affiliation60=Foreclosure Task Force
|text60=More students means more money. Think about Trinity or Gehenna with their five-digit enrollment numbers. Then think about how much they must be raking<br/>in with monthly student fees alone!
|text60=So we need to increase our enrollment numbers! That's our top priority.
|affiliation61=Foreclosure Task Force
|text61=I suppose... And?
|text61=We'll also get more representatives and have a better say with the General Student Council that way.
|affiliation62=Foreclosure Task Force
|text62=So we need to increase our enrollment numbers! That's our top priority.
|text62=I admit you raise a good point, but how do you suggest we do this?
|affiliation63=Foreclosure Task Force
|text63=We'll also get more representatives and have a better say with the General Student Council that way.
|text63=Simple. We abduct another academy's school bus!
|affiliation64=Foreclosure Task Force
|text64=I admit you raise a good point, but how do you suggest we do this?
|text64=Excuse me?!
|affiliation65=Foreclosure Task Force
|text65=Simple. We abduct another academy's school bus!
|text65=We hijack a bus full of students on their way to school, and we hold them hostage until they agree to transfer their enrollment over to our school!
|affiliation66=Foreclosure Task Force
|text66=Excuse me?!
|text66=This is sure to get our enrollment numbers up!
|affiliation67=Foreclosure Task Force
|text67=We hijack a bus full of students on their way to school, and we hold them hostage until they agree to transfer their enrollment over to our school!
|affiliation68=Foreclosure Task Force
|text68=This is sure to get our enrollment numbers up!
|text68=So who's our target? Trinity? Gehenna? Or is it Millennium?
|affiliation69=Foreclosure Task Force
|text69=We'll have to evolve our strategy to fit the target.
|affiliation70=Foreclosure Task Force
|text70=Oh,So yeah?who's Well,our what abouttarget? Trinity? No,Gehenna? wait!Or Let'sis hitit Gehenna!Millennium?
|affiliation71=Foreclosure Task Force
|text71=Wait a second! We can'tll possiblyhave boostto evolve our enrollment withstrategy ato stuntfit likethe that!target.
|affiliation72=Foreclosure Task Force
|text72=Oh, yeah? Well, what about Trinity? No, wait! Let's hit Gehenna!
|text72=Not to mention the other schools' respective leaderships would surely put up a fight...
|affiliation73=Foreclosure Task Force
|text73=Wait a second! We can't possibly boost our enrollment with a stunt like that!
|text73=Heh heh. Oh, would they now?
|affiliation74=Foreclosure Task Force
|text74=Not to mention the other schools' respective leaderships would surely put up a fight...
|text74=That wasn't supposed to be a challenge, Hoshino... Can you please try to take this meeting seriously?
|affiliation75=Foreclosure Task Force
|text75=IHeh haveheh. anOh, evenwould betterthey idea.now?
|affiliation76=Foreclosure Task Force
|text76=That wasn't supposed to be a challenge, Hoshino... Can you please try to take this meeting seriously?
|text76=Fine. Go ahead, second-year student, Sunaookami Shiroko.
|affiliation77=Foreclosure Task Force
|text77=WeI robhave aan bankeven better idea.
|affiliation78=Foreclosure Task Force
|text78=Fine. Go ahead, second-year student, Sunaookami Shiroko.
|affiliation79=Foreclosure Task Force
|text79=We rob a bank.
|text79=It's a surefire plan, and we already have the perfect target.<br/>Let's hit the First Central Bank downtown.
|affiliation80=Foreclosure Task Force
|text80=I've already mapped out everything from the location of the vault to the positions of the guards, blind spots for the security cameras, and even the armored car's transportation route.
|affiliation81=Foreclosure Task Force
|text81=It's a surefire plan, and we already have the perfect target.<br/>Let's hit the First Central Bank downtown.
|text81=Is that what you've been working so hard on lately?!
|affiliation82=Foreclosure Task Force
|text82=I've already mapped out everything from the location of the vault to the positions of the guards, blind spots for the security cameras, and even the armored car's transportation route.
|text82=We can earn 100 million yen in five minutes flat. In-and-out, easy.<br/>Here, I even brought masks.
|affiliation83=Foreclosure Task Force
|text83=Is that what you've been working so hard on lately?!
|affiliation84=Foreclosure Task Force
|text84=We can earn 100 million yen in five minutes flat. In-and-out, easy.<br/>Here, I even brought masks.
|text84=Where did you find the time to prepare all of this?
|affiliation85=Foreclosure Task Force
|text85=Whoa! Did you sew these yourself, Shiroko?
|affiliation86=MaskedForeclosure HighTask School GirlForce
|text86=Wowie!Where Checkdid ityou out!find Don'tthe Itime lookto likeprepare aall luchadorof this?
|portrait86=Nonomi (Robber)Ayane
|spine86=Nonomi (Robber)Ayane
|affiliation87=Foreclosure Task Force
|text87=Whoa! Did you sew these yourself, Shiroko?
|affiliation88=ForeclosureMasked TaskHigh ForceSchool Girl
|text88=Wowie! Check it out! Don't I look like a luchador?
|text88=Dang...! It's so obvious! You gotta risk big to win big! Isn't that what life is all about, Serika?
|portrait88=HoshinoNonomi (Robber)
|spine88=HoshinoNonomi (Robber)
|affiliation89=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation90=Foreclosure Task Force
|text90=Dang...! It's so obvious! You gotta risk big to win big! Isn't that what life is all about, Serika?
|text90=Heck no it isn't! Absolutely not! DENIED!
|affiliation91=Foreclosure Task Force
|text91=She's right! We can't possibly stoop to being criminals!
|affiliation92=Foreclosure Task Force
|text92=Heck no it isn't! Absolutely not! DENIED!
|affiliation93=Foreclosure Task Force
|text93=She's right! We can't possibly stoop to being criminals!
|affiliation94=Foreclosure Task Force
|text94=Pout all you want, Shiroko, but there are some lines that can't be crossed!
|affiliation95=Foreclosure Task Force
|text95=*sigh* Seriously. If no one comes up with a real idea soon...
|affiliation96=Foreclosure Task Force
|text96=Pout all you want, Shiroko, but there are some lines that can't be crossed!
|text96=Hey, excuse me! Me next!
|affiliation97=Foreclosure Task Force
|text97=*sigh* Seriously. If no one comes up with a real idea soon...
|text97=Very well. Second-year Izayoi Nonomi... As long as it doesn't involve scams or breaking the law, you have the floor.
|affiliation98=Foreclosure Task Force
|text98=Hey, excuse me! Me next!
|text98=You got it! I have the perfect thing, and I promise it isn't illegal or a pyramid scheme. This one is definitely gonna work!
|affiliation99=Foreclosure Task Force
|text99=Two words: pop idols! Schoolgirl pop idols, to be exact!
|affiliation100=Foreclosure Task Force
|text100=Very well. Second-year Izayoi Nonomi... As long as it doesn't involve scams or breaking the law, you have the floor.
|text100=Pop idols...?!
|affiliation101=Foreclosure Task Force
|text101=You got it! I have the perfect thing, and I promise it isn't illegal or a pyramid scheme. This one is definitely gonna work!
|text101=You heard me! It happens all the time in anime. Nothing helps revitalize a school like becoming a pop superstar! If we all break into the industry together as pop idols...
|affiliation102=Foreclosure Task Force
|text102=Two words: pop idols! Schoolgirl pop idols, to be exact!
|affiliation103=Foreclosure Task Force
|text103=WhatPop idols...? You don't like that idea either?!
|affiliation104=Foreclosure Task Force
|text104=You heard me! It happens all the time in anime. Nothing helps revitalize a school like becoming a pop superstar! If we all break into the industry together as pop idols...
|text104=Why not? You'd definitely have some fans, Hoshino.
|affiliation105=Foreclosure Task Force
|text105=Yeah, more like I'd have a bunch of creeps after me. No, thanks.
|affiliation106=Foreclosure Task Force
|text106=ButWhat...? IYou evendon't camelike upthat withidea a pose...either?
|affiliation107=Foreclosure Task Force
|text107=Why not? You'd definitely have some fans, Hoshino.
|affiliation108=Foreclosure Task Force
|text108=Yeah, more like I'd have a bunch of creeps after me. No, thanks.
|affiliation109=Foreclosure Task Force
|text109=ChristinaBut ofI theeven Swimsuitcame Gang!up with a pose...
|affiliation110=Foreclosure Task Force
|text110=Are you...
|affiliation111=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation112=Foreclosure Task Force
|text112=...KIDDINGChristina ME?!of Thethe Swimsuit WHAT?Gang! Get real!
|affiliation113=Foreclosure Task Force
|text113=Aww.Are But I worked on it all nightyou...
|affiliation114=Foreclosure Task Force
|text114=This meeting is just going in circles now. Shouldn't we at least try to decide on something? Anything?
|affiliation115=Foreclosure Task Force
|text115=Why not let Sensei decide? Sensei, which idea do you think we should go with?
|affiliation116=Foreclosure Task Force
|text116=...KIDDING ME?! The Swimsuit WHAT?! Get real!
|text116=No way! You want to make a decision already? Shouldn't we at least throw out some better ideas first?
|affiliation117=Foreclosure Task Force
|text117=It'll be fineAww. IfBut SenseiI backsworked it, then I'm sureon it'll beall the right onenight...
|affiliation118=Foreclosure Task Force
|text118=NowThis waitmeeting is just agoing minutein circles now. HowShouldn't we at least try doesto thatdecide makeon anysomething? senseAnything?
|affiliation119=Foreclosure Task Force
|text119=IWhy mean,not atlet leastSensei decide? Sensei, thiswhich meansidea becomingdo popyou idolsthink iswe offshould thego table...rightwith?
|affiliation120=Foreclosure Task Force
|text120=No way! You want to make a decision already? Shouldn't we at least throw out some better ideas first?
|text120=Pop idol stardom, here we come! ☆
|affiliation121=Foreclosure Task Force
|text121=It'll be fine. If Sensei backs it, then I'm sure it'll be the right one.
|affiliation122=MaskedForeclosure HighTask School GirlForce
|text122=Now wait just a minute. How does that make any sense?
|text122=*hopefully puts mask back on*
|portrait122=Shiroko (Robber)Ayane
|spine122=Shiroko (Robber)Ayane
|option123_1="Time to hijack a school bus!"
|affiliation123=Foreclosure Task Force
|option123_2="We're going bank robbing!"
|option123_3text123="BecomeI mean, at least this means becoming pop idols! I'llis beoff the manager!"table...right?
|affiliation124=Foreclosure Task Force
|text124=THAT'SPop whatidol you'restardom, picking?!here Arewe youcome! sure?!
|affiliation125=Foreclosure Task Force
|text125=Hahaha! I guess we have a winner. Let's do this!
|affiliation126=ForeclosureMasked TaskHigh ForceSchool Girl
|text126=Yay!*hopefully Thatputs soundsmask likeback so much fun! ☆on*
|portrait126=NonomiShiroko (Robber)
|spine126=NonomiShiroko (Robber)
|option127_1="Time to hijack a school bus!"
|option127_2="We're going bank robbing!"
|affiliation127=Foreclosure Task Force
|option127_3="Become pop idols! I'll be the manager!"
|text127=This is a joke...right? We aren't really...
|content128={{Story/Row|char0=Shiroko (Robber)|sequence0=00|char1=Nonomi|sequence1=03|char2=Serika|sequence2=02}}
|affiliation128=Foreclosure Task Force
|text128=Why not?
|affiliation129=Foreclosure Task Force
|text129=MightTHAT'S aswhat wellyou're go big or go home. Isn'tpicking?! thatAre right,you Ayanesure?!
|affiliation130=Foreclosure Task Force
|text130=Hahaha! I guess we have a winner. Let's do this!
|affiliation131=Foreclosure Task Force
|text131=Yay! That sounds like so much fun! ☆
|affiliation132=Foreclosure Task Force
|text132=This is a joke...right? We aren't really...
|affiliation133=Foreclosure Task Force
|text133=OBVIOUSLYWhy NOT!not?
|text134=Screen shakes
|affiliation134=Foreclosure Task Force
|text134=Might as well go big or go home. Isn't that right, Ayane?
|affiliation135=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation136=NoneForeclosure Task Force
|name137=Theme 05
|affiliation138=Foreclosure Task Force
|text138=SheOBVIOUSLY did it! Ayane flipped the tableNOT!
|text139=Screen shakes
|affiliation139=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation140=Foreclosure Task Force
|text140=Ahhh! Ayane is in berserk mode! Everyone take cover!
|affiliation141=Foreclosure Task ForceNone
|text141=She's grown up to be such a stern young lady. It does my old heart proud.
|name142=Theme 05
|affiliation142=Foreclosure Task Force
|text142=Can't you take this seriously for one second?! I swear, it's like I'M the only mature one here!
|affiliation143=Foreclosure Task Force
|text143=She did it! Ayane flipped the table!
|text143=All you four ever do is fool around! Robbing banks, pyramid schemes...<br/>Is this supposed to be some kind of joke?!
|affiliation144=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation145=Foreclosure Task Force
|text145=Ahhh! Ayane is in berserk mode! Everyone take cover!
|affiliation146=Foreclosure Task Force
|text146=She's grown up to be such a stern young lady. It does my old heart proud.
|text147=Ayane continued to chew everyone out for a while.
|affiliation147=Foreclosure Task Force
|text147=Can't you take this seriously for one second?! I swear, it's like I'M the only mature one here!
|affiliation148=Foreclosure Task Force
|text148=All you four ever do is fool around! Robbing banks, pyramid schemes...<br/>Is this supposed to be some kind of joke?!
|affiliation150=Foreclosure Task Force
|name150=Theme 16
|affiliation151=Foreclosure Task Force
|text151=Everything's going to be all right, Ayane. We're sorry, okay?<br/>I'll treat you to some ramen to make it up to you.
|affiliation152=Foreclosure Task Force
|text152=I'm...not angry...
|text153=Ayane continued to chew everyone out for a while.
|affiliation153=Foreclosure Task Force
|text153=That's it. Hush now. There's a good girl. ☆
|affiliation154=Foreclosure Task Force
|text154=Will you stop patronizing me like I'm a child?!
|affiliation155=Part-Timer Student
|text155=That's fine and all, but did you guys seriously have to come back here again?
|portrait155=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine155=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|name156=Theme 16
|affiliation156=Foreclosure Task Force
|text156=Want some more chashu, Ayane?
|affiliation157=Foreclosure Task Force
|text157=Everything's going to be all right, Ayane. We're sorry, okay?<br/>I'll treat you to some ramen to make it up to you.
|text157=*nom* *nom* Yesh.
|affiliation158=Foreclosure Task Force
|text158=I'm...not angry...
|affiliation159=Foreclosure Task Force
|name159=slide open
|text159=That's it. Hush now. There's a good girl. ☆
|text160=*door opens*
|affiliation160=Foreclosure Task Force
|text160=Will you stop patronizing me like I'm a child?!
|affiliation161=ProblemPart-Timer Solver 68Student
|text161=That's fine and all, but did you guys seriously have to come back here again?
|portrait161=HarukaSerika (Shiba Seki)
|spine161=HarukaSerika (Shiba Seki)
|affiliation162=ProblemForeclosure SolverTask 68Force
|text162=Oh...Want U-Um...some more chashu, Ayane?
|affiliation163=Part-TimerForeclosure StudentTask Force
|text163=Welcome!*nom* How*nom* many in your party?Yesh.
|portrait163=Serika (Shiba Seki)Ayane
|spine163=Serika (Shiba Seki)Ayane
|affiliation164=Problem Solver 68
|text164=Uh... Excuse me. How much is the cheapest thing on your menu?
|name165=slide open
|affiliation165=Part-Timer Student
|text165=Our lowest priced dish?
|portrait165=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine165=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|text166=*door opens*
|affiliation166=Part-Timer Student
|text166=That would be the regular Shiba Seki Ramen Bowl for 580 yen!<br/>It's our signature dish and super tasty too!
|portrait166=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine166=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|affiliation167=Problem Solver 68
|text167=Oh, uh, thank you!...
|affiliation168=Problem Solver 68
|name168=slide open
|text168=Oh... U-Um...
|text169=*door opens*
|affiliation169=Part-Timer Student
|text169=Welcome! How many in your party?
|portrait169=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine169=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|affiliation170=Part-TimerProblem StudentSolver 68
|text170=Uh... Excuse me. How much is the cheapest thing on your menu?
|portrait170=Serika (Shiba Seki)Haruka
|spine170=Serika (Shiba Seki)Haruka
|affiliation171=Part-Timer Student
|name171=slide open
|text171=Our lowest priced dish?
|portrait171=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine171=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|text172=*door opens*
|affiliation172=Part-Timer Student
|text172=That would be the regular Shiba Seki Ramen Bowl for 580 yen!<br/>It's our signature dish and super tasty too!
|portrait172=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine172=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|affiliation173=Problem Solver 68
|name173=Theme 13
|text173=Oh, uh, thank you!
|name174=slide open
|affiliation174=Problem Solver 68
|text174=Heh. We finally found something that costs less than 600 yen!
|text175=*door opens*
|affiliation175=Problem Solver 68
|text175=A yen saved is a yen earned. I knew we'd find one.
|affiliation176=ProblemPart-Timer Solver 68Student
|text176=Y-You were right. I guess you really do know everything, Boss...
|portrait176=HarukaSerika (Shiba Seki)
|spine176=HarukaSerika (Shiba Seki)
|name177=slide open
|affiliation177=Problem Solver 68
|text178=*door opens*
|affiliation178=Part-Timer Student
|text178=So, four in your party? I'll show you to your seats.
|portrait178=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine178=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|name179=Theme 13
|affiliation179=Problem Solver 68
|text179=Oh, no, no, no. You don't have to do that. We're only going to order the one.
|affiliation180=Part-TimerProblem StudentSolver 68
|text180=Heh. We finally found something that costs less than 600 yen!
|text180=Just one...? Still, you may as well be comfortable. Plus we're not very busy at the moment.
|portrait180=Serika (Shiba Seki)Mutsuki
|spine180=Serika (Shiba Seki)Mutsuki
|affiliation181=Problem Solver 68
|text181=Well,A isn'tyen thatsaved niceis ofa you?yen Don'tearned. mindI ifknew we'd find doone.
|affiliation182=Problem Solver 68
|text182=Y-You were right. I guess you really do know everything, Boss...
|text182=Oh, and can you get us four pairs of chopsticks while you're at it?<br/>Thanks.
|affiliation183=Part-TimerProblem StudentSolver 68
|text183=Four pairs? Uh, you're not thinking of splitting a single bowl between the four of you, are you?
|portrait183=Serika (Shiba Seki)Kayoko
|spine183=Serika (Shiba Seki)Kayoko
|affiliation185=ProblemPart-Timer Solver 68Student
|text185=S-Sorry!So, I'mfour soin sorry!your party? I'mll sorryshow thatyou we'reto broke and we'reyour poor!seats.
|portrait185=HarukaSerika (Shiba Seki)
|spine185=HarukaSerika (Shiba Seki)
|affiliation186=Part-TimerProblem StudentSolver 68
|text186=WhatOh, the..no, no, no.?! You don't have to apologizedo tothat. MEWe're overonly somethinggoing liketo that..order the one.
|portrait186=Serika (Shiba Seki)Mutsuki
|spine186=Serika (Shiba Seki)Mutsuki
|affiliation187=Part-Timer Student
|text187=Just one...? Still, you may as well be comfortable. Plus we're not very busy at the moment.
|portrait187=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine187=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|affiliation188=Problem Solver 68
|text188=Well, isn't that nice of you? Don't mind if we do.
|text188=No, really! What's the point of living like this? We're just a waste of air!<br/>Lower than dirt! We never should have come in here. Sorry, sorry, sorry...
|affiliation189=Problem Solver 68
|text189=*sigh*Oh, Forand cryingcan outyou loud...get Knockus itfour off,pairs Haruka.of Youchopsticks while you're makingat a sceneit?<br/>Thanks.
|affiliation190=Part-Timer Student
|text190=Four pairs? Uh, you're not thinking of splitting a single bowl between the four of you, are you?
|text190=Don't say that! Being poor isn't a crime or anything to be ashamed of.<br/>You shouldn't be so hard on yourself!
|portrait190=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine190=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|affiliation191=Problem Solver 68
|affiliation192=Part-TimerProblem StudentSolver 68
|text192=S-Sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry that we're broke and we're poor!
|text192=You're students! No one expects you to be loaded with cash. Still, you and your friends scraped enough to share a bowl of ramen together. That's saying something, isn't it?
|portrait192=Serika (Shiba Seki)Haruka
|spine192=Serika (Shiba Seki)Haruka
|affiliation193=Part-Timer Student
|text193=HangWhat tightthe...?! You Idon'dt behave gladto apologize to bringME itover outsomething forlike youthat...
|portrait193=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine193=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|name194=foot stepcartoon
|affiliation195=Problem Solver 68
|text195=No, really! What's the point of living like this? We're just a waste of air!<br/>Lower than dirt! We never should have come in here. Sorry, sorry, sorry...
|text195=I think she got the wrong idea.
|affiliation196=Problem Solver 68
|text196=Yeah!*sigh* It'sFor notcrying likeout we're beggarsloud... It'sKnock justit becauseoff, AruHaruka. blewYou're throughmaking oura cashscene.
|affiliation197=ProblemPart-Timer Solver 68Student
|text197=ThatDon'st "Boss"say tothat! you.Being Youpoor shouldisn't knowa bettercrime thanor anything to notbe referashamed toof.<br/>You meshouldn't bybe myso title,hard Chiefon of Staff Mutsuki.yourself!
|portrait197=AruSerika (Shiba Seki)
|spine197=AruSerika (Shiba Seki)
|affiliation198=Problem Solver 68
|text198=Really? You still want us to call you Boss when we're off the clock? And what kind of boss can't afford to treat her employees to more than one measly bowl of ramen?
|affiliation199=ProblemPart-Timer Solver 68Student
|text199=You're students! No one expects you to be loaded with cash. Still, you and your friends scraped enough to share a bowl of ramen together. That's saying something, isn't it?
|portrait199=AruSerika (Shiba Seki)
|spine199=AruSerika (Shiba Seki)
|affiliation200=ProblemPart-Timer Solver 68Student
|text200=MaybeHang youtight. shouldI'ved thoughtbe ofglad thatto beforebring blowingit allout offor our money on hired goonsyou.
|portrait200=KayokoSerika (Shiba Seki)
|spine200=KayokoSerika (Shiba Seki)
|name201=foot step
|affiliation201=Problem Solver 68
|text201=Heh. Would you expect me to do anything less? Be grateful there was enough left for a bowl of ramen.
|affiliation202=Problem Solver 68
|text202=I think she got the wrong idea.
|text202=You could have negotiated to make sure there was enough left for four,<br/>you know...
|affiliation203=Problem Solver 68
|text203=JustYeah! admitIt's thatnot youlike forgotwe're tobeggars. accountIt's forjust dinnerbecause inAru today'sblew expenses,through Aruour cash.
|affiliation204=Problem Solver 68
|text204=That's "Boss" to you. You should know better than to not refer to me by my title, Chief of Staff Mutsuki.
|text204=Heh heh heh...
|affiliation205=Problem Solver 68
|text205=Really? You still want us to call you Boss when we're off the clock? And what kind of boss can't afford to treat her employees to more than one measly bowl of ramen?
|text205=I get why you would want to reduce the risk factor of this operation. You're right about not underestimating the target. They aren't jobbers like the Helmet Gang.
|affiliation206=Problem Solver 68
|text206=But really, Boss? Are these Abydos students really worth blowing our entire budget on hiring extra muscle?
|affiliation207=Problem Solver 68
|text207=Maybe you should've thought of that before blowing all of our money on hired goons.
|text207=They could be...
|affiliation208=Problem Solver 68
|text208=Heh. Would you expect me to do anything less? Be grateful there was enough left for a bowl of ramen.
|text208=Aru probably doesn't even know. That's why she hired those goons—because she's chicken.
|affiliation209=Problem Solver 68
|text209=You could have negotiated to make sure there was enough left for four,<br/>you know...
|text209=Who are you calling a chicken?! I'm just being careful and covering our bases!
|affiliation210=Problem Solver 68
|text210=FailureJust isadmit notthat anyou option.forgot Youto allaccount knowfor Problemdinner Solverin 68today's motto:<br/>Expectexpenses, the unexpectedAru.
|affiliation211=Problem Solver 68
|text211=ThisHeh isheh theheh... first I'm hearing about a motto.
|affiliation212=Problem Solver 68
|text212=I get why you would want to reduce the risk factor of this operation. You're right about not underestimating the target. They aren't jobbers like the Helmet Gang.
|text212=Pretty sure she just made that up on the spot.
|affiliation213=Problem Solver 68
|text213=But really, Boss? Are these Abydos students really worth blowing our entire budget on hiring extra muscle?
|text213=Shut up! I'll take you all out for sukiyaki once we finish this job and get paid. So you'd better go all out!
|affiliation214=Problem Solver 68
|text214=SukiyakiThey could be...?! Wait. What's that?
|affiliation215=Problem Solver 68
|text215=Aru probably doesn't even know. That's why she hired those goons—because she's chicken.
|text215=It's a dish that adults like...and really expensive.
|affiliation216=Problem Solver 68
|text216=Who are you calling a chicken?! I'm just being careful and covering our bases!
|text216=W-Wow. I don't know if dirt like me could appreciate it, then. Would I have to sacrifice my life afterward for overindulging?
|affiliation217=Problem Solver 68
|text217=Failure is not an option. You all know Problem Solver 68's motto:<br/>Expect the unexpected.
|text217=Heh heh. Problem Solver is an industry titan at this point. We deserve only the best, wouldn't you agree?
Line 6,415 ⟶ 6,497:
|affiliation218=Problem Solver 68
|text218=Heh!This Youis the first I'rem hearing soabout ambitious,a Arumotto.
|affiliation219=Problem Solver 68
|text219=IPretty toldsure youshe tojust callmade methat Boss!up on the spot.
|affiliation220=Problem Solver 68
|text220=Shut up! I'll take you all out for sukiyaki once we finish this job and get paid. So you'd better go all out!
|affiliation221=Part-TimerProblem StudentSolver 68
|text221=Order upSukiyaki...?! TheWait. bowlWhat's hot, so be careful!that?
|portrait221=Serika (Shiba Seki)Haruka
|spine221=Serika (Shiba Seki)Haruka
|text222=Screen shakes
|affiliation222=Problem Solver 68
|text222=It's a dish that adults like...and really expensive.
|affiliation223=Problem Solver 68
|text223=W-Wow. I don't know if dirt like me could appreciate it, then. Would I have to sacrifice my life afterward for overindulging?
|affiliation224=Problem Solver 68
|text224=Heh heh. Problem Solver is an industry titan at this point. We deserve only the best, wouldn't you agree?
|affiliation225=Problem Solver 68
|text225=WhatHeh! the...?You're Thisso bowlambitious, is hugeAru.
|affiliation226=Problem Solver 68
|text226=ItI lookstold likeyou itto couldcall feedme ten people...Boss!
|affiliation227=Problem Solver 68
|text227=Uh, are you sure this is the right order? We don't have the money to pay for something like this...
|affiliation228=Part-Timer Student
|text228=Order up! The bowl's hot, so be careful!
|text228=This is exactly what you ordered: a plain 580-yen Shiba Seki Ramen Bowl. Isn't that right, Master?
|portrait228=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine228=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|text229=Screen shakes
|name229=Master Shiba
|affiliation229=Shiba Seki Ramen
|text229=Well, I might have overfilled a smidge, but that's all right.
|portrait229=Shiba Seki Ramen Master
|spine229=Shiba Seki Ramen Master
|affiliation230=Part-Timer Student
|text230=Master says it's all good, so don't worry! Enjoy your meal!
|portrait230=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine230=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|affiliation231=Problem Solver 68
|affiliation232=Problem Solver 68
|text232=What the...? This bowl is huge.
|text232=I say we eat first and ask questions later. Chopsticks ready!
|affiliation233=Problem Solver 68
|text233=IIt didn'tlooks see this coming, butlike it'd becould rudefeed of us to send itten backpeople...
|affiliation234=Problem Solver 68
|text234=Uh, are you sure this is the right order? We don't have the money to pay for something like this...
|text234=Let's dig in!
|affiliation235=Part-Timer Student
|text235=This is exactly what you ordered: a plain 580-yen Shiba Seki Ramen Bowl. Isn't that right, Master?
|portrait235=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine235=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|name236=Master Shiba
|affiliation236=Shiba Seki Ramen
|text236=Well, I might have overfilled a smidge, but that's all right.
|portrait236=Shiba Seki Ramen Master
|spine236=Shiba Seki Ramen Master
|affiliation237=Part-Timer Student
|text237=Master says it's all good, so don't worry! Enjoy your meal!
|portrait237=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|spine237=Serika (Shiba Seki)
|content238={{Story/Row|char0=Shiba Seki Ramen Master|sequence0=00|char1=Serika (Shiba Seki)|sequence1=03}}
|affiliation238=Problem Solver 68
|affiliation239=Problem Solver 68
|text239=IW-It's so yummy!Wow...
Line 6,560 ⟶ 6,652:
|affiliation240=Problem Solver 68
|text240=I say we eat first and ask questions later. Chopsticks ready!
|text240=Not bad at all. Who knew there was such a good ramen shop out here in the boonies?
|affiliation241=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text241=*squeezesI in*didn't Isee knowthis coming, right?but Isnit'td itbe therude of us to send it best?back.
|affiliation242=Problem Solver 68
|text242=Huh? WerenLet't you sitting at the table nexts todig us?in!
|affiliation243=Foreclosure Task Force
|text243=Yep! The ramen here is the best around. People come from all over just to get a taste of it.
|affiliation244=Problem Solver 68
|text244=I can see why. I've been to my fair share of shops, and ramen this good is hard to find.
|affiliation245=Foreclosure Task Force
|text245=We're regulars here. Sorry to interrupt your meal, but we wanted to say it's good to see students from other schools come here and see the light.
|affiliation246=Foreclosure Task Force
|text246=That uniform you're wearing is Gehenna's, right? That's a long trip.
|affiliation247=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text247=Girls sharing a bowl of ramen together like this. It's a little nostalgic, isn't it?
|affiliation248=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text248=WasnI-It'ts thatso a bowl of udon?yummy!
|affiliation249=Problem Solver 68
|text249=Not bad at all. Who knew there was such a good ramen shop out here in the boonies?
|affiliation250=ProblemForeclosure SolverTask 68Force
|text250=*squeezes in* I know, right? Isn't it the best?
|text250=(Their uniforms...)
|affiliation251=Problem Solver 68
|text251=Huh? Weren't you sitting at the table next to us?
|text251=(Hey, you're right.)
Line 6,654 ⟶ 6,726:
|affiliation252=ProblemForeclosure SolverTask 68Force
|text252=Yep! The ramen here is the best around. People come from all over just to get a taste of it.
|text252=Haha! I never expected to run into fellow connoisseurs here.<br/>Isn't life wonderfully unpredictable sometimes?
|affiliation253=Problem Solver 68
|text253=(SomethingI tellscan mesee Aruwhy. hasnI'tve putbeen twoto my fair share of shops, and tworamen this good is hard togetherto yetfind.)
|affiliation254=ProblemForeclosure SolverTask 68Force
|text254=We're regulars here. Sorry to interrupt your meal, but we wanted to say it's good to see students from other schools come here and see the light.
|text254=(Should I tell her?)
|affiliation255=ProblemForeclosure SolverTask 68Force
|text255=(Nah.That Thisuniform you're wearing is interesting.Gehenna's, right? LetThat's seea whatlong happenstrip.)
|affiliation256=ProblemForeclosure SolverTask 68Force
|text256=Girls sharing a bowl of ramen together like this. It's a little nostalgic, isn't it?
|text257=To be continued
|affiliation257=Foreclosure Task Force
|text257=Wasn't that a bowl of udon?
|affiliation258=Problem Solver 68
|text259=Next Episode: Unrelenting Blood Feud
|affiliation259=Problem Solver 68
|text259=(Their uniforms...)
|affiliation260=Problem Solver 68
|text260=(Hey, you're right.)
|affiliation262=Problem Solver 68
|text262=Haha! I never expected to run into fellow connoisseurs here.<br/>Isn't life wonderfully unpredictable sometimes?
|affiliation263=Problem Solver 68
|text263=(Something tells me Aru hasn't put two and two together yet.)
|affiliation265=Problem Solver 68
|text265=(Should I tell her?)
|affiliation266=Problem Solver 68
|text266=(Nah. This is interesting. Let's see what happens.)
|affiliation269=Problem Solver 68
|text270=To be continued
|text272=Next Episode: Unrelenting Blood Feud
Line 6,734 ⟶ 6,890:
|affiliation5=Problem Solver 68
|text5=Same to you guys! Good luck with revitalizing your school.<br/>I'll be cheering you on!
|affiliation6=Problem Solver 68
|text6=Same to you guys! Good luck with revitalizing your school.<br/>I'll be cheering you on!
|affiliation7=Problem Solver 68
|name7=foot step
|name8=foot step
|affiliation8=Problem Solver 68
|text8=Heh... What great kids, yeah?
|affiliation9=Problem Solver 68
|text9=Heh... What great kids, yeah?
|affiliation10=Problem Solver 68
|affiliation11=Problem Solver 68
|text11=Aru. Didn't those uniforms look familiar to you?
|affiliation12=Problem Solver 68
|text12=Aru. Didn't those uniforms look familiar to you?
|text12=Huh? No. Why?
|affiliation13=Problem Solver 68
|text13=ThoseHuh? wereNo. Abydos students.Why?
|affiliation14=Problem Solver 68
|text14=Those were Abydos students.
|affiliation16=Problem Solver 68
|text16=Wh-What?! They were?!
|affiliation17=Problem Solver 68
|text17=Wh-What?! They were?!
|affiliation18=Problem Solver 68
|text18=Hahaha! You should see the look on your face.
|affiliation19=Problem Solver 68
|text19=Did you really not know?
|affiliation20=Problem Solver 68
|text20=Hahaha! You should see the look on your face.
|text20=B-But doesn't that mean they're our targets? Sh-Should I go back inside and snuff them out?
|affiliation21=Problem Solver 68
|text21=Did you really not know?
|text21=Haha. It's a little late for that. We're gonna raid 'em in a bit anyway,<br/>so save it for then, Haruka.
|affiliation22=Problem Solver 68
|text22=YB-YouBut doesn'ret serious...that Theymean they're theour ones from Abydostargets? Ugh.Sh-Should I Ah...<br/>Whygo isback fateinside suchand asnuff cruelthem mistressout?
|affiliation23=Problem Solver 68
|text23=Haha. It's a little late for that. We're gonna raid 'em in a bit anyway,<br/>so save it for then, Haruka.
|text23=What's wrong, Aru? Isn't it time for us to get to work?
|affiliation24=Problem Solver 68
|text24=Y-You're serious... They're the ones from Abydos? Ugh. Ah...<br/>Why is fate such a cruel mistress?
|text24=The hired muscle is waiting for instructions.
|affiliation25=Problem Solver 68
|text25=DoWhat's wewrong, gotta...Aru? DoIsn't weit havetime tofor wipeus themto outget thisto secondwork?
|affiliation26=Problem Solver 68
|text26=LooksThe likehired our sweet little Arumuscle is beingwaiting tornfor apartinstructions.
|affiliation27=Problem Solver 68
|text27=Do we gotta...? Do we have to wipe them out this second?
|text27=What happened to doing the crime as long as the client has the dime? Problem Solver 68 doesn't let emotions get in the way, so what's going on?
|affiliation28=Problem Solver 68
|text28=Looks like our sweet little Aru is being torn apart.
|text28=I-I know that, but...
|affiliation29=Problem Solver 68
|text29=What happened to doing the crime as long as the client has the dime? Problem Solver 68 doesn't let emotions get in the way, so what's going on?
|text29=(She really is conflicted right now.)
|affiliation30=Problem Solver 68
|text30=I-I know that, but...
|text30=I gotta pull myself together! What kind of executive would I be if I can't do a simple job like this?
|affiliation31=Problem Solver 68
|text31=Let's(She doreally it!is Roundconflicted upright the muscle!now.)
|affiliation32=Problem Solver 68
|text32=I gotta pull myself together! What kind of executive would I be if I can't do a simple job like this?
|affiliation33=Problem Solver 68
|text33=Let's do it! Round up the muscle!
|name35=foot step
|name36=foot step
|name37=Themefoot 07step
|name38=Part-Timer A
|name38=foot step
|affiliation38=Part-Timer Student
|text38=Hey. What took you so long?
|portrait38=Part-Timer Student
|spine38=Part-Timer Student
|content39={{Story/Row|char0=Part-Timer Student|sequence0=00|char1=Aru|sequence1=00}}
|affiliation39=Problem Solver 68
|text39=Just taking care of business. I trust you're all prepared?
|name40=Part-Timer A
|name40=Theme 07
|affiliation40=Part-Timer Student
|text40=Whatever you say. Just remember we're clocking out on the dot.<br/>Especially since you were stingy with our pay.
|portrait40=Part-Timer Student
|spine40=Part-Timer Student
|name41=AruPart-Timer A
|affiliation41=ProblemPart-Timer Solver 68Student
|text41=Hey. What took you so long?
|text41=We can leave the fine print for later. Let's get going! Time to attack Abydos!
|portrait41=AruPart-Timer Student
|spine41=AruPart-Timer Student
|affiliation42=Problem Solver 68
|text42=Just taking care of business. I trust you're all prepared?
|text42=Let's move!
|name43=KayokoPart-Timer A
|affiliation43=ProblemPart-Timer Solver 68Student
|text43=Whatever you say. Just remember we're clocking out on the dot.<br/>Especially since you were stingy with our pay.
|portrait43=KayokoPart-Timer Student
|spine43=KayokoPart-Timer Student
|affiliation44=Problem Solver 68
|text44=We can leave the fine print for later. Let's get going! Time to attack Abydos!
|text44=I-I won't let you down, Aru!
|affiliation45=Problem Solver 68
|text45=WeLet'lls crush them to dustmove!
|affiliation46=Problem Solver 68
|affiliation47=Foreclosure Task Force
|text47=I'm reading a large armed group 15 kilometers south of campus!
|affiliation48=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text48=What?I-I Iswon't itlet theyou Helmetdown, Gang again?Aru!
|affiliation49=Foreclosure Task Force
|text49=N-No! It's not them.
|affiliation50=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text50=TheyWe'll look like mercenaries! Someone must have hiredcrush them to attackdust!
|affiliation51=Foreclosure Task Force
|text51=What'd they do, pick them up from Thugs Depot at the crack of dawn?<br/>It must have cost a fortune to hire that many of them.
|affiliation52=Foreclosure Task Force
|text52=I'm reading a large armed group 15 kilometers south of campus!
|text52=We can't allow them to get any closer! Sensei, give us the order to move out!
|text53="It's showtime."
|affiliation53=Foreclosure Task Force
|text53=What? Is it the Helmet Gang again?
|affiliation54=Foreclosure Task Force
|text54=N-No! It's not them.
|affiliation55=Foreclosure Task Force
|text55=They look like mercenaries! Someone must have hired them to attack!
|affiliation56=Foreclosure Task Force
|text56=What'd they do, pick them up from Thugs Depot at the crack of dawn?<br/>It must have cost a fortune to hire that many of them.
|text56=I've got eyes on a squad leading those goons up ahead!
|affiliation57=Foreclosure Task Force
|text57=Wait.We Arencan't thoseallow thethem girlsto weget metany atcloser! Sensei, give us the ramenorder to move shop?out!
|text58="It's showtime."
|affiliation58=Problem Solver 68
|affiliation59=Foreclosure Task Force
|text59=You guys are the ones attacking us?! After I gave you all that extra ramen?! You ungrateful pricks!
|affiliation60=Problem Solver 68
|text60=Heehee! I really did appreciate that, but it doesn't matter.<br/>This is business, not personal.
|affiliation61=ProblemForeclosure SolverTask 68Force
|text61=I've got eyes on a squad leading those goons up ahead!
|text61=Agreed. It's regrettable, but business is business. We have to uphold our contract.
|affiliation62=Foreclosure Task Force
|text62=Wait. Aren't those the girls we met at the ramen shop?
|text62=So you're fixers, then.
|affiliation63=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text63=What kind of job is that for girls your age?! Shouldn't you be working normal part-time jobs?
|affiliation64=ProblemForeclosure SolverTask 68Force
|text64=You guys are the ones attacking us?! After I gave you all that extra ramen?! You ungrateful pricks!
|text64=It's not a part-time job! This is a real, respectable business!<br/>With titles and everything!
|affiliation65=Problem Solver 68
|text65=Heehee! I really did appreciate that, but it doesn't matter.<br/>This is business, not personal.
|text65=And I'm the boss!
|affiliation66=Problem Solver 68
|text66=She's the chief of staff.
|affiliation67=Problem Solver 68
|text67=Agreed. It's regrettable, but business is business. We have to uphold our contract.
|text67=And this here is the department head.
|affiliation68=ProblemForeclosure SolverTask 68Force
|text68=So you're fixers, then.
|text68=Please. The title isn't nearly as impressive as you make it out to be.
|affiliation69=Foreclosure Task Force
|text69=So,What whokind hiredof you?job Oris that for girls your age?! areShouldn't you notbe willingworking tonormal tellpart-time usjobs?
|affiliation70=Problem Solver 68
|text70=It's not a part-time job! This is a real, respectable business!<br/>With titles and everything!
|affiliation71=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text71=WeAnd couldI'm alwaysthe get it out of you by force.boss!
|affiliation72=Problem Solver 68
|text72=Haha. Good luck. We don't spill trade secrets.
|affiliation73=Problem Solver 68
|text73=Get She'em,s the chief of girls!staff.
|affiliation75=Problem Solver 68
|name75=school bell
|text75=And this here is the department head.
|text76=*ding* *ding* *ding* *dong*<br/>*ding* *ding* *ding* *dong*
|affiliation77=Problem Solver 68
|name77=Theme 04
|text77=Please. The title isn't nearly as impressive as you make it out to be.
|name78=Part-Timer AShiroko
|affiliation78=Part-TimerForeclosure StudentTask Force
|text78=So, who hired you? Or are you not willing to tell us?
|text78=Phew. It's quittin' time.
|portrait78=Part-Timer StudentShiroko
|spine78=Part-Timer StudentShiroko
|name79=Part-Timer B
|affiliation79=Part-Timer Student
|text79=It sure is. That's all you get for the money you paid us today.<br/>You can handle the rest on your own. Let's go, ladies.
|portrait79=Part-Timer Student
|spine79=Part-Timer Student
|affiliation80=ProblemForeclosure SolverTask 68Force
|text80=We could always get it out of you by force.
|text80=Wh-What?! W-Wait a second!
|affiliation81=Problem Solver 68
|text81=Haha. Good luck. We don't spill trade secrets.
|name82=Part-Timer CAru
|affiliation82=Part-TimerProblem StudentSolver 68
|text82=TimeGet to'em, clock out.girls!
|portrait82=Part-Timer StudentAru
|spine82=Part-Timer StudentAru
|name83=Part-Timer D
|affiliation83=Part-Timer Student
|text83=Wanna grab a bowl of soba on the way back?
|portrait83=Part-Timer Student
|spine83=Part-Timer Student
|name84=runschool bell
|text85=*ding* *ding* *ding* *dong*<br/>*ding* *ding* *ding* *dong*
|affiliation85=Problem Solver 68
|text85=Hey! What the heck is this?! Don't just leave!
|name86=Theme 04
|affiliation86=Problem Solver 68
|name87=MutsukiPart-Timer A
|affiliation87=ProblemPart-Timer Solver 68Student
|text87=Phew. It's quittin' time.
|text87=Welp. We're boned. I kind of thought we would have wrapped up by now. What now, Aru? Should we run for it?
|portrait87=MutsukiPart-Timer Student
|spine87=MutsukiPart-Timer Student
|name88=AruPart-Timer B
|affiliation88=ProblemPart-Timer Solver 68Student
|text88=It sure is. That's all you get for the money you paid us today.<br/>You can handle the rest on your own. Let's go, ladies.
|portrait88=AruPart-Timer Student
|spine88=AruPart-Timer Student
|affiliation89=Problem Solver 68
|text89=Wh-What?! W-Wait a second!
|affiliation90=Problem Solver 68
|text90=Y-You haven't seen the last of us, Abydos!
|name91=MutsukiPart-Timer C
|affiliation91=ProblemPart-Timer Solver 68Student
|text91=Time to clock out.
|text91=Haha. You sound like a corny third-rate villain, Aru.
|portrait91=MutsukiPart-Timer Student
|spine91=MutsukiPart-Timer Student
|name92=AruPart-Timer D
|affiliation92=ProblemPart-Timer Solver 68Student
|text92=ShutWanna up!grab Everyone,a run...bowl Iof mean,soba retreat!on the way back?
|portrait92=AruPart-Timer Student
|spine92=AruPart-Timer Student
|affiliation94=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text94=Hang on...Hey! Oh,What well.the Theyheck is this?! Don'ret gone.just leave!
|affiliation95=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text95=They move a lot faster when they're running away at least.
|affiliation96=Problem Solver 68
|text96=Welp. We're boned. I kind of thought we would have wrapped up by now. What now, Aru? Should we run for it?
|affiliation97=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text97=I'm still not sure what that was all about, but I can at least confirm their hired forces did clock out. I mean, uh, retreated.
|affiliation98=Foreclosure Task Force
|text98=But, still. This is a problem. Now we have to worry about some strange hitmen targeting our school? What on earth is going on?
|affiliation99=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text99=Y-You haven't seen the last of us, Abydos!
|text99=Eh, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. We'll learn something useful once we look into that Aru girl.
|affiliation100=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text100=Sounds goodHaha. HeadYou backsound insidelike fora now,corny everyone.third-rate Good workvillain, todayAru.
|text101=To be continued
|affiliation101=Problem Solver 68
|text101=Shut up! Everyone, run... I mean, retreat!
|text103=Next Episode: In Search of a Clue
|affiliation103=Foreclosure Task Force
|text103=Hang on...! Oh, well. They're gone.
|affiliation104=Foreclosure Task Force
|text104=They move a lot faster when they're running away at least.
|affiliation106=Foreclosure Task Force
|text106=I'm still not sure what that was all about, but I can at least confirm their hired forces did clock out. I mean, uh, retreated.
|affiliation107=Foreclosure Task Force
|text107=But, still. This is a problem. Now we have to worry about some strange hitmen targeting our school? What on earth is going on?
|affiliation108=Foreclosure Task Force
|text108=Eh, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. We'll learn something useful once we look into that Aru girl.
|affiliation109=Foreclosure Task Force
|text109=Sounds good. Head back inside for now, everyone. Good work today.
|text110=To be continued
|text112=Next Episode: In Search of a Clue
Line 7,482 ⟶ 7,665:
|affiliation13=Foreclosure Task Force
|text13=What the...?!
|affiliation14=Problem Solver 68
|text14=How ya doin'? Wow, what a coincidence running into you this morning.
|affiliation15=Foreclosure Task Force
|text15=What the...?!
|affiliation16=Problem Solver 68
|text16=How ya doin'? Wow, what a coincidence running into you this morning.
|text16=*jump* *squeeze* Hmm? I'm not too heavy, am I? I'm sure you can still breathe, Sensei, so you'll just have to endure it.
Line 7,519 ⟶ 7,696:
|affiliation18=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text18=*jump* *squeeze* Hmm? I'm not too heavy, am I? I'm sure you can still breathe, Sensei, so you'll just have to endure it.
|text18=Wh-What do you think you're doing? Let go of Sensei this instant!
|affiliation19=Problem Solver 68
|text19=Hey, quit pulling!
|affiliation20=Problem Solver 68
|text20=Well, well, well. If it isn't Little Miss Four-Eyes from Abydos. You really like to stick your nose in other people's business, don't you?
|affiliation21=ProblemForeclosure SolverTask 68Force
|text21=Wh-What do you think you're doing? Let go of Sensei this instant!
|text21=You seemed a lot more polite when we ran into each other at the ramen place yesterday. Don't you remember?
|affiliation22=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text22=Hey, quit pulling!
|text22=That was before you assaulted our school! What are you up to? Why are you trying to be so buddy-buddy all of a sudden?
|affiliation23=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text23=AndWell, mywell, name'swell. notIf it isn't Little Miss Four-Eyes! Itfrom Abydos. You really like to stick your nose in other people's Ayane!business, don't you?
|affiliation24=Problem Solver 68
|text24=You seemed a lot more polite when we ran into each other at the ramen place yesterday. Don't you remember?
|text24=What? It's not like we have anything against you guys.
|affiliation25=ProblemForeclosure SolverTask 68Force
|text25=That was before you assaulted our school! What are you up to? Why are you trying to be so buddy-buddy all of a sudden?
|text25=We told you it was just business. We can make nice when we're not fighting.
|affiliation26=Foreclosure Task Force
|text26=And my name's not Little Miss Four-Eyes! It's Ayane!
|text26=A-Are you actually trying to tell me not to take things personally after what you did?!
|affiliation27=Problem Solver 68
|text27=Why notWhat? It's not like Schalewe onlyhave worksanything foragainst you Abydos kidsguys.<br/>Isn't that right, Sensei?
|text28="Can't we all just get along?"
|affiliation28=Problem Solver 68
|text28=We told you it was just business. We can make nice when we're not fighting.
|affiliation29=ProblemForeclosure SolverTask 68Force
|text29=A-Are you actually trying to tell me not to take things personally after what you did?!
|text29=Haha! That's a good one. Fat chance. We have a business to run.<br/>Aru isn't going to let us go unemployed or anything.
|affiliation30=Problem Solver 68
|text30=Why not? It's not like Schale only works for you Abydos kids.<br/>Isn't that right, Sensei?
|text30=Oh, well. Stop by our office anytime you want, Sensei. I bet Aru and the others would be thrilled to have you there.
|text31="Can't we all just get along?"
|affiliation31=Problem Solver 68
|text31=Well, bye-bye! See you next time, Miss Ayane.
|affiliation32=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text32=Haha! That's a good one. Fat chance. We have a business to run.<br/>Aru isn't going to let us go unemployed or anything.
|text32=There will be no later! I'll shoot on sight if I catch you in our district again!
|affiliation33=Problem Solver 68
|text33=Oh, well. Stop by our office anytime you want, Sensei. I bet Aru and the others would be thrilled to have you there.
|text33=Whatever you say.
|affiliation34=Problem Solver 68
|name34=foot step
|text34=Well, bye-bye! See you next time, Miss Ayane.
|affiliation35=Foreclosure Task Force
|text35=There will be no later! I'll shoot on sight if I catch you in our district again!
Line 7,654 ⟶ 7,826:
|affiliation36=ForeclosureProblem TaskSolver Force68
|text36=TheWhatever nerveyou of that girl!say.
|name37=foot step
|affiliation38=KaiserForeclosure LoansTask Force
|text38=A 7,883,250 yen payment on your loan, including variable interest and additional interest, has been confirmed.
|portrait38=Citizen Borot 1Ayane
|spine38=Citizen Borot 1Ayane
|affiliation39=KaiserForeclosure LoansTask Force
|text39=PaidThe innerve cash.of Nothat issues to report.girl!
|portrait39=Citizen Borot 1Ayane
|spine39=Citizen Borot 1Ayane
|affiliation40=Kaiser Loans
|text40=Thank you once again for doing business with Kaiser Loans.<br/>See you next month.
|portrait40=Citizen Borot 1
|spine40=Citizen Borot 1
|affiliation41=Kaiser Loans
|name41=vehicle start
|text41=A 7,883,250 yen payment on your loan, including variable interest and additional interest, has been confirmed.
|portrait41=Citizen Borot 1
|spine41=Citizen Borot 1
|affiliation42=Kaiser Loans
|text42=Paid in cash. No issues to report.
|portrait42=Citizen Borot 1
|spine42=Citizen Borot 1
|affiliation43=ForeclosureKaiser Task ForceLoans
|text43=Thank you once again for doing business with Kaiser Loans.<br/>See you next month.
|portrait43=AyaneCitizen Borot 1
|spine43=AyaneCitizen Borot 1
|name44=vehicle start
|affiliation44=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation45=Foreclosure Task Force
|text45=We've managed to make it another month.
|affiliation46=Foreclosure Task Force
|text46=How much longer to go?...
|affiliation47=Foreclosure Task Force
|text47=The repayment schedule is 309 years. At the rate we're going...
|affiliation48=Foreclosure Task Force
|text48=We've managed to make it another month.
|affiliation49=Foreclosure Task Force
|text49=How much longer to go?
|text49=Don't say it! I'm gonna snap if I hear the details!
|affiliation50=Foreclosure Task Force
|text50=The repayment schedule is 309 years. At the rate we're going...
|text50=Just face it. We'll never pay this off in our lifetimes!<br/>Why even bother doing the math?!
|affiliation51=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation52=Foreclosure Task Force
|text52=Don't say it! I'm gonna snap if I hear the details!
|text52=Do you ever wonder why they only accept cash payments? Why go through all the trouble to constantly pay for armored trucks?
|affiliation53=Foreclosure Task Force
|text53=Just face it. We'll never pay this off in our lifetimes!<br/>Why even bother doing the math?!
|affiliation54=Foreclosure Task Force
|text54=I hope you aren't planning to rob them, Shiroko.
|affiliation55=Foreclosure Task Force
|text55=Do you ever wonder why they only accept cash payments? Why go through all the trouble to constantly pay for armored trucks?
|text55=Don't worry. I'm not.
|affiliation56=Foreclosure Task Force
|text56=That doesn't mean you can daydream about doing it either!
|affiliation57=Foreclosure Task Force
|text57=I hope you aren't planning to rob them, Shiroko.
|affiliation58=Foreclosure Task Force
|text58=Don't worry. I'm not.
|text58=Come on, guys. All we can do is focus on what's right in front of us.
|affiliation59=Foreclosure Task Force
|text59=That doesn't mean you can daydream about doing it either!
|text59=Let's go inside.
|affiliation60=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation61=Foreclosure Task Force
|text61=Come on, guys. All we can do is focus on what's right in front of us.
|affiliation62=Foreclosure Task Force
|text62=Let's begin, shall we? We need to go over two issuesinside.
|affiliation63=Foreclosure Task Force
|text63=First off is yesterday's assault.
|name64=Theme 17
|affiliation65=Foreclosure Task Force
|text65=Let's begin, shall we? We need to go over two issues.
|affiliation66=Foreclosure Task Force
|text66=First off is yesterday's assault.
|text66=The culprits belong to a club called Problem Solver 68.
|name67=Theme 17
|affiliation67=Foreclosure Task Force
|text67=They're a notorious group of student delinquents from Gehenna Academy.
|affiliation68=Foreclosure Task Force
|text68=They present themselves as a fixer agency, but they're more like a freelance errand center.
|affiliation69=Foreclosure Task Force
|text69=The clubculprits presidentbelong isto a girlclub called Problem namedSolver Aru68.
|affiliation70=Foreclosure Task Force
|text70=They're a notorious group of student delinquents from Gehenna Academy.
|text70=She would be the one you ran into that was calling herself the boss.
|affiliation71=Foreclosure Task Force
|text71=They present themselves as a fixer agency, but they're more like a freelance errand center.
|text71=Aru has three employees beneath her: a chief of staff, a department head,<br/>and an entry-level employee.
|affiliation73=Foreclosure Task Force
|text73=TheyThe reallyclub dopresident meanis business,a huh?girl named Aru.
|affiliation74=Foreclosure Task Force
|text74=She's anwould executivebe atthe herone age?you That'sran sointo cool!that was calling herself the boss.
|affiliation75=Foreclosure Task Force
|text75=Again, her title is self-proclaimed. I suspect they're currently operating out of a location close to Abydos—especially since we ran into one of them this morning.
|affiliation76=Foreclosure Task Force
|text76=Is what they're doing officially recognized by Gehenna Academy?
|affiliation77=Foreclosure Task Force
|text77=Aru has three employees beneath her: a chief of staff, a department head,<br/>and an entry-level employee.
|text77=I wouldn't think so. I bet they took whatever contract they're under because they felt like it.
|affiliation78=Foreclosure Task Force
|text78=So they're in violation of school regulations... Strange. They didn't strike me as all that bad or malicious.
|affiliation79=Foreclosure Task Force
|text79=On the contrary. They're known for being troublemakers and causing a lot of headaches at Gehenna as well.
|affiliation80=Foreclosure Task Force
|text80=They really do mean business, huh?
|text80=And now they're targeting our school! We need to take this seriously!
|affiliation81=Foreclosure Task Force
|text81=MaybeShe's wean oughtexecutive toat captureher andage? interrogateThat's them...so cool! ☆
|affiliation82=Foreclosure Task Force
|text82=Again, her title is self-proclaimed. I suspect they're currently operating out of a location close to Abydos—especially since we ran into one of them this morning.
|text82=For once, I agree. We should take initiative and nip this problem in the bud.
|affiliation83=Foreclosure Task Force
|text83=Is what they're doing officially recognized by Gehenna Academy?
|text83=Geez, Ayane. You're acting like this is personal. Is there something you want to tell us about?
|affiliation84=Foreclosure Task Force
|text84=I wouldn't think so. I bet they took whatever contract they're under because they felt like it.
|text84=Next up, the mastermind behind the Helmet Gang's attack on Serika!
|affiliation85=Foreclosure Task Force
|text85=So they're in violation of school regulations... Strange. They didn't strike me as all that bad or malicious.
|text85=After analyzing the weapons that were recovered from the last battle...I've learned that this model is no longer on the market.
|affiliation86=Foreclosure Task Force
|text86=On the contrary. They're known for being troublemakers and causing a lot of headaches at Gehenna as well.
|text86=So it's been discontinued?
|affiliation87=Foreclosure Task Force
|text87=ThenAnd how didnow they're targeting our school! We getneed theirto handstake onthis it?seriously!
|affiliation88=Foreclosure Task Force
|text88=Maybe we ought to capture and interrogate them...
|text88=The only place you can get those kind of weapons is in Kivotos' Black Market.
|affiliation89=Foreclosure Task Force
|text89=For once, I agree. We should take initiative and nip this problem in the bud.
|text89=Isn't that place supposed to be really dangerous?
|affiliation90=Foreclosure Task Force
|text90=Geez, Ayane. You're acting like this is personal. Is there something you want to tell us about?
|text90=Yes. Dropouts, burnouts on leave, flunkies... The Black Market is a gathering spot for delinquents. Not to mention a place where unauthorized clubs do illegal activities.
|affiliation91=Foreclosure Task Force
|text91=Next up, the mastermind behind the Helmet Gang's attack on Serika!
|text91=Like Problem Solver 68?
|affiliation92=Foreclosure Task Force
|text92=Indeed.After Word onanalyzing the street isweapons that Problemwere Solverrecovered 68from hasthe beenlast responsiblebattle...I've forlearned athat couplethis ofmodel incidentsis atno thelonger Blackon Marketthe alreadymarket.
Line 8,050 ⟶ 8,198:
|affiliation93=Foreclosure Task Force
|text93=ThereSo it's ourbeen link!discontinued?
|affiliation94=Foreclosure Task Force
|text94=IThen agree.how Wedid shouldthey beget lookingtheir forhands aon connection there.it?
|affiliation95=Foreclosure Task Force
|text95=It'sThe obviousonly whatplace weyou havecan toget dothose next.kind Let'sof goweapons tois thein Kivotos' Black Market and take a look around.
|affiliation96=Foreclosure Task Force
|text96=YouIsn't neverthat knowplace whatsupposed kindto ofbe cluesreally we might find there.dangerous?
|text97=To be continued
|text99=Next Episode: To the Black Market! Part 1
|name1=Theme 13
|title=Episode 11: To the Black Market! Part 1
|place3=Black Market
|text5=There's a huge crowd of people in the market.
|affiliation6=Foreclosure Task Force
|text6=So this is the Black Market...
|affiliation7=Foreclosure Task Force
|text7=Whoa! There's a ton of people here!
|affiliation8=Foreclosure Task Force
|text8=Seriously. I was expecting a smaller operation, but this is like a city unto itself.
|affiliation9=Foreclosure Task Force
|text9=I didn't realize an unauthorized district would be so big and so busy.
|affiliation10=Foreclosure Task Force
|text10=To be fair, we hardly ever leave Abydos. There are a lot of weird places outside our district.
|affiliation11=Foreclosure Task Force
|text11=Have you ever been here before, Hoshino?
|affiliation12=Foreclosure Task Force
|text12=No, but I've heard stories about all kinds of places around the city.
|affiliation13=Foreclosure Task Force
|text13=Apparently, there's a giant aquarium somewhere too!
|affiliation14=Foreclosure Task Force
|text14=We should all go there next time. Heh heh. Just think of all the fishies...
|affiliation15=Foreclosure Task Force
|text15=Not that I know, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that this place isn't anything like an aquarium.
|affiliation17=Foreclosure Task Force
|text17=Eyes sharp, everyone. You're in the heart of the illegal weapons and arms trade, so be ready for anything.
|affiliation18=Foreclosure Task Force
|text18=If anything does happen, I'll... Huh?!
|text21=*pop* *pop* *pop* *tat*
|affiliation22=Foreclosure Task Force
|name23=Theme 29
|name26=Thug 1
|affiliation26=Street Outlaw
|text26=Stop right there!
|affiliation27=Go-Home Club
|text27=W-Waaah! No, no, no! P-Please, stop chasing me!
|name28=Thug 1
|affiliation28=Street Outlaw
|text28=And why would we do that?!
|spine28=Sukeban Thug SMG
|affiliation30=Foreclosure Task Force
|text30=Hey. That uniform...
|affiliation31=Go-Home Club
|text31=Watch out! Coming through!
|affiliation34=Go-Home Club
|text34=O-Ow... Sorry about that!
|affiliation35=Foreclosure Task Force
|text35=Are you okay?
|affiliation36=Foreclosure Task Force
|text36=Though I guess being chased answers that question.
|affiliation37=Go-Home Club
|name38=Thug 2
|affiliation38=Street Outlaw
|text38=Who the heck are you? Get outta the way! We got business with that Trinity student!
|spine38=Sukeban Thug HMG
|affiliation39=Go-Home Club
|text39=Uh... But I don't have any business with you.
|affiliation40=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation41=Foreclosure Task Force
|text41=That's right! That uniform belongs to Trinity General School, one of the largest academies in all of Kivotos!
|name42=Thug 1
|affiliation42=Street Outlaw
|text42=And one of the richest too! Kidnapping her is sure to command a hefty ransom!
|spine42=Sukeban Thug SMG
|name43=Thug 2
|affiliation43=Street Outlaw
|text43=Abductions and negotiations! Now that's what I call an investment plan!
|spine43=Sukeban Thug HMG
|name44=Thug 2
|affiliation44=Street Outlaw
|text44=Whaddaya think? You interested? We could make a fair split...
|spine44=Sukeban Thug HMG
|name45=Thug 2
|affiliation45=Street Outlaw
|spine45=Sukeban Thug HMG
|text48=Screen shakes
|name50=Thug 2
|affiliation50=Street Outlaw
|spine50=Sukeban Thug HMG
|affiliation51=Foreclosure Task Force
|text51=Bad guys have to be punished! ☆
|affiliation52=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation53=Go-Home Club
|text53=Oh. Oh, dear.
|name55=Theme 10
|affiliation56=Go-Home Club
|text56=Th-Thank you so much. I would have been in so much trouble with my school if not for you.
|affiliation57=Go-Home Club
|text57=It's bad enough I snuck out here on my own. If something bad happened...<br/>It's giving me a headache just thinking about it!
|affiliation58=Foreclosure Task Force
|text58=You said your name was Hifumi, right? So what's a Trinity student doing in a dangerous place like this?
|affiliation59=Go-Home Club
|text59=A-Ahaha... It's kind of a long story. I came here looking for something...
|affiliation60=Go-Home Club
|text60=It's no longer in production, but I heard that it shows up every now and then on the Black Market.
|affiliation61=Foreclosure Task Force
|text61=Like a tank?
|affiliation62=Foreclosure Task Force
|text62=A contraband firearm?
|affiliation63=Foreclosure Task Force
|text63=A biochemical agent?
|affiliation64=Go-Home Club
|text64=What?! No, of course not! It's...a limited edition piece of Peroro merchandise.
|affiliation65=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation66=Foreclosure Task Force
|text66=Limited edition merchandise?
|affiliation67=Go-Home Club
|text67=Yup! It's this guy right here. A limited edition plush from the Peroro and Ice Cream franchise collaboration!
|affiliation68=Go-Home Club
|text68=Only 100 of them were ever made!
|affiliation69=Go-Home Club
|text69=What do you think? Cute, right?
|affiliation70=Foreclosure Task Force
|affiliation71=Foreclosure Task Force
|text71=Wow! I love Momo Friends too! Peroro is so cute! ☆<br/>I'm a fan of Mr. Nicholai, personally.
|affiliation72=Go-Home Club
|text72=Right? The way Mr. Nicholai philosophizes is just so dashing!
|affiliation73=Go-Home Club
|text73=In fact, I recently bought a compilation of Mr. Nicholai's work,<br/>"Reaching Beyond Good & Evil"! It was a first edition too!
|affiliation74=Foreclosure Task Force
|text74=I have no idea what they're talking about.
|affiliation75=Foreclosure Task Force
|text75=You never did care for cutesy stuff, Hoshino.
|affiliation76=Foreclosure Task Force
|text76=Huh. I guess I just don't get the young people these days.
|affiliation77=Foreclosure Task Force
|text77=We're practically the same age...
|affiliation78=Go-Home Club
|text78=I came here looking for that, but ended up getting targeted by those thugs.<br/>Either way, I would've been in deep trouble without you guys.
|affiliation79=Go-Home Club
|text79=Anyway, what brings Abydos students to a place like this?
|affiliation80=Foreclosure Task Force
|text80=The same thing as you. We're looking for something.
|affiliation81=Foreclosure Task Force
|text81=Yeah. Something that's out of production now and hard to find.<br/>But we heard we might be able to find it here.
|affiliation82=Go-Home Club
|text82=Wow, great minds think alike.
|affiliation85=Foreclosure Task Force
|text85=Hang on, guys! Armed forces are closing in on you!
|affiliation86=Foreclosure Task Force
|name87=Theme 07
|name88=Thug 1
|affiliation88=Street Outlaw
|text88=There they are!
|spine88=Sukeban Thug SMG
|name89=Thug 3
|affiliation89=Street Outlaw
|text89=You're gonna pay for messing with us!
|spine89=Sukeban Thug SR
|affiliation91=Foreclosure Task Force
|text91=They must be from the same gang as those thugs you scared off.<br/>And they look like they're raring for a fight!
|affiliation92=Foreclosure Task Force
|text92=Well, if it's a fight they want...
|affiliation93=Foreclosure Task Force
|text93=Why do we keep getting involved with these rough-and-tumble types everywhere we go? Is it us?
|affiliation94=Foreclosure Task Force
|text94=You'll have time to complain later... Now's the time to act!
|name95=Theme 05
|affiliation97=Foreclosure Task Force
|text97=Yes. Dropouts, burnouts on leave, flunkies... The Black Market is a gathering spot for delinquents. Not to mention a place where unauthorized clubs do illegal activities.
|text97=The enemy is retreating.
Line 8,754 ⟶ 8,238:
|affiliation98=Foreclosure Task Force
|text98=ButLike atProblem thisSolver rate...68?
|affiliation99=Foreclosure Task Force
|text99=Indeed. Word on the street is that Problem Solver 68 has been responsible for a couple of incidents at the Black Market already.
|text99=Are they going to bring reinforcements? Fine by me.
|affiliation100=Go-HomeForeclosure ClubTask Force
|text100=There's our link!
|text100=W-Wait a second! We can't just keep engaging them like this!
|affiliation101=Foreclosure Task Force
|text101=I don'tagree. seeWe whyshould notbe looking for a connection there.
|affiliation102=Go-HomeForeclosure ClubTask Force
|text102=The Black MarketIt's enforcersobvious mightwhat crackwe downhave onto usdo ifnext. weLet's makego anyto morethe ofBlack Market and take a scene!look around.
|affiliation103=Go-HomeForeclosure ClubTask Force
|text103=AndYou we'llnever beknow inwhat reallykind bigof troubleclues ifwe thatmight happens. We should get out offind herethere.
|text104=To be continued
|affiliation104=Foreclosure Task Force
|text104=Fair. You know more about this place than we do, Hifumi, so we'll take your lead.
|affiliation105=Foreclosure Task Force
|text105=Tch. They should consider themselves lucky!
|text106=Next Episode: To the Black Market! Part 1
|affiliation106=Go-Home Club
|text106=This way!
|text108=To be continued
|text110=Next Episode: To the Black Market! Part 2
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