Communio Sanctorum: Gregorius

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Gregorius is a Raid boss in Blue Archive.

In an abandoned underground temple somewhere in Kivotos, an artificial angel manifested by a twisted mystery conducts his eternal choir.

Gregorius is the completed form of the artificial angel Communio Sanctorum, a mysterious entity born from Gematria's experiments. Even now, the monster continues to play the organ in an underground temple. What awaits at the end of the melody, one knows.


Boss Info[edit]


Difficulty Rec. Level Attack Type Armor Type Boss HP ATK DEF CRIT RES CRIT DMG RES Stagger Gauge
Normal 17 Normal Light 1 000 000 150 1 000 200 9 000 400 000
Hard 25 Normal Light 3 000 000 250 1 000 200 9 000 1 200 000
VeryHard 35 Normal Light 6 000 000 400 1 000 200 9 000 2 400 000
Hardcore 50 Normal Light 10 000 000 550 1 000 200 9 000 4 000 000
Extreme 70 Normal Light 40 000 000 950 1 000 200 9 000 16 000 000
Insane 80 Mystic Light 140 000 000 3 000 1 000 200 9 000 42 000 000
Torment 90 Mystic Light 220 000 000 5 000 1 000 200 9 000 66 000 000


Icon Skill Name Type Effect

Whispers of the Saint

EX Deal 500% damage to all enemies with guaranteed hit, and reduce their Attack by 40% for 120 seconds.

Solemn Repentance

EX The effect applied depends on the number of active debuffs on self:

・4 or fewer debuffs: Cleanse 1 debuff from all allies
・5 or more debuffs: Reduce all allies' Attack by 10% for 120 seconds


Gregorius Chant

EX Depending on the direction central pipe organ is facing, effect will be applied to all allies or enemies, and the effect of the skill will change each time the skill is used:

・1: The team facing the black pipe side takes 50% more damage for 60 seconds
・2: Cleanse 1 debuff from the entire team facing the white pipe side
・3: The team facing the white pipe side takes 50% more damage for 60 seconds
・4: Cleanse 1 debuff from the entire team facing the black pipe side
(Continue from 1st effect after this)


Salvation for Everyone

EX Deal 999999 damage to all enemies. (this attack removes invulnerability effects)

Servant of the Servants of the Saints

Passive Apply following effects to self and the choir depending on the number of debuffs that Gregorius possesses:

・Safe (4~5 debuffs): Increase damage taken by 200%
・Warning (2~3 or 6~7 debuffs): Increase damage taken by 100%, increase Attack by 20%
・Danger (0~1 or 8+ debuffs): Increase Attack by 40%


Solemn Choir

Passive The choirs on the left and right sides will have their Attack increased by 100% after completing their chorus in 40 seconds after appearing.
When the choir's HP drops below 1%, it will collapse and become unable to attack.


Passive If a debuff that modifies Gregorius's stats is applied, the same effect is replicated on the choir.

The choir echoes 100% of damage taken to Gregorius.
At the start of a battle, Gregorius's and choir's Attack is reduced by 30% for 30 seconds
In the second half of the battle, all the choirs move beside Gregorio and sing.
At this time, enemies and allies are gradually strengthened:
・All choirs gain 10% Attack Speed increase every 10 seconds (this effect stacks)
・All enemies, including Special students, gain 300 Cost Recovery 10 seconds (this effect stacks)


The Organ of Suffering

Passive The central pipe organ can only be attacked by EX skills and rotates 180 degrees when its HP is below 1%.
After spinning, it fully recovers HP and cannot be attacked for 30 seconds.

Icon Skill Name Type Effect

Whispers of the Saint

EX Deal 500% damage to all enemies with guaranteed hit, and reduce their Attack by 40% for 120 seconds.

Solemn Repentance

EX The effect applied depends on the number of active debuffs on self:

・5 or fewer debuffs: Cleanse 1 debuff from all allies
・6 or more debuffs: Reduce all allies' Attack by 10% for 120 seconds


Gregorius Chant

EX Depending on the direction central pipe organ is facing, effect will be applied to all allies or enemies, and the effect of the skill will change each time the skill is used:

・1: The team facing the black pipe side takes 50% more damage for 60 seconds
・2: Cleanse 1 debuff from the entire team facing the white pipe side
・3: The team facing the white pipe side takes 50% more damage for 60 seconds
・4: Cleanse 1 debuff from the entire team facing the black pipe side
(Continue from 1st effect after this)


Salvation for Everyone

EX Deal 999999 damage to all enemies. (this attack removes invulnerability effects)

Servant of the Servants of the Saints

Passive Apply following effects to self and the choir depending on the number of debuffs that Gregorius possesses:

・Safe (5~6 debuffs): Increase damage taken by 200%
・Warning (3~4 or 7~8 debuffs): Increase damage taken by 100%, increase Attack by 20%
・Danger (0~2 or 9+ debuffs): Increase Attack by 40%


Solemn Choir

Passive The choirs on the left and right sides will have their Attack increased by 100% after completing their chorus in 40 seconds after appearing.
When the choir's HP drops below 1%, it will collapse and become unable to attack.


Passive If a debuff that modifies Gregorius's stats is applied, the same effect is replicated on the choir.

The choir echoes 100% of damage taken to Gregorius.
At the start of a battle, Gregorius's and choir's Attack is reduced by 30% for 30 seconds
In the second half of the battle, all the choirs move beside Gregorio and sing.
At this time, enemies and allies are gradually strengthened:
・All choirs gain 10% Attack Speed increase every 10 seconds (this effect stacks)
・All enemies, including Special students, gain 300 Cost Recovery 10 seconds (this effect stacks)


The Organ of Suffering

Passive The central pipe organ can only be attacked by EX skills and rotates 180 degrees when its HP is below 1%.
After spinning, it fully recovers HP and cannot be attacked for 30 seconds.

Icon Skill Name Type Effect

Whispers of the Saint

EX Deal 500% damage to all enemies with guaranteed hit, and reduce their Attack by 40% for 120 seconds.

Solemn Repentance

EX The effect applied depends on the number of active debuffs on self:

・6 or fewer debuffs: Cleanse 1 debuff from all allies
・7 or more debuffs: Reduce all allies' Attack by 10% for 120 seconds


Gregorius Chant

EX Depending on the direction central pipe organ is facing, effect will be applied to all allies or enemies, and the effect of the skill will change each time the skill is used:

・1: The team facing the black pipe side takes 50% more damage for 60 seconds
・2: Cleanse 1 debuff from the entire team facing the white pipe side
・3: The team facing the white pipe side takes 50% more damage for 60 seconds
・4: Cleanse 1 debuff from the entire team facing the black pipe side
(Continue from 1st effect after this)


Salvation for Everyone

EX Deal 999999 damage to all enemies. (this attack removes invulnerability effects)

Servant of the Servants of the Saints

Passive Apply following effects to self and the choir depending on the number of debuffs that Gregorius possesses:

・Safe (6~7 debuffs): Increase damage taken by 250%
・Warning (4~5 or 8~9 debuffs): Increase damage taken by 100%, increase Attack by 20%
・Danger (0~3 or 10+ debuffs): Increase Attack by 40%


Solemn Choir

Passive The choirs on the left and right sides will have their Attack increased by 100% after completing their chorus in 40 seconds after appearing.
When the choir's HP drops below 1%, it will collapse and become unable to attack.


Passive If a debuff that modifies Gregorius's stats is applied, the same effect is replicated on the choir.

The choir echoes 100% of damage taken to Gregorius.
At the start of a battle, Gregorius's and choir's Attack is reduced by 30% for 30 seconds
In the second half of the battle, all the choirs move beside Gregorio and sing.
At this time, enemies and allies are gradually strengthened:
・All choirs gain 10% Attack Speed increase every 10 seconds (this effect stacks)
・All enemies, including Special students, gain 300 Cost Recovery 10 seconds (this effect stacks)


The Organ of Suffering

Passive The central pipe organ can only be attacked by EX skills and rotates 180 degrees when its HP is below 1%.
After spinning, it fully recovers HP and cannot be attacked for 30 seconds.

Recommended Units[edit]

Recommended Units
Saki (Swimsuit)
Her EX applies 3 debuffs for 50 seconds, making her one of the best Unit in this raid. Her Sub Skill increases Special student damage, making her very effective with powerful Special attackers like Minori or Nagisa.
Almost the same as Saki. She really shines with her Normal skill, dealing a lot of damage depending in the actual debuffs.
Miyako (Swimsuit)
Solid tank who works as a nice complement for Saki or Mina. Her low cost EX also stands for 50 seconds but she only applies one debuff.
Decent tank who can apply up to 4 debuffs, though 2 are tied to her Normal skill.
Likely the best Striker DPS for this raid.
Any invested AOE Healer will be okay in this raid, though be mindful of damage types on Insane or higher. You will need it to stay alive your strikers in the course of the raid.
The best Special Unit you can have to beat Gregorius in no time. Her AOE EX full charged can deal massive damage to the large groups of targets, especially later on in the fight.
Nagisa has a fairly strong low cost AOE EX and also can apply one defense debuff, albeit with a very short duration.
Hoshino (Swimsuit)
Somewhat less useful here compared to other Light-armor raids, as her buff doesn't work on Special attackers and she's weak to the boss's Mystic attacks on higher difficulties. Still very useful if you're relying on Strikers for damage.
Her Normal skill applies a Defense debuff. Deals decent damage but held back by her single-target focus.
Other recommended Units
Yuzu (Maid)
Miyu (Swimsuit)


Ranking rewards[edit]

Note that listed brackets are for the Japanese server. Global version has differing bracket sizes depending on the region.

Bracket Rewards
1~15000 1200Pyroxene 300Rare Raid Coin 575Raid Coin 1Gregorius Platinum Trophy - Indoor Warfare 1Gregorius Gold Trophy - Indoor Warfare 1Gregorius Silver Trophy - Indoor Warfare 1Gregorius Bronze Trophy - Indoor Warfare
15001~80000 1000Pyroxene 250Rare Raid Coin 500Raid Coin 1Gregorius Gold Trophy - Indoor Warfare 1Gregorius Silver Trophy - Indoor Warfare 1Gregorius Bronze Trophy - Indoor Warfare
80001~180000 800Pyroxene 200Rare Raid Coin 425Raid Coin 1Gregorius Silver Trophy - Indoor Warfare 1Gregorius Bronze Trophy - Indoor Warfare
180001~∞ 600Pyroxene 150Rare Raid Coin 325Raid Coin 1Gregorius Bronze Trophy - Indoor Warfare

Cumulative Score Milestones[edit]

  • 250 000:16Lesser Enhancement Stone
  • 500 000:12Novice Activity Report
  • 750 000:6Totem Pole Fragment 6Ancient Battery Fragment
  • 1 000 000:300kCredits
  • 1 250 000:8Normal Enhancement Stone
  • 1 500 000:6Normal Activity Report
  • 1 750 000:3Broken Totem Pole 3Damaged Ancient Battery
  • 2 000 000:20Eligma
  • 2 500 000:4Advanced Enhancement Stone
  • 3 000 000:3Advanced Activity Report
  • 3 500 000:2Repaired Totem Pole 2Depleted Ancient Battery
  • 4 000 000:150Pyroxene
  • 4 500 000:1Superior Enhancement Stone
  • 5 000 000:1Superior Activity Report
  • 5 500 000:1Intact Totem Pole 1Intact Ancient Battery
  • 6 000 000:20Eligma
  • 7 000 000:32Lesser Enhancement Stone 16Normal Enhancement Stone
  • 8 000 000:24Novice Activity Report 12Normal Activity Report
  • 9 000 000:12Totem Pole Fragment 12Ancient Battery Fragment 6Broken Totem Pole 6Damaged Ancient Battery
  • 10 000 000:500kCredits 150Pyroxene
  • 12 000 000:4Advanced Enhancement Stone 1Superior Enhancement Stone
  • 14 000 000:3Advanced Activity Report 1Superior Activity Report
  • 16 000 000:2Repaired Totem Pole 2Depleted Ancient Battery 1Intact Totem Pole 1Intact Ancient Battery
  • 18 000 000:20Eligma
  • 20 000 000:32Lesser Enhancement Stone 16Normal Enhancement Stone
  • 22 000 000:24Novice Activity Report 12Normal Activity Report
  • 24 000 000:12Totem Pole Fragment 12Ancient Battery Fragment 6Broken Totem Pole 6Damaged Ancient Battery
  • 26 000 000:1.2MCredits 150Pyroxene
  • 29 000 000:8Advanced Enhancement Stone 2Superior Enhancement Stone
  • 32 000 000:6Advanced Activity Report 2Superior Activity Report
  • 35 000 000:4Repaired Totem Pole 4Depleted Ancient Battery 2Intact Totem Pole 2Intact Ancient Battery
  • 38 000 000:20Eligma
  • 41 000 000:3MCredits
  • 44 000 000:32Normal Enhancement Stone 16Advanced Enhancement Stone
  • 47 000 000:200Pyroxene
  • 50 000 000:20Eligma
  • 60 000 000:8Advanced Enhancement Stone 2Superior Enhancement Stone 6Advanced Activity Report 2Superior Activity Report
  • 70 000 000:6Broken Totem Pole 6Damaged Ancient Battery 4Repaired Totem Pole 4Depleted Ancient Battery
  • 80 000 000:8Advanced Enhancement Stone 2Superior Enhancement Stone 6Advanced Activity Report 2Superior Activity Report
  • 90 000 000:20Eligma
  • 100 000 000:1.5MCredits
  • 120 000 000:2MCredits
  • 150 000 000:2.5MCredits
  • 180 000 000:3MCredits
  • 210 000 000:32Advanced Enhancement Stone
  • 240 000 000:5Secret Tech Notes Fragment
  • 270 000 000:8Superior Enhancement Stone
  • 310 000 000:1Gift Choice Box
  • 320 000 000:8Advanced Enhancement Stone 2Superior Enhancement Stone 6Advanced Activity Report 2Superior Activity Report
  • 340 000 000:3MCredits
  • 360 000 000:300Raid Coin
  • 380 000 000:12Advanced Activity Report 6Superior Activity Report
  • 400 000 000:200Raid Coin
  • 420 000 000:3Secret Tech Notes Fragment
Total Score Rewards
80Lesser Enhancement Stone72Normal Enhancement Stone88Advanced Enhancement Stone18Superior Enhancement Stone60Novice Activity Report30Normal Activity Report42Advanced Activity Report16Superior Activity Report30T1Totem Pole Fragment21T2Broken Totem Pole12T3Repaired Totem Pole4T4Intact Totem Pole30T1Ancient Battery Fragment21T2Damaged Ancient Battery12T3Depleted Ancient Battery4T4Intact Ancient Battery8Secret Tech Notes Fragment1Gift Choice Box500Raid Coin120Eligma17MCredits650Pyroxene