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(Updated skill tables for Mutsuki (New Year))
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| JPReading = Asagi Mutsuki
| School = Gehenna
| Club = Handyman 68
| Age = 16
| Birthday = July 29
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| ENText = <p>A student of Gehenna Academy, Mutsuki is the go-getter of Handyman 68. <br>She is dressed up for the New Year to celebrate the occasion with Aru and her friends. Despite the New Year's spirit, she is still the same bundle of mischief and pranks. As always, she is watching out for Aru, prone to getting into trouble even in the new year, always staying by her side. Mutsuki is a girl of the devilish type who enjoys New Year's in her own way.</p>
| JPText = <p>ゲヘナ学園所属、便利屋68の行動隊長兼突撃隊長。<br/p><p>新年を迎えてアルたちと一緒にお参り(遊び)に行くため、装いも新たに。せっかくの新年ということで気合の入った格好になっているものの中身はいつも通りで、悪戯やトラブルを引き起こしてはその様子を笑いながら楽しんでいる。新年になっても相変わらずトラブルに遭いがちなアルのことを、こちらも変わらずにすぐそばの特等席で見ている。それはそれとして彼女なりに正月も楽しんでいるマイペースな小悪魔系少女。</p>
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| SkillUpgradeLv10_2_Amount = 4000000
| SkillDescriptionLv10 = Increase Attack by {{SkillValue|26.6%}}.
| SkillEffect1 = attack%+1400,1470,1540,1820,1890,1960,2240,2310,2380,2660
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| SkillDescriptionLv10 = Each time Mutsuki's EX Skill hits 3 enemies, she gains one "Little devil" for {{SkillValue|56 seconds}}. Can hold up to {{SkillValue|6}} "Little devils", Critical Damage is increased by {{SkillValue|4.1%}} for every "Little devil" that Mutsuki holds.
===Unique weapon===
| CharacterId = 10032
| NameEN = Trick or TreatTrick
| NameJP = トリックオアトリック
| DescriptionEN = <p>A machine gun that Mutsuki always carries with her.<br/p><p>She is all dressed up for the New Year, but still has the gun in her bag. According to Mutsuki, the gun is ready to be taken out at a moment's notice, so pranks can go on.</p>
| DescriptionJP = <p>ムツキがいつも持ち歩いているマシンガン。<br/p><p>お正月を迎えて着飾った彼女だが、きちんとその鞄の中には銃が仕舞われている。ムツキ曰くいざとなれば即座に取り出せるようになっており、悪戯には何の支障も無いとのこと。</p>
| Rank2 = Passive Skill changes to "<b>More fun ways to play! +"</b>
| Rank3 = {{Icon|Outdoor|size=20}} Outdoor area affinity {{Affinity|SS}} SS
| StatBonusAtk = 164
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