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Line 18:
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Gachaget.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>メイドって先生はどう思う?<br>物語のネタとして、最高じゃない?</p>
| What do you think about maids, Sensei? Wouldn't that be a great idea for a story?
| Cafe_monolog_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Cafe_monolog_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>カフェ……メイド……<br>関係がありそうな、<br>無さそうな……</p>
| Cafe... Maids... They seem related, but at the same time, they don't...
| Cafe_monolog_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Cafe_monolog_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>もし私がここで働いてたら<br>……ここの床、全部掃除しなきゃなんないんだよね……うぅぅ。</p>
| If I worked here, I'd have to clean all the floors here... Ugh.
| Cafe_monolog_3
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Cafe_monolog_3.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>ケーキ……紅茶……<br>美味しそう……<br>あれ?もしかして、<br>私が用意する側?</p>
| Cake... Tea... Looks delicious... Huh? Am I the one who should prepare that?
| Cafe_monolog_4
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Cafe_monolog_4.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>どこかでこっそり<br>寝たいなぁ……</p>
| I wanna sneak away and sleep somewhere...
| Cafe_monolog_5
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Cafe_monolog_5.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>カフェから始まる<br>メイドの旅!<br>みたいなお話は<br>どうかな……?</p>
| How about a story about a maid's journey that starts at a cafe?
| LogIn_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_LogIn_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>来たか、我が主よ!</p><p>どう?先生?<br>メイドっぽい挨拶でしょ?</p>
| You have come, my lord!
What do you think, Sensei? A maid-like greeting, right?
| LogIn_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_LogIn_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>ヤッホー、先生!<br>メイドモモイ、<br>ちゃんといい子にして<br>待ってたんだよ!</p>
| Hi-de-ho, Sensei! Maid Momoi has been a good girl while she was waiting!
| Lobby_1_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Lobby_1_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>どうすればぁ~<br>メイドの仕事から<br>逃げられるのかなぁ~</p>
| What should I do to escape from my maid job...?
| Lobby_1_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Lobby_1_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>うげっ、先生!?<br>いつ来たの!?</p>
| Eek! Sensei!? When did you get here!?
| Lobby_2_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Lobby_2_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>普段からみんな、<br>自分で家事をやってたら<br>仕事も減ったのに~!</p>
| If everyone did their own housework all the time, we'd have less work to do!
| Lobby_2_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Lobby_2_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>え?たしかに<br>その通りだけど私にも<br>当てはまる話、だって?<br>そんなぁ……</p>
| Eh? That's true, but does it apply to me too? No way...
| Lobby_3_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Lobby_3_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>先生~暇ぁ。<br>一緒にゲームしよ~</p>
| Sensei, I'm bored. Let's play a game together!
| Lobby_3_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Lobby_3_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>ん?今の私は<br>メイドじゃないかって?</p>
| Hmm? Aren't I a maid now?
| Lobby_3_3
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Lobby_3_3.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>じゃあ、メイドが登場する<br>ゲームをすればいいよね!</p>
| Well then, let's play a game that features maids!
| Lobby_4_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Lobby_4_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>ゲームのシナリオを<br>書くのは簡単じゃあない……<br>具体的には……!</p>
| Writing a game scenario isn't easy... To be specific...!
| Lobby_4_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Lobby_4_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>……とにかく、難しいことなの!</p>
| ...Anyway, it's pretty difficult!
| Lobby_5
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Lobby_5.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>何をどうすればいいか<br>悩んでいるのなら……</p><p>そのときは、頼もしい<br>メイドに全てを任せて、<br>休むのもありだよ!</p><p>例えば、この私にとか!</p>
| If you're worried about what to do...
Then why not leave it all to your trusty maid and take a rest!
For example, you could ask me!
| Season_Birthday_Player_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Season_Birthday_Player_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>我が主の誕生日を祝して!</p>
| Happy Birthday, my lord!
| Season_Birthday_Player_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Season_Birthday_Player_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>え?もっとメイドらしい<br>フレーズがほしいって?<br>今言ったじゃん。</p>
| What? You want some more maid-like phrases? I just said them.
| Season_Birthday_Player_3
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Season_Birthday_Player_3.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>でも、そうだね。<br>お誕生日おめでとう、先生!<br>プレゼントは……</p><p>私と一緒に!<br>徹夜ゲームする権利だよ!</p>
| But yeah, true. Happy Birthday, Sensei!
Your present is... the right to play games all night with me!
| Season_Birthday_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Season_Birthday_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>よく分かんないけど、<br>メイドの動向を把握するのも、<br>主人のお仕事なんだってさ……</p><p>だから先生……?<br>私に何か渡すものとかない?</p>
| I don't really get it, but apparently it's the master's job to keep track of the maids' movements...
So, Sensei...? Is there anything you'd like to give me?
| Season_Birthday_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Season_Birthday_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>わぁ!ありがとう、先生!</p><p>え?ほんと?<br>ミドリの分も用意してくれたの?</p>
| Wow! Thank you, Sensei!
What? Really? You prepared one for Midori too?
| Season_NewYear
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Season_NewYear.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>新年か……早いなぁ……<br>あけましておめでとう、先生。</p><p>今年はどんなゲームが<br>発売されるんだろ?<br>楽しみだね!</p>
| It's the new year... how time flies... Happy New Year, Sensei.
I wonder what games will be released this year? I'm looking forward to it!
| Season_Xmas
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Season_Xmas.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>クリスマスには、<br>特別セール中の<br>ゲームがたくさんある……</p><p>これはショッピングの<br>チャンスだよ!先生!</p>
| There are lots of games on special sale for Christmas...
This is our chance to do some shopping, Sensei!
| Season_Halloween_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Season_Halloween_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>ハロウィン……<br>これもまた、<br>私たちゲーム開発部と<br>縁のあるシーズン……</p><p>はい、これ!<br>メイドモモイが<br>用意した飴だよ!</p>
| Halloween... Another season closely related to the Game Development Club...
Here you go! Maid Momoi has prepared some candy for you!
| Season_Halloween_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Season_Halloween_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>え?その反対だって?<br>そうだったっけ……?</p>
| Huh? It's the opposite? Is that right...?
| ExWeapon_Get
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_ExWeapon_Get.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>聞いて、先生!<br>メイドには何よりも装備が大事なんだって!<br>潜入、爆破、機密確保。<br>そして、世界平和……<br>そういう仕事をするには、<br>いい装備がなくちゃね!</p>
| Listen up, Sensei! For a maid, equipment is more important than anything else! Infiltration, explosions, securing secrets. And world peace... To do that kind of work, you need good equipment!
=Memorial lobby=
Line 168 ⟶ 177:
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_MemorialLobby_1_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Momoi_(Maid)_MemorialLobby_1_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>うへへ……<br>お菓子、美味しい……。</p><p>日差しが温かくて……<br>ソファもふわふわ……。</p>
| Hehehe... The sweets are delicious...
The sunshine is warm... and the sofa is soft and fluffy...
| MemorialLobby_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_MemorialLobby_2_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Momoi_(Maid)_MemorialLobby_2_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>うぅん……おそうじ……?</p><p>するから……これだけ食べて……<br>ちょっと休んでから……。</p>
| Hmmm... cleaning...?
I'll do it... after I just eat... and rest for a bit...
| MemorialLobby_3
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_MemorialLobby_3_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Momoi_(Maid)_MemorialLobby_3_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>あれ?先生?</p><p>そっか。<br>これ、まだ夢なんだね。</p>
| Huh? Sensei?
I see. This is still a dream.
| MemorialLobby_4
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_MemorialLobby_4_1.ogg]]<br>[[File:Momoi_(Maid)_MemorialLobby_4_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>夢の中でも<br>先生に会えるなんて……<br>いい夢だねぇ……。</p><p>今日はなんだか、<br>楽しいことがあるかも……<br>うへへ……。</p>
| To meet Sensei even in a dream... That seems nice...
Maybe something fun will happen today... hehe...
| MemorialLobby_5
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_MemorialLobby_5.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>むにゃむにゃ……<br>あ、ボーナスライフだ……。</p>
| Zzz... Ah, bonus lives...
=Event lines=
Line 203 ⟶ 216:
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_EventLogin_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>来た!見た!<br>そして勝った……<br>っけ?</p><p>とにかく!<br>メイドの才羽モモイ、<br>出陣だよ!</p>
| I came, I saw, and I won! ...Right?
Anyway, Saiba Momoi the maid is here to battle!
| EventLogin_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_EventLogin_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>あ、先生!<br>準備ならとっくに……!</p><p>あれぇ……?<br>ちょ、ちょっと<br>待っててね、先生!</p>
| Ah, Sensei! I've been ready for that a long time...!
Huh...? W-Wait a moment, Sensei!
| EventLogin_Season_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_EventLogin_Season_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>うえぇん、<br>仕事が多すぎるよぉ!</p><p>こんな事になるなんて、<br>知らなかったのにぃ……</p>
| Ugh, there's too much work!
I didn't know it would end up like this...
| EventLogin_Season_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_EventLogin_Season_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>理解できない、<br>理解できないよ……</p><p>怪盗?オークション?<br>美術品?何それ!<br>なんかのゲームの設定!?</p>
| I don't understand, I don't understand...
A phantom thief? An auction? A work of art? What is that! Is this some kind of game setting?!
| EventLogin_Season_End_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_EventLogin_Season_End_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>多くの事があったが、<br>勇者たちは悪を倒し、</p><p>堂々と故郷へと<br>帰還したのであった……!</p>
| Although many things happened, the heroes defeated the evil and returned home in high spirits...!
| EventLogin_Season_End_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_EventLogin_Season_End_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>ま、そんなエンディング<br>だったよね。ん?<br>先生?お疲れ様!</p>
| Well, that was the ending. Hmm? Sensei? Great work today!
| EventLobby_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_EventLobby_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>ん?メイドらしい<br>働きぶりを見たい……?</p><p>まあ一応、メイド服に<br>なっているからね!<br>うん!</p>
| Hmm? Do you want to see a maid at work...?
Well, I am wearing a maid outfit after all! Yup!
| EventLobby_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_EventLobby_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>メイドの科目には<br>どうして、サボって<br>昼寝する授業がないの?</p><p>これって、<br>問題だと思わない?</p>
| Why are there no maid classes where students can skip and take a nap? Don't you think that's a problem?
| EventLobby_3
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_EventLobby_3.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>そうだ!ねえ、先生。<br>知ってる?<br>このお屋敷には……</p><p>すっごい秘密が<br>隠されているんだって!<br>私の直感が、<br>そう言ってるの!</p>
| Oh, that's right! Hey, Sensei. Did you know? This mansion...
is hiding a huge secret! My intuition is telling me so!
| EventLobby_4
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_EventLobby_4.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>く、くすぐったいよ!<br>先生!私、くすぐりに<br>弱いんだから</p><p>イヤなわけじゃ<br>ないけどさぁ!?</p><p>イヤなわけじゃ<br>ないけどさぁ!?</p>
| Haha! Th-That really tickles, Sensei! I'm not good at being ticklish, but it's not that I don't like it!
==Extra event lines==
Line 284 ⟶ 303:
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_ST0004_MiniGame_Shout_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" |
| Let's go!
| MiniGame_Shout_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_ST0004_MiniGame_Shout_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" |
| Take this!
| MiniGame_Shout_3
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_ST0004_MiniGame_Shout_3.ogg]]
| lang="ja" |
| Fire!
| MiniGame_Start_1
Line 320 ⟶ 339:
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Formation_In_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>メイドの気分になってみようかな~!</p>
| I wonder if I should try to feel like a maid!
| Formation_In_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Formation_In_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>メイドみたいに、ぜーんぶ解決するよ!</p>
| Just like a maid, I'll solve all your problems!
| Formation_Select
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Formation_Select.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>イエ~!見てる~先生?私が全部片づけてあげるね!</p>
| Yay! Are you watching, Sensei? I'll clean it all up for you!
| Tactic_Defeat_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Tactic_Defeat_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>逃げないで…、箒を持って…、って。箒は関係ないかあ。</p>
| Don't run away... Grab a broom... or, I guess the broom is irrelevant.
| Tactic_Defeat_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Tactic_Defeat_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>メイドは…、こんな目に合わないはずなのに…。</p>
| A maid... shouldn't have to go through this...
| Tactic_In_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Tactic_In_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>早く終わらせて、ゲームしに行こう?</p>
| Let's finish this quickly and go play games, okay?
| Tactic_In_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Tactic_In_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>問題ないよ~!私がいるんだもん。</p>
| No problemo! I'm right here.
| Tactic_Victory_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Tactic_Victory_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>お掃除完了~!まっ、こんなもんだね。</p>
| Cleaning complete! Well, guess that's about it.
| Tactic_Victory_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Tactic_Victory_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>やればできる子!…なんだからさ!</p>
| She can do it if she tries! ...That's why!
| Battle_Buffed_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Buffed_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>うん!ありがとう。</p>
| Mm! Thanks.
| Battle_BuffSelf_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_BuffSelf_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>これがバフってやつだよ~!</p>
| This is what we call a buff!
| Battle_Covered_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Covered_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>隠れるよ~!</p>
| Taking cover!
| Battle_Damage_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Damage_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" |
| Ow!
| Battle_Damage_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Damage_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" |
| Aieee...
| Battle_Damage_3
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Damage_3.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>その顔、覚えたからね!</p>
| I'll remember your face!
| Battle_Defense_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Defense_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>当たらないもん!</p>
| You won't hit me!
| Battle_In_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_In_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>ゲームは実践のように!実践はゲームのように!</p>
| Games are like practice! Practice is like a game!
| Battle_In_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_In_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>メイドの気分になるには、こういう仕事も必要だよね!</p>
| To feel like a maid, you need a job like this!
| Battle_Move_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Move_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>とりあえず、お仕事終わり~。</p>
| Anyway, work is done.
| Battle_Move_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Move_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>掃除完了~。疲れた~。</p>
| Cleaning complete! I'm tired...
| Battle_Recovery_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Recovery_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>ありがとう。</p>
| Thank you!
| Battle_Retire
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Retire.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>うげ。めまいが…。</p>
| Ugh. I feel dizzy...
| Battle_Shout_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Shout_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>いっくよー!</p>
| Here we go!
| Battle_Shout_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Shout_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>これはどうだ!</p>
| How about this!
| Battle_Shout_3
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Shout_3.ogg]]
| lang="ja" |
| Ya!
| Battle_TacticalAction_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_TacticalAction_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>次はどこー!?</p>
| Where to next!?
| Battle_Victory_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Victory_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>ふっふふーん、見た先生?今日のメイドモモイ、最高だったでしょ?</p>
| Hehehe, did you see that, Sensei? Maid Momoi today was the best, right?
| Battle_Victory_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Battle_Victory_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>ふっふふーこれが、…ってうわあ!</p>
| Hehehe! This is... Wah!
| CommonSkill
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_CommonSkill.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>掃除は嫌だ~。…うえ!?</p>
| I hate cleaning... Ehh!?
| ExSkill_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_ExSkill_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>う~また外れた~。…ってあれ?</p>
| Ugh, I missed again... What the?
| ExSkill_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_ExSkill_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>私、もう怒ったんだから~!…え?ラッキー!</p>
| I'm already ticked off! ...Huh? Lucky!
| ExSkill_3
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_ExSkill_3.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>も~!当たれってばー!…って、なにこれ。</p>
| C'mon, hit something! ...What's this?
| ExSkill_Level_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_ExSkill_Level_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>見つけた!レアアイテム!</p>
| I found it! The rare item!
| ExSkill_Level_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_ExSkill_Level_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>おお、この力は一体…。</p>
| Oh, what kind of power is this...?
| ExSkill_Level_3
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_ExSkill_Level_3.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>今の私は何も怖くない!</p>
| Now I'm not scared of anything!
| Growup_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Growup_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>レベルアップー!メイドレベルもアップー。え?メイドレベルはまだ…、だって?先生、それどういう意味?</p>
| Level up! Maid level also increased. Eh? My Maid level is not enough...? Sensei, what does that mean?
| Growup_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Growup_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>先生、へへ。私強くなったよ!え?じゃあ一緒に掃除しようって?それは…、ちょっと…。</p>
| Hehe, Sensei! I've gotten stronger! Eh? You want us to clean up together? That's... a bit...
| Growup_3
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Growup_3.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>メイドモモイの成長、とくとご覧あれ。どう?先生!</p>
| Take a look at how Maid Momoi has grown. What do you think, Sensei?
| Growup_4
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Growup_4.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>あーあ、仕方ないね、この最強メイドモモイ様が何でも解決してあげる!</p>
| Oh well, there's no other way, this strongest Maid Momoi-sama will solve anything!
| Relationship_Up_1
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Relationship_Up_1.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>せ、先生といるとやっぱり楽しいかも。これは本心だからね。</p>
| I-I guess it's fun being with you after all, Sensei. I mean it honestly.
| Relationship_Up_2
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Relationship_Up_2.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>聞いて、先生!メイドには報酬が大事なんだって!だからご褒美として…、私と遊ぼ?</p>
| Listen, Sensei! Rewards are important to a maid! So as a reward... Shall we play together?
| Relationship_Up_3
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Relationship_Up_3.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>メイドも人間だよ!休まないと壊れちゃう…。だから、今から先生は私と一緒に、休憩するの!えへへ。</p>
| Maids are human too! If they don't rest, they'll break down... So, from now on, you're going to take a break with me! Ehehe.
| Relationship_Up_4
| [[File:Momoi_(Maid)_Relationship_Up_4.ogg]]
| lang="ja" | <p>ゲームでメイドが出てくると、高確率で攻略対象になるじゃん?だから先生。私のことも…、攻略してみない?</p>
| When maids appear in video games, there's a high chance they'll become the target of your conquest, right? So, Sensei, why don't you try... and conquer me too?
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