Mika/audio: Difference between revisions

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201 bytes added ,  1 year ago
Added battle voices and translations using MTL(automated)(v5 override punctuation)
(Added battle voices and translations using MTL(automated)(v3 auto translate JP only text))
(Added battle voices and translations using MTL(automated)(v5 override punctuation))
Line 162:
| Formation_In_1
| [[File:Mika_Formation_In_1.ogg]]
| <p>OKok。</p>
| <p>OK.</p>
| Formation_In_2
| [[File:Mika_Formation_In_2.ogg]]
| <p>私の出番</p>
| <p>my turn.</p>
| Formation_Select
Line 177:
| Tactic_Defeat_1
| [[File:Mika_Tactic_Defeat_1.ogg]]
| <p>あれ 何でだろう</p>
| <p>whyWhat is thatit?</p>
| Tactic_Defeat_2
| [[File:Mika_Tactic_Defeat_2.ogg]]
| <p>ごめんね私がもう少し うまくやれてたら</p>
| <p>I'm sorry. if I could havei donedid a little better</p>
| Tactic_In_1
| [[File:Mika_Tactic_In_1.ogg]]
| <p>それじゃ始めようか</p>
| <p>let'sShall startwe begin then?</p>
| Tactic_In_2
| [[File:Mika_Tactic_In_2.ogg]]
| <p>今度はあなた達</p>
| <p>thisYou timeguys youthis guystime.</p>
| Tactic_Victory_1
| [[File:Mika_Tactic_Victory_1.ogg]]
| <p>あなた達も覚悟しておいてね</p>
| <p>youYou guys should be prepared too.</p>
| Tactic_Victory_2
| [[File:Mika_Tactic_Victory_2.ogg]]
| <p>こんなの楽勝だよ</p>
| <p>It's such an easy win.</p>
| Battle_Buffed_1
Line 212:
| Battle_BuffSelf_1
| [[File:Mika_Battle_BuffSelf_1.ogg]]
| <p>ちょっと気合い入れようかな</p>
| <p>Let's cheer up a little.</p>
| Battle_Covered_1
| [[File:Mika_Battle_Covered_1.ogg]]
| <p>私はここだよ</p>
| <p>I'm here.</p>
| Battle_Damage_1
Line 237:
| Battle_Defense_1
| [[File:Mika_Battle_Defense_1.ogg]]
| <p>無理無理</p>
| <p>That's impossible.</p>
| Battle_In_1
| [[File:Mika_Battle_In_1.ogg]]
| <p>それじゃ始めようか</p>
| <p>let'sShall startwe begin then?</p>
| Battle_In_2
| [[File:Mika_Battle_In_2.ogg]]
| <p>じゃあ行くよ</p>
| <p>then letLet's go then.</p>
| Battle_Move_1
| [[File:Mika_Battle_Move_1.ogg]]
| <p>ここはもう終わりかな</p>
| <p>Is this the end already?</p>
| Battle_Move_2
| [[File:Mika_Battle_Move_2.ogg]]
| <p>だんだん行こっか</p>
| <p>Let's go gradually.</p>
| Battle_Recovery_1
Line 267:
| Battle_Retire
| [[File:Mika_Battle_Retire.ogg]]
| <p>ここまでかも</p>
| <p>maybeMaybe soup farto here.</p>
| Battle_Shout_1
Line 287:
| Battle_TacticalAction_1
| [[File:Mika_Battle_TacticalAction_1.ogg]]
| <p>私はこっちだよ</p>
| <p>iI'm here</p>
| Battle_Victory_1
| [[File:Mika_Battle_Victory_1.ogg]]
| <p>大したことなかったね</p>
| <p>itIt was no big deal.</p>
| Battle_Victory_2
Line 302:
| CommonSkill
| [[File:Mika_CommonSkill.ogg]]
| <p>これはどうかな</p>
| <p>howI don't know about this</p>
| ExSkill_1
| [[File:Mika_ExSkill_1.ogg]]
| <p>だから祈るね</p>
| <p>soSo pray.</p>
| ExSkill_2
| [[File:Mika_ExSkill_2.ogg]]
| <p>あなたたちのために祈るね</p>
| <p>i pray for you guys</p>
| ExSkill_3
| [[File:Mika_ExSkill_3.ogg]]
| <p>そうだね</p>
| <p>I agree.</p>
| ExSkill_Level_1
| [[File:Mika_ExSkill_Level_1.ogg]]
| <p>あなたたちは通れないよ</p>
| <p>you can't pass</p>
| ExSkill_Level_2
| [[File:Mika_ExSkill_Level_2.ogg]]
| <p>ここから先は進ませないよ</p>
| <p>I can't go onproceed from here.</p>
| ExSkill_Level_3
| [[File:Mika_ExSkill_Level_3.ogg]]
| <p>ここは私が守るから</p>
| <p>I will protect thisyou placehere.</p>
| Growup_1
| [[File:Mika_Growup_1.ogg]]
| <p>こんな強くなっちゃって大丈夫 ちゃんと面倒見きれる</p>
| <p>It's okay to become thisbe strong, like this I can properly take care of you.</p>
| Growup_2
Line 352:
| Growup_4
| [[File:Mika_Growup_4.ogg]]
| <p>力が足りないって思ったことはないけど先生のためならもっと強くなってもいいよ</p>
| <p>I've never felt that I'm not strong enough, but if it's for my teacher's sake, I can be stronger.</p>
| Relationship_Up_1
| [[File:Mika_Relationship_Up_1.ogg]]
| <p>ありがとね 先生 でも私に何かもらう資格なんてあるのかな</p>
| <p>Thank you, sir but do I deserve anythingSensei.</p>
| Relationship_Up_2
Line 367:
| Relationship_Up_3
| [[File:Mika_Relationship_Up_3.ogg]]
| <p>嬉しい 絶対忘れないよ</p>
| <p>I'm so happy, I will never forget it.</p>
| Relationship_Up_4
| [[File:Mika_Relationship_Up_4.ogg]]
| <p>私 堂々と先生の隣に立てるよ頑張るね</p>
| <p>I'll will proudly stand next to you,the teacher. I'll do my best.</p>


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