Toki/audio: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Memorial lobby: Added EN TL)
(→‎Tactics and growth: Fixed JP transcription, EN TL)
Line 161:
| [[File:Toki_Formation_In_1.ogg]]
| <p>それでは始めます。</p>
| <p>wellWell then, welet'lls start.</p>
| Formation_In_2
| [[File:Toki_Formation_In_2.ogg]]
| <p>立ちふさがる 全てを排除しましょう それが私の仕事です</p>
| <p>Let's clearclean up everything that stands in ourthe way. That's is my job.</p>
| Formation_Select
| [[File:Toki_Formation_Select.ogg]]
| <p>なるほど これが例の</p>
| <p>I see this...This is anthat example's...</p>
| Tactic_Defeat_1
| [[File:Toki_Tactic_Defeat_1.ogg]]
| <p>会員敗因一体……</p>
| <p>WhoWhat arecaused...this the membersloss...?</p>
| Tactic_Defeat_2
| [[File:Toki_Tactic_Defeat_2.ogg]]
| <p>申し訳ありません 先生</p>
| <p>I'm sorry, Sensei sir</p>
| Tactic_In_1
Line 195:
| Tactic_Victory_1
| [[File:Toki_Tactic_Victory_1.ogg]]
| <p>勝利しました ヤッホー いかがでしょうか?</p>
| <p>I won. yahooYahoo. howHow arewas youit?</p>
| Tactic_Victory_2
| [[File:Toki_Tactic_Victory_2.ogg]]
| <p>任務完了です ご満足いただけましたか?</p>
| <p>Mission complete. Are you satisfied?</p>
| Battle_Buffed_1
Line 211:
| [[File:Toki_Battle_BuffSelf_1.ogg]]
| <p>勝利への一歩。</p>
| <p>One step totowards victory.</p>
| Battle_Covered_1
| [[File:Toki_Battle_Covered_1.ogg]]
| <p>ブロックします。</p>
| <p>blockBlocking.</p>
| Battle_Damage_1
Line 241:
| [[File:Toki_Battle_In_1.ogg]]
| <p>命令を遂行します。</p>
| <p>carryCarrying out the command.</p>
| Battle_In_2
| [[File:Toki_Battle_In_2.ogg]]
| <p>逢瀬仰せのままに</p>
| <p>JustAs likeyou a meetingwish.</p>
| Battle_Move_1
| [[File:Toki_Battle_Move_1.ogg]]
| <p>移動します。</p>
| <p>MoveMoving.</p>
| Battle_Move_2
| [[File:Toki_Battle_Move_2.ogg]]
| <p>次の地域はどこですか?</p>
| <p>whereWhere is the next region?</p>
| Battle_Recovery_1
| [[File:Toki_Battle_Recovery_1.ogg]]
| <p>ありがとうございます。</p>
| <p>thankThank you.</p>
| Battle_Retire
| [[File:Toki_Battle_Retire.ogg]]
| <p>そんな。</p>
| <p>SuchNo way.</p>
| Battle_Shout_1
Line 290:
| Battle_Victory_1
| [[File:Toki_Battle_Victory_1.ogg]]
| <p>先生 見てますか? ピース ピース</p>
| <p>teacherSensei, are you watching? peace peace</p>
| Battle_Victory_2
| [[File:Toki_Battle_Victory_2.ogg]]
| <p>次へ進みましょう bbV V。</p>
| <p>letLet's move on. bbV V.</p>
| CommonSkill
| [[File:Toki_CommonSkill.ogg]]
| <p>行きます。</p>
| <p>to goGoing.</p>
| CommonSkill_2
Line 310:
| ExSkill_1
| [[File:Toki_ExSkill_1.ogg]]
| <p>アビ 、移こう。</p>
| <p>ChefSwitching Abieto Let'sAbi Eshuh go.</p>
| ExSkill_2
| [[File:Toki_ExSkill_2.ogg]]
| <p>座標を送信します。</p>
| <p>SendSending coordinates.</p>
| ExSkill_3
| [[File:Toki_ExSkill_3.ogg]]
| <p>パワードスーツ 起動。</p>
| <p>Activate theActivating powered suit.</p>
| ExSkill_4
| [[File:Toki_ExSkill_4.ogg]]
| <p>これが私の全力</p>
| <p>This is my full power.!</p>
| ExSkill_5
| [[File:Toki_ExSkill_5.ogg]]
| <p>目標確認 ロックオン! </p>
| <p>ConfirmConfirming target. Lock on.</p>
| ExSkill_6
| [[File:Toki_ExSkill_6.ogg]]
| <p>アビシュフ、殲滅モード! </p>
| <p>AbieAbi provinceEshuh, annihilation mode!</p>
| ExSkill_Level_1
| [[File:Toki_ExSkill_Level_1.ogg]]
| <p>装着 完了。</p>
| <p>Installation completedcomplete.</p>
| ExSkill_Level_2
| [[File:Toki_ExSkill_Level_2.ogg]]
| <p>戦闘開始します。</p>
| <p>CombatBeginning beginscombat.</p>
| ExSkill_Level_3
Line 355:
| ExSkill_Level_4
| [[File:Toki_ExSkill_Level_4.ogg]]
| ExSkill_Level_5
| [[File:Toki_ExSkill_Level_5.ogg]]
| <p>発射!</p>
| <p>Fire!</p>
| ExSkill_Level_6
| [[File:Toki_ExSkill_Level_6.ogg]]
| <p>ファイヤー!</p>
| <p>fireFaiyahー!</p>
| Growup_1
| [[File:Toki_Growup_1.ogg]]
| <p>まだ完全とは言えませんがより一層 完璧に近づきました</p>
| <p>It's not perfect yet, but it's getting closer and closer.</p>
Line 376 ⟶ 375:
| [[File:Toki_Growup_2.ogg]]
| <p>これでより先生の補佐が捗ります。</p>
| <p>This will helplet youme become more of a teacher'shelp to assistantSensei.</p>
| Growup_3
| [[File:Toki_Growup_3.ogg]]
| <p>ありがとうございます先生 期待に応えられるよう尽力します。</p>
| <p>thankThank you. TeacherSensei, I will do my best to meet your expectations.</p>
| Growup_4
| [[File:Toki_Growup_4.ogg]]
| <p>私を信じてくださったこと 感謝します C & C の名に恥じぬよう努めます。</p>
| <p>Thank you for believing in me. I will try to live up to the C&C name.</p>
| Relationship_Up_1
| [[File:Toki_Relationship_Up_1.ogg]]
| <p>先生との絆がさらまりましたね ええですから 先生はもっと私のことを見てくださいね</pbr>
| <p>The bond between youSensei and your teacherI has deepened. Yes, so please look at me more, Sensei.</p>
| Relationship_Up_2
| [[File:Toki_Relationship_Up_2.ogg]]
| <p>絆とは人と人の間に結ばれる 特別な関係と言われています つまり 先生が私の特別な方になったということです。</p>
| <p>"Kizuna" is said to be a special relationship between people. In other words, my teacherSensei has become a special person to me.</p>
| Relationship_Up_3
| [[File:Toki_Relationship_Up_3.ogg]]
| <p>こう見えても私の中で様々な感情が渦巻いているのですですから先生 同じだけの感情を返してくださいね。</p>
| <p>Even though I look like this, various emotionsfeelings are swirling around inside me. So, so Sensei, pleasemake returnsure theto samereturn amountthese offeelings emotionsto me.</p>
| Relationship_Up_4
| [[File:Toki_Relationship_Up_4.ogg]]
| <p>互いに思いをうというのはこういうこと……です たまらないでください 恥ずかしいではないですか</pbr>
| <p>This is what it means to share your thoughts with each other, isn't it? <br> Don't go quiet, it's embarrassing.</p>