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263 bytes added ,  1 year ago
(Updated Tactics and growth section)
Line 162:
| Formation_In_1
| [[File:Mika_Formation_In_1.ogg]]
| <p>ok。オーケー☆</p>
| <p>OK.</p>
| Formation_In_2
| [[File:Mika_Formation_In_2.ogg]]
| <p>私の出番</p>
| <p>Is it my turn.?</p>
| Formation_Select
| [[File:Mika_Formation_Select.ogg]]
| <p>あははははもう</p>
| Tactic_Defeat_1
| [[File:Mika_Tactic_Defeat_1.ogg]]
| <p>あれ…?、何でだろう</p>
| <p>What is it?</p>
| Tactic_Defeat_2
| [[File:Mika_Tactic_Defeat_2.ogg]]
| <p>ごめんね。私がもう少し うまくやれてたら…。</p>
| <p>sorry. if i did a little better</p>
| Tactic_In_1
| [[File:Mika_Tactic_In_1.ogg]]
| <p>それじゃ始めよか。</p>
| <p>Shall we begin then?</p>
| Tactic_In_2
| [[File:Mika_Tactic_In_2.ogg]]
| <p>ふーん、今度はあなた達</p>
| <p>YouHmm, is it you guys this time.?</p>
| Tactic_Victory_1
| [[File:Mika_Tactic_Victory_1.ogg]]
| <p>うふふ。あなた達も覚悟しておいてね。</p>
| <p>You guys should be prepared too.</p>
Line 207:
| Battle_Buffed_1
| [[File:Mika_Battle_Buffed_1.ogg]]
| <p>ふぅん</p>
Line 217:
| Battle_Covered_1
| [[File:Mika_Battle_Covered_1.ogg]]
| <p>うん、私はここだよ。</p>
| <p>Yeah, I'm here.</p>
| Battle_Damage_1
| [[File:Mika_Battle_Damage_1.ogg]]
| いたっ。
| Battle_Damage_2
| [[File:Mika_Battle_Damage_2.ogg]]
| いったー。
Line 237:
| Battle_Defense_1
| [[File:Mika_Battle_Defense_1.ogg]]
| <p>あはは!無理無理。</p>
| <p>That's impossible.</p>
Line 247:
| Battle_In_2
| [[File:Mika_Battle_In_2.ogg]]
| <p>じゃあ行くよ。</p>
| <p>Let's go then.</p>
Line 267:
| Battle_Retire
| [[File:Mika_Battle_Retire.ogg]]
| <p>ここまでかも。</p>
| <p>Maybe up to here.</p>
Line 287:
| Battle_TacticalAction_1
| [[File:Mika_Battle_TacticalAction_1.ogg]]
| <p>私はこっちだよー!</p>
| <p>I'm here!</p>
| Battle_Victory_1
Line 298:
| [[File:Mika_Battle_Victory_2.ogg]]
| <p>楽勝!</p>
| Easy win!
| CommonSkill
| [[File:Mika_CommonSkill.ogg]]
| <p>これはどうかな</p>
| <p>I don't knowhow about this?</p>
| ExSkill_1
| [[File:Mika_ExSkill_1.ogg]]
| <p>うん、だから祈るね。</p>
| <p>So pray.</p>
| ExSkill_2
| [[File:Mika_ExSkill_2.ogg]]
| <p>あなたたちのために祈るね。</p>
| <p>iI`ll pray for youyour guyssalvation.</p>
| ExSkill_3
| [[File:Mika_ExSkill_3.ogg]]
| <p>うん…そうだね。</p>
| <p>I agree.</p>
Line 323:
| [[File:Mika_ExSkill_Level_1.ogg]]
| <p>あなたたちは通れないよ。</p>
| <p>you can't pass.</p>
| ExSkill_Level_2
Line 337:
| Growup_1
| [[File:Mika_Growup_1.ogg]]
| <p>わーお。こんな強くなっちゃって大丈夫 ちゃんと面倒見きれる</p>
| <p>It'sWow. Is it okay to be strong likebecome this Istrong? canCan properlyyou take care of you.me properly?</p>
| Growup_2
| [[File:Mika_Growup_2.ogg]]
| <p>あはは。今のままじゃ満足できないんだ じゃあもうちょっとだけ期待に応えちゃおっかな</p>
| <p>IAhaha. can'tAre beyou not satisfied with the way things are now,? soWell maybethen... Ican shouldI live up to myyour expectations a little more?</p>
| Growup_3
| [[File:Mika_Growup_3.ogg]]
| <p>もっと強くなっちゃった これも先生のためだからね</p>
| <p>I've become even stronger. because thisThis is also for my teachersensei.</p>
| Growup_4
| [[File:Mika_Growup_4.ogg]]
| <p>力が足りないって思ったことはないけど、先生のためならもっと強くなってもいいよ。</p>
| <p>I've never felt that I'm not strong enough, but... ifI it'scan be stronger for my teacher'sthe sake, Iof can be strongersensei.</p>
| Relationship_Up_1
| [[File:Mika_Relationship_Up_1.ogg]]
| <p>ありがとね、先生 でも私に何かもらう資格なんてあるのかな。</p>
| <p>Thank you, Sensei. But am I entitled to anything?</p>
| Relationship_Up_2
| [[File:Mika_Relationship_Up_2.ogg]]
| <p>私に えっと 、…これでいいのかな</p>
| <p>Tellto me,? um, isUm...Is this okay?</p>
| Relationship_Up_3
Line 372:
| Relationship_Up_4
| [[File:Mika_Relationship_Up_4.ogg]]
| <p>私 堂々と先生の隣に立てるよう、頑張るね。</p>
| <p>I will proudly stand next to the teacher. I'll do my best.</p>
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