Normal lines[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Title | ブルー……アーカイブ……。 |
Blue...Archive. | |
Gachaget | うあぁっ……!? |
Wh-What?! Oh... It's you, Sensei. I thought you were an outsider. | |
Cafe_monolog_1 | こ、ここは…… |
A-Ahhh! Wh-What is this place? | |
Cafe_monolog_2 | し、視線を感じる…… |
So many people...and they're staring at me. Ughhh! | |
Cafe_monolog_3 | そ、外にいるよりは、 |
It's better than being outside, though. | |
Cafe_monolog_4 | えっと…… |
Huh? What's that...? | |
Cafe_monolog_5 | で、できるだけ話しかけ |
P-Please don't talk to me...unless you're Sensei. | |
LogIn_1 | お、お疲れ様です、先生……。 |
Y-You're here, Sensei. I want to recommend you something. | |
LogIn_2_1 | ……えぁっ!?せ、先生……!? |
Oh, S-Sensei? When did you get here? | |
LogIn_2_2 | べ、別に何も変なことは た、ただ本当に本を |
N-No, I wasn't up to anything in particular. I was just reading a book! | |
Lobby_1_1 | 普段は古書館以外の場所だと、 |
I usually feel anxious unless I'm in the old library. | |
Lobby_1_2 | ここは何だか、結構…… |
This place is somehow different. Maybe it's your presence. | |
Lobby_2 | あ、そ、その……。 |
Oh, um... No. It's nothing... | |
Lobby_3 | 先生は、 |
You always seem busy, Sensei. | |
Lobby_4 | わ、私に何か、 も、もしありましたら、 |
Is there anything I can do to help? If there's something I can do, please let me know! | |
Lobby_5 | ここにも、本がたくさん……。 ……え、見ない方が良い |
There are lots of books here too... Was I not supposed to see that? I-I'm sorry. | |
Season_Birthday_Player | お、お誕生日 今日は一日お休みして…… |
H-Happy birthday, Sensei! How about taking a day off? Maybe we can read together. If you'd like... | |
Season_Birthday | きょ、今日は一応、 も、もしよろしければ と、隣……隣に座っても、 |
T-Today is my birthday, Sensei. If you're not busy... ...can we spend time together? | |
Season_NewYear | 新しい一年…… 先生が一緒なら、 |
Do you think I can change for the better this year? Maybe I could...with your help. | |
Season_Xmas_1_1 | うぅ……さ、 うるさいのは、 |
Ugh. What a noisy day. I don't like loud noises... | |
Season_Xmas_1_2 | あ、でも……こういう日に、 |
I like to read in front of a heater on a day like this. | |
Season_Halloween_1_1 | け、警備システムを 今日は、調子に乗った無礼者が |
The security system must be enhanced! Today, a lot of rude people from the outside will show up! | |
Season_Halloween_1_2 | 飴がどうとかで、 ああもうっ……! |
They'll barge in making a fuss about candy or whatever... Seriously! | |
ExWeapon_Get | しょ、正直なことを言うと、まだよく |
I-I honestly don't get why would you care about someone like me. But I-I'll...try my best. I swear it. |
Memorial lobby[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
MemorialLobby_1 | あ、ありがとうございました、 |
Th-Thank you, Sensei. I, um...appreciate it. | |
MemorialLobby_2 | ……これ、ですか? この古書館には…… |
Oh, this? I was in the middle of deciphering these texts. This old library... It's home to several books written in ancient languages. | |
MemorialLobby_3 | この子たちも、 他にやる人もいませんし…… |
Each of these precious children have stories to tell. They've been waiting to share them with the world. So I want to help them tell their stories. | |
MemorialLobby_4 | ……すみません、 |
Sorry. You must find this to be droll, right? | |
MemorialLobby_5 | ……っ!あ、えっと、その…… 何と返せば良いのか…… |
...! U-Um, I...guess. I-I'm not used to compliments... I don't know what to say... The words completely escape me... Heh. |
Event lines[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
EventLogin_1 | あ、せ、先生……。 お、お待ちして |
Oh... S-Sensei. I-I was waiting for you. | |
EventLogin_2 | いらっしゃいましたか、 ま、またお会い |
Sensei, you're here... W-We meet again... | |
EventLogin_Season_1 | もう期間も 何だか少し…… いえ、 |
Already halfway done... It's a little... It's nothing. Please don't worry about it... | |
EventLogin_Season_2 | あと少し、ですね…… ふぅ……。 |
We don't have much of time left... Hmm... | |
EventLogin_Season_End | ずっとこうやって…… |
I wish I could always...see you like this. | |
EventLobby_1 | あっ、は、はい…… ど、どうかされましたか |
Ah, y-yes... Did you call me...? A-Anything you wanted to say? | |
EventLobby_2 | ひぇっ……!? |
Eeek?! | |
EventLobby_3 | あの……先生……。 |
Um... Sensei... You should...get started... | |
EventLobby_4 | えっと…… |
Um... Is there something you want to tell me? | |
EventMission_Login_1 | や、やることリストを |
I've made a list of your tasks... | |
EventMission_Login_2 | こ、こちらです。先生には、 |
This way. These are the things I need your help with... | |
EventMission_1 | せ、先生? あ、いえ、 |
Hmm...? Sensei... It's okay... No worries... | |
EventMission_2 | こ、こうやってただ、 |
It's nice to organize the list with you like this... | |
EventMission_Get_1 | あ、お疲れ様です…… |
Oh... Yes. It all worked out. | |
EventMission_Get_2 | あ、そうでしたか…… |
I see... Yes, I'll check. | |
EventMission_Day_End | きょ、今日の分は、 |
Th-This is all we have today. Thank you, Sensei... |
Tactics and growth[edit]
Name | Transcription | ||
Japanese | English | ||
Formation_In_1 | え、わ、私ですか……?本当に……? |
Eh, m- me...? Really...? | |
Formation_In_2 | ううっ……まあ、先生がそう仰るのであれば……。 |
Um... Well, if Sensei says so. | |
Formation_Select | ひゃぁぁっ……!? |
Tactic_Defeat_1 | す、すみません。 |
Sorry. | |
Tactic_Defeat_2 | どうして…、こんなことに。 |
Why... did this happen | |
Tactic_In_1 | うあぁ……本当に、行くんですね……。 |
Uwa. I'm really going in... | |
Tactic_In_2 | せ、先生のこと、信じていますからね……!? |
I believe in you, Sensei. | |
Tactic_Victory_1 | も、もう帰っても良いですか……? |
Can I go home now? | |
Tactic_Victory_2 | お、終わった……えっと、もう良いんですよね?本当に終わりですよね? |
It's done. Well, that's enough, right? It's really done, right? | |
Battle_Buffed_1 | あ、て、手伝ってくれるんですか……? |
C-can you help me? | |
Battle_BuffSelf_1 | これで、少しは… |
With this... maybe even for a little bit... | |
Battle_Covered_1 | ひゃぁぁぁっ……!? |
Battle_Damage_1 | ひいっ! |
Battle_Damage_2 | ふわぁ! |
Battle_Damage_3 | うぃぃ… |
Battle_Defense_1 | 全く、無駄な事を……。 |
It's totally useless. | |
Battle_In_1 | は、早めに終えて帰りましょう……! |
Let's finish early and go home. | |
Battle_In_2 | で、では……えっと、しゅ、出発……! |
So...um...we're off. | |
Battle_Move_1 | ま、まだ終わりじゃないんですか……? |
I-it's still not over? | |
Battle_Move_2 | い、一体いつまで続くんですか……!? |
How long is this gonna last? | |
Battle_Recovery_1 | あ、ありがとうございます……。 |
Th-thank you. | |
Battle_Retire | これだから…、外に出たくなかったのに。 |
This is why I didn't want to go outside. | |
Battle_Shout_1 | はっ! |
Battle_Shout_2 | やあっ! |
Battle_Shout_3 | はあっ! |
Battle_TacticalAction_1 | うぅっ……! |
Battle_Victory_1 | み、みなさん、お疲れ様でした……。 |
E- everyone, thanks for your work... | |
Battle_Victory_2 | な、何とかギリギリ……ふう……。 |
Somehow, I barely made it through... Huh…. | |
CommonSkill | こ、こういう時こそメンタル管理……! |
This this the time for mental management. | |
ExSkill_1 | な、何ですかこれは……! |
Wh-what is this? | |
ExSkill_2 | ど、どうしてこんなことに……! |
Why did this happen? | |
ExSkill_3 | あぁ、もうっ……! |
ExSkill_Level_1 | はぁ、全く……! |
Jeez. | |
ExSkill_Level_2 | こ、今回だけですよ……!? |
Only this time. | |
ExSkill_Level_3 | 先生の頼みでなかったら……っ! |
If it wasn't for Sensei's request. | |
Growup_1 | こ、これはまさか……外出の準備を、という意味で……? |
Does this mean... I should prepare to go outside? | |
Growup_2 | こ、これを渡して、私に何をやらせようと……!? |
What are you trying to make me do by giving me this? | |
Growup_3 | す、少しだけ、やる気が湧いてきたような……そうでないような。 |
I feel like I'm a little bit motivated... or maybe not. | |
Growup_4 | こ、これは何ですか……?え、わ、私に……? |
What is this? It-it's for me? | |
Relationship_Up_1 | 他の方だったら、あれなのですが…… |
If it were someone else, it'd be a bit... but if it's you, Sensei, then... Yes, I'll be fine. | |
Relationship_Up_2 | その、これからも、よろしければ…… |
If you don't mind, I would like to continue working with you... Never mind, please forget about it. I'm sorry. | |
Relationship_Up_3 | たまにで良いので、その……。 |
It's fine if we only do it now and then... Um... Do you want to read books together sometime? | |
Relationship_Up_4 | その、実は先生の好みを、全部調査してきまして……! |
Erm, actually, I've done a research on all your preferences, Sensei....! S- So these should be fit you well, s- so if you'd like, sometime we should...! |